cover of episode Ep. 2071 - OCTOBER SURPRISE! Media Launch UGLIEST Anti-Trump Smears Yet

Ep. 2071 - OCTOBER SURPRISE! Media Launch UGLIEST Anti-Trump Smears Yet

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The Ben Shapiro Show

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Ben Shapiro
Ben Williamson
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
Mark Halperin
Mark Meadows
Myra Guillen
Ben Shapiro:距离美国大选还有不到两周时间,特朗普目前民调领先。民主党将采取"十月惊奇"策略,试图通过负面宣传抹黑特朗普,但这些策略可能无效,因为特朗普的形象已经根深蒂固。提前投票数据显示共和党表现强劲,对民主党构成威胁。哈里斯竞选活动表现不佳,她无法回答有关拜登健康状况的问题,并试图通过向特定群体提供经济援助来争取选民支持,但这在法律上是不可行的。 Shapiro还批评了戈德堡在《大西洋月刊》上发表的一篇未经证实的文章,该文章指控特朗普对阵亡士兵家属使用了侮辱性语言。文章缺乏证据,并且被多方否认。Shapiro认为,这是民主党试图抹黑特朗普的又一次尝试,但这种策略可能不会对选情产生重大影响,因为公众对媒体的信任度已经很低。Shapiro还批评了民主党和媒体对特朗普的攻击,认为他们的行为才是法西斯主义的表现,并举例说明了拜登和哈里斯的言行。 其他参与者:Mark Halperin认为,如果提前投票数据保持不变,特朗普将在选举日之前胜选。Myra Guillen否认了戈德堡文章中的说法,并表示特朗普对她的家人很尊重。Mark Meadows和Ben Williamson也否认了戈德堡文章中的说法。Kamala Harris则在采访中为拜登辩护,并表示她将为美国带来新一代领导力。Joe Biden呼吁将特朗普关押起来。Barack Obama则在竞选集会上为哈里斯助阵,并对美国政治的极化表示担忧。Eminem也为哈里斯助阵。Tim Walz承认民主党利用Liz Cheney,但不会采纳她的建议。Brent Buchanan则分析了当前选情,认为特朗普略微领先,并解释了民调的局限性以及特朗普竞选策略的有效性。Glenn Beck则认为特朗普目前占据优势,并批评了媒体的偏见和政府的操纵。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are Republicans outperforming expectations in early voting?

Republicans are voting early in higher numbers than in 2020, defying media expectations.

Why is Kamala Harris struggling in the polls?

Harris has lost momentum due to her inability to connect with voters and lack of a strong campaign message.

Why did Jeffrey Goldberg publish an unverified story about Trump?

Goldberg aimed to smear Trump as anti-Latino and anti-military in the closing days of the campaign.

Why is trust in media at an all-time low?

Media consistently runs unverified stories and covers up bad news about Democrats, leading to skepticism.

Why is crime a major concern for Americans?

Crime rates are perceived to be rising, and people want safer communities and effective law enforcement.

Why is Donald Trump seen as a stable candidate in the polls?

Trump's polling numbers have remained consistently between 46-48% throughout the election cycle.

Why are Democrats using Liz Cheney as a campaign surrogate?

Democrats are using Cheney to appeal to moderate Republicans without intending to implement her policies.

Why is there concern about deep fakes in elections?

Deep fakes can create chaos by spreading false information close to election day, leaving no time for verification.

The podcast discusses the current state of the election race, highlighting Donald Trump's apparent lead and the media's focus on October surprises.
  • Donald Trump appears to have the lead in the election race.
  • The media is focusing on October surprises to potentially change the trajectory of the race.

