cover of episode Who Was The Bad Guy In WWII? | Niall Ferguson

Who Was The Bad Guy In WWII? | Niall Ferguson

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Niall Ferguson
Niall Ferguson: 本期节目讨论了最近出现的一种说法,即希特勒无意继续二战,并曾向英国和法国提出和平建议,而丘吉尔出于个人恩怨拒绝了这一建议。Ferguson 认为这是一种对历史的严重误读,忽略了希特勒真实意图的关键事实。他指出,希特勒的真实意图并非和平,而是控制,任何暗示相反的人都在进行危险的修正主义。他还批判了Darrell Cooper 的观点,认为Cooper 的观点是纳粹宣传的翻版,他歪曲了历史,将英国在二战中的反击描绘成恐怖主义行为,并将丘吉尔描绘成犹太人的傀儡。Ferguson 驳斥了Cooper 对纳粹在东线暴行的辩解,并指出纳粹的大规模死亡并非意外,而是蓄意政策。他还讨论了德国为何转向希特勒,指出希特勒的崛起部分源于德国人民的怨恨,但也源于他独特的魅力和民族复兴的愿景。Ferguson 认为,希特勒追求战争,最终导致了德国的毁灭,并指出希特勒的一系列战略决策极有可能导致灾难性的后果。他还批判了那些认为如果英国在1940年与德国单独媾和,德国可能会征服大片欧亚大陆,并与日本结盟,孤立美国的观点。Ferguson 认为希特勒的计划并非与英语国家和平共处,而是世界统治,即使在提出和平建议的同时,希特勒也把英国描述为永恒的敌人。他还高度评价了丘吉尔在二战中的作用,认为丘吉尔是英国的救星,甚至可能是西方的救星,他的战时演讲激励了英国人民。Ferguson 指出,如果丘吉尔没有领导英国,英国可能会与希特勒达成协议,这不会是事情的结束,只会给希特勒提供更多机会。他还驳斥了那些认为丘吉尔拒绝与希特勒单独媾和是为了维护大英帝国的论点,并指出绥靖政策失败的原因在于希特勒利用了时间来增强实力。最后,Ferguson 指出,这场辩论并非关于历史,而是关于利用历史来支持对大规模移民的论点,这场辩论试图将对移民和多元文化的辩论与二战联系起来,这是一种险恶的做法。他认为,英国已经成为一个多元民族和多民族社会,这是现实,如果对多元化伦敦的回应是希特勒是对的,丘吉尔是错的,那么这个人可能是问题的一部分。他认为,纳粹主义是对19世纪形成的多元民族社会的强烈抵制,20世纪中叶的教训是,应对多元种族社会的最糟糕方式是种族政策,这种政策不仅追求强制迁移,还追求种族灭绝。他认为,库珀的观点能够在2024年成为热门,是对美国教育和文化现状的严重谴责。他还指出,当前的政治高度反应性,对左翼的回应并非扩大言论空间,而是使所有论点都具有同等可信度。 Ben Shapiro: 对Niall Ferguson观点的回应和补充,主要围绕对历史事件的解读和对当前政治气候的分析。

Deep Dive

A recent podcast conversation has sparked controversy by suggesting that Winston Churchill was the true villain of World War II, needlessly prolonging the conflict. This narrative misrepresents historical facts and omits key details about Hitler's true intentions. Niall Ferguson, a Scottish historian, helps dissect these untruths and provides a more accurate account of Churchill's role, emphasizing his crucial leadership during a critical time.
  • Churchill's wartime speeches were powerful and inspirational, rallying British morale when the odds seemed insurmountable.
  • Hitler's peace offers were not sincere, as evidenced by his private remarks about Britain as an enemy.
  • Had Britain accepted Hitler's terms, it would have paved the way for German world domination.

Shownotes Transcript

Recently, a narrative was introduced to the public conversation that Adolf Hitler wasn’t really interested in continuing WWII, that he offered peace to Britain and France, and that Winston Churchill, driven by some mysterious personal vendetta, refused and kept the war going for his own perverse purposes. This is a gross misreading of history, and conveniently omits key facts about Hitler’s true intentions; anyone suggesting otherwise is engaging in dangerous revisionism. On this episode of the Sunday Special, Niall Ferguson leads us through these untruths. Ferguson is a Scottish historian who is best known for his in-depth analysis of economic history, empire, and global conflicts like WWI and WWII. He doesn’t just recite history—he tells you why it happened, what could have been different, and how the war reshaped our global order.




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