cover of episode Day 263: The Father's Generosity (2024)

Day 263: The Father's Generosity (2024)

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The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
耶稣:在马太福音中,耶稣阐述了天国的真谛,强调谦卑如孩童的重要性,告诫人们要远离罪恶,并强调宽恕的重要性。他用迷失的羊、无情的仆人和葡萄园中的工人等比喻说明上帝的慈爱和宽恕,以及人应该如何回应上帝的恩典。他还谈到了婚姻的神圣性以及追求完美和舍弃世俗财富的重要性。 耶稣的教诲旨在引导人们走向救赎,强调内心的纯洁和对上帝的爱。他告诫人们要警惕罪恶的诱惑,并用比喻说明上帝的宽恕是无限的,但同时也要求人们要以同样的方式宽恕他人。他强调,真正的伟大不在于财富或权力,而在于谦卑和对上帝的忠诚。 麦克神父:麦克神父对耶稣的教诲进行了深入的解读,他强调了耶稣教诲的实际应用,特别是关于宽恕和去除生活中导致犯罪因素的重要性。他指出,人们常常会因为上帝的慷慨而感到嫉妒,但应该认识到上帝的恩典是无限的,不必嫉妒他人获得的祝福。他还谈到了在现代社会中,人们如何才能更好地实践耶稣的教诲,例如,如何克服网络诱惑以及如何面对难以原谅的伤害。 麦克神父的解读旨在帮助人们更好地理解和实践耶稣的教诲,他强调了在现代社会中,人们面临的各种挑战,以及如何才能在这些挑战中保持对上帝的信仰和忠诚。他鼓励人们要寻求上帝的帮助,去宽恕他人,并接受上帝的恩典。

Deep Dive

Jesus teaches that true greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven is found in humility, like that of a child. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding temptations to sin and warns against despising little ones, as their angels always behold God's face. The parable of the lost sheep illustrates God's relentless pursuit of even one lost soul and His immense joy upon finding them.
  • True greatness is found in humility.
  • Avoid temptations to sin.
  • Do not despise little ones.
  • God rejoices over every soul that returns to Him.

Shownotes Transcript

Fr. Mike takes us through various parables in Matthew such as the parable of the lost sheep, the merciful servant, and the laborers in the vineyard. He invites us not to be envious when others are blessed, but to allow the Father to be generous. Today's readings are Matthew 18-21, and Proverbs 19:13-16.

For the complete reading plan, visit

Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

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