Shownotes Transcript


Well, folks, we are now less than two weeks out from Election Day. Donald Trump appears to have the lead going into the homestretcher, and that means it has come. The October surprise. We'll get to that in one second. First, your reminder, in five days, Am I Racist? The decade's number one documentary streams exclusively at Daily Wire Plus, October 28th.

but you need a Daily Wire Plus membership to watch. Join right now at slash subscribe. Use code DEI for 35% off your new membership. Do not miss out. Alrighty, so the state of the race. We need to explain the state of the race because otherwise the October surprise doesn't make a lot of sense. The state of the race is that Donald Trump appears to be ahead going into the home stretch. In fact, poll analyst reporter Mark Halperin yesterday said as much. He said that if the early voting numbers hold up the way they are right now,

And if the same day voting, the day of voting, goes the way that it did in 2020, Donald Trump will have wrapped up this election before the election day even begins. Because basically, Democrats need to win it in the pregame or they're going to lose it day of. Here's Mark Halperin explaining just yesterday. Morning, everybody. Let's lead with the lead, as they say in journalism. If the early vote numbers stay the way they are, and that's a big if, we'll almost certainly know before election day who's going to win the election. We're going to talk a lot about that.

the reasons why Democrats might be underperforming, the prospect that they'll recover. But again, make no mistake, if these numbers hold up in the states where we can understand even partially what the data is like, we'll know that Donald Trump's going to be president on Election Day.

And Halperin is not the only one saying this. The Washington Post reported yesterday dozens of states have opened in-person early voting locations. Turnout has been robust. In Georgia, more than 1.6 million people had cast in-person ballots by mid-morning on Tuesday, nearly one-third of the total vote from four years ago. North Carolina hit 1.4 million on Tuesday, the sixth day of early voting. In Nevada, Republicans voting in person have outnumbered Democrats, which is an amazing reversal from four years ago. Nationwide, over 18 million Americans have already cast ballots in person or by mail.

Republican participation is radically up from where it was in 2020 when Donald Trump encouraged people not to vote early. Now, tons of Republicans are voting early. And what that means is that in states like Nevada, there are serious danger signs for Democrats. According to John Ralston of the Nevada Independent, he's an excellent reporter over there. Breitbart reports this. He's been reporting the early vote numbers showing a GOP lead and flashed the warning to Democrats late Monday evening out west.

Ralston noted that since the rise of the political machine that late former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid built for Democrats, this has never happened. The Republicans have amount what amounts have opened what amounts to an unprecedented in modern times lead in early voting over Democrats in Nevada. So Kamala Harris is running really, really weak in the early voting thus far. Now, again, it could be that that's cannibalizing the day of voting.

It's possible that the people who are voting right now are people who would have voted Election Day normally, or it's possible that Republicans have actually gotten smart. And many of the people who weren't going to show up on Election Day are now voting early just to get it done. By the way, if you are voting early, that is a good thing. Voting early is good because the party for which you are voting can see that you have voted. They don't have to waste campaign resources going to your door and door knocking you if they already know that you voted. A senior official working on

Harris's campaign is already sounding the alarm about the Veep's narrowing electoral path, according to NBC News. Three sources with knowledge of the campaign strategy say the campaign is worried the blue wall could at least in part go red this November. One senior campaign official told NBC there's been a thought that maybe Michigan or Wisconsin will fall off and added that North Carolina may no longer be in reach.

If they lose North Carolina and they lose, say, Michigan or Wisconsin, very difficult to see how the Democrats win the election because they would have to at that point peel off Georgia. And Georgia looks like it is moving steadily toward Donald Trump in this electoral cycle. Politico saying the same thing. They're pointing out that the time is ticking off the clock for Kamala Harris.

Vice President Kamala Harris and former Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney descended on the crucial Milwaukee suburbs Monday night and sitting side by side delivered compelling political sermons. The problem was they were preaching to the converted. The event was explicitly aimed at moderates and one time Republicans who remain up for grabs and may decide the election. But the rhetoric seemed better suited for those in the audience wearing Lincoln Project and Kamala T-shirts. They've got a problem on their hands. And so it is now time to pull out all the stops.

It's now time to pull out all the stops. So there are a couple of ways to do this. One would be for Kamala Harris to run a better campaign. That, of course, is very, very unlikely. Very unlikely she's going to run a better campaign because she's not a good candidate. Hilariously, there was an op-ed in The Hill two days ago wondering if perhaps Joe Biden was, after all, a better candidate than Kamala Harris, which, of course, is what Joe Biden has been saying all along despite being dead. Kamala Harris, for her part, can't even answer simple questions as to whether Joe Biden is sentient and alive.

She will not answer questions on the decline of the person she shoved off the back of the train and stole his nomination. Here she was in a clip from NBC News trying to explain Joe Biden's mental state. This is their candidate.

You have made it clear that you believe this is a binary choice between you and Donald Trump. That's those are the candidates on the ballot. There's only two choices. And I know that Joe Biden is not on the ballot. I understand that. But the reason that you are at the top of the ticket is because he dropped out of this race. And so I want to ask you, and it was largely because of that debate performance back in June. You defended him in the days before and in the days after as you were campaigning for another four years for President Biden.

Can you say that you were honest with the American people about what you saw in those moments with President Biden as you were with him again and again, repeatedly in that time? Of course. Joe Biden is an extremely accomplished, experienced and and and capable in every way that anyone would want if their president. And you never saw anything like what happened at the debate night behind closed doors with him?

It was a bad debate. People have bad debates. Should he? He is absolutely. But that's the reason why you're here and he's not running for the top of the ticket. Well, you'd have to ask him if that's the only reason why. What do you think? I am running for president of the United States. Joe Biden is not. And my presidency will be about bringing.

a new generation of leadership to America that is focused on the work that we need to do to invest in the ambitions and aspirations of the American people.

This lady has absolutely nothing. The reason that she has lost all steam is because she's got nothing. She can't even answer the simple question, why are you in that chair and Joe Biden isn't in that chair? When everyone in America knows the answer to that question, including, of course, Kamala Harris. So now she's basically been relegated to throwing out bribes to various constituency groups. So just a couple of weeks ago, she pledged that she was going to hand out a million, basically grants of 20 grand to black people.

There's going to be forgivable loans. Well, now she's doing the same thing for, wait for it, Latinos because she's been losing Latino vote. She put out a statement yesterday, quote, Donald Trump has disrespected and insulted Latino men and communities as president. I will invest in them. What does that mean? It means that she will help Latino men and others start and grow small businesses with no interest loans or deferred loan repayments and fully forgivable loans up to $20,000. So just bribery now. We are now in the realm of open bribery.

By the way, you are not allowed to give out government grants by race. That is illegal in the United States. So this is her campaign and it's failing. And so now, now has the time come for the October surprises. The Democrats have a problem when it comes to October surprises with Donald Trump. This has been true for years and years and years and years. Donald Trump is a monster made out of mud. And when you throw more mud at a monster made out of mud, it turns out he just looks like a monster made out of mud. Donald Trump is the black socks of presidential candidates.

Black socks, they never get dirty. The longer you wear them, the blacker they get.

That is who Donald Trump is. The more you throw at him, the more he just looks like Donald Trump because he is the most well-established political figure in the American mind in my lifetime and my parents' lifetime as well. There is no one in America who does not have an opinion about Donald Trump. Right now, the question is not for undecided voters what they think about Donald Trump. The question is what they think about Kamala Harris. Donald Trump's numbers have been incredibly steady for the entirety of this election cycle. If you look at the national polling,

Donald Trump's national average polling has been between 46 and 48 percent the entirety of this entire race, the entire race. If you go back to when Joe Biden was in the race, Donald Trump was at 47 percent at his height. He's at 48.1 percent today. He's at 48.3 percent in the real politics polling average. He has never been below 46. He has never been above 48. He's absolutely steady. Kamala Harris, by contrast, she has gone down. She has gone up right before she jumped into the race.

She was in the high 30s. Then she jumped into the mid 40s. Now she's still in the upper 40s. She could go back down again. There's a lot more variability for Kamala Harris. And this is why I say that Donald Trump appears to have the advantage in the race, because any news that breaks is likely to change opinions about her, not about him. So Democrats are getting desperate and they're pulling out all the stops and they've gone back to the well.

They've gone back to the well. They've gone to their favorite Obama stenographer, a man with his head so far up Barack Obama's ass that he could actually spot polyps in Obama's colon without a colonoscopy, Jeffrey Goldberg. Jeffrey Goldberg is the editor of The Atlantic. The Atlantic is owned by the former wife of Steve Jobs. It's a big Kamala Harris donor. The Atlantic also happens to be a place that is trotted out

absolute moral, morally repugnant human beings like Ta-Nehisi Coates and treated them as moral exemplars. The Atlantic, of course, and Goldberg in particular, has trotted out lines about Donald Trump that have been unverified before. You already called it back in 2020. It was Jeffrey Goldberg who trotted out the suckers and losers line about Donald Trump.

It was Jeffrey Goldberg who retailed the story that Donald Trump had gone to Normandy and then claimed that dead soldiers at Normandy Beach were suckers and losers. And everybody around Trump was like, he never said that. And Jeffrey Goldberg ran with it anyway. He had promised on cable news that he would provide some verification for the story. He never did. Well, now he's back and he is better than ever. There's a story at the Atlantic in which Donald Trump is cursing the family of a dead soldier of Latino descent.

for the great crime of having submitted a bill for him to pay for a funeral for this person. So I'm going to read you the story and then you'll see how it's being treated by the media. Now, there is no evidence this story is true. Let us be clear. There is no evidence. He is basing this entire story on once again, anonymous sources. And there is no reason to grant anonymity in these particular discussions. You're talking about the most grave accusation of the election cycle. He's granting anonymity to his sources. And we know from history that if you are the person who reveals this,

It doesn't ruin your life. You are treated as a hero of the republic by the entire legacy media. You will be able to bank on speechmaking for the rest of your life. You will have your bills paid by the Bill Gates's and George Soros's of the world if you come out today and levy this kind of accusation against Donald Trump to Jeffrey Goldberg. And Goldberg still couldn't find anybody to go on the record here.

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So here is Jeffrey Goldberg's nonsense story. Quote, in April 2020, Vanessa Guillen, a 20-year-old Army private, was bludgeoned to death by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood in Texas. The killer, aided by his girlfriend, burned Guillen's body. Guillen's remains were discovered two months later, buried in a riverbank near the base after a massive search. Guillen, the daughter of Mexican immigrants, grew up in Houston, and her murder sparked outrage across Texas and beyond. Fort Hood had become known as a particularly perilous assignment for female soldiers. Members of Congress took up the cause of reform.

Shortly after her remains were discovered, President Trump himself invited the Guillen family to the White House. With Guillen's mother seated beside him, Trump spent 25 minutes with the family as television cameras recorded the scene. In the meeting, Trump maintained a dignified posture and expressed sympathy to Guillen's mother. Quote, I saw what happened to your daughter, Vanessa, who was a spectacular person and respected and loved by everybody, including in the military, Trump said. Later in the conversation, he made a promise. If I can help you out with the funeral, I'll help. I'll help you with that. I'll help you out financially. I'll help you out.

Natalie Kalam, according to The Atlantic, is the family's attorney and responded, I think the military will be paying, taking care of it. And Trump replied, good. They'll do a military. That's good. If you need help, I'll help you out. Later, a reporter covering the meeting asked Trump, have you offered to do that for other families before? And Trump responded, I have. Personally, I have to do it personally. I can't do it through the government. The reporter then asked, so you've written checks to help for other families before this. Trump turned to the family still present and said, I have, I have because some families need help. Maybe you don't need help from a financial standpoint. I have no idea. I think it's a horrific thing that happened. If you did need help, I'm going to, I'll be there to help you.

A public memorial service was held in Houston two weeks after the White House meeting. It was followed by a private funeral and burial in a local cemetery. Highways were shut down. Mourners lined the streets. Five months later, and here's where we get to the dicey part. Five months later, the Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy, announced the results of an investigation. McCarthy cited numerous leadership failures at Fort Hood and relieved or suspended several officers, including the base's commanding general. In a press conference, McCarthy said the murder shocked our conscience and forced us to take a critical look at our systems, our policies, and ourselves.

According to a person close to Trump at the time, the president was agitated by McCarthy's comments and raised questions about the severity of the punishments dispensed to senior officers and non-commissioned officers. In an Oval Office meeting on December 4th, 2020, officials gathered to discuss a separate national security issue. Toward the end of the discussion, Trump asked for an update on the McCarthy investigation.

Christopher Miller, the acting secretary of defense, was in attendance, along with Miller's chief of staff, Kash Patel. At a certain point, according to two people present at the meeting, Trump asked, did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost? According to attendees and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting, an aide answered, yes, we received a bill. The funeral cost 60 grand. Trump became angry, quote, it doesn't cost 60,000 bucks to bury an effing Mexican. That is the takeaway quote.

He then supposedly turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order, don't pay it. Later that day, he was still agitated. Can you believe it? F-ing people trying to rip me off. Kolam, according to Goldberg, the family attorney, told Goldberg she sent the bill to the White House and no money was ever received by the family from Trump. Some of the costs, Kolam said, were covered by the army. Some were covered by donations. Ultimately, Guillen was buried in Houston.

OK, so that's the story, right? This is the bombshell story. And this is all of a piece with Jeffrey Goldberg's take on Donald Trump, which is that Donald Trump has scorned for the American military. Now, this is a very, very weird accusation to make about Donald Trump, because the reality is that Donald Trump with members of the military is terrific. If you go and see him with members of the military, this dude likes members of our military. He cares for members of our military.

This is somebody who has gone out of his way to talk about strengthening the American military in a way that Democrats never would. And yet the attack on Trump is that somehow deep in his heart, not only does he hate the American military, this is like the intersectional apotheosis of accusations about Donald Trump. He hates the military, which means he's unpatriotic. And also he hates Mexicans who were murdered. He hates female Mexicans who were murdered, according to The Atlantic, according to Jeffrey Goldberg. Now, I've read you the story.

There is a problem with the story. The only record that Jeffrey Goldberg can come up with with regard to the story is from anonymous sources. Every other person who is mentioned in the story denies the story. Everyone. Hey, so who are these people?

So, for example, there is the sister of the slain woman whose name is Myra Guillen. Quote, she tweeted this. Wow, I don't appreciate how you are exploiting my sister's death for politics. Hurtful and disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members. President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family and Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today.

How about Mark Meadows, whose chief of staff, Kash Patel, is supposedly in this meeting? Quote, I was in the discussions featured in the Atlantic's latest hit piece against President Trump. Let me say this. Any suggestion President Trump disparaged Ms. Guillen or refused to pay for her funeral expenses is absolutely false. He was nothing but kind, gracious, and wanted to make sure the military and the U.S. government did right by Vanessa Guillen and her family. But wait, there's more.

Ben Williamson, the spokesman for Mark Meadows, said, quote, President Donald Trump absolutely did not say that. He was nothing but kind, gracious, wanting to make sure the military and the U.S. government did right by Gloria Guillen and her daughter, Vanessa Guillen. As to the allegation that Trump told him to refuse payment, quote, that is not true. OK, these are the quotes that he sent to Jeffrey Goldberg. Look how Jeffrey Goldberg spun those quotes. So that is a flat denial by Ben Williamson, the spokesperson for Mark Meadows. Here is what Jeffrey Goldberg then wrote in the story. Quote, he provided this would be one of the aides.

He provided statements from Patel and a spokesman for Meadows who denied having heard Trump make the statement. That is not what he said. He didn't deny having heard Trump make the statement. He said Trump never made the statement. That is not the same thing. If I was in the room for a discussion and somebody asked me, it's a discussion with my business partner, Jeremy Boring. And somebody asked me, did Jeremy say that? And I said, no, he didn't say that. And then what you report is Ben Shapiro said,

That he had never heard Boring make the statement, that implies that he did make the statement. I just didn't hear it. But that's not what he said. He flat denied it. Hey, this is typical Jeff Goldberg shtick. Jeff Goldberg is a Democratic operative. He has always been a Democratic operative.

He's always been a stenographer for the Democratic Party, and he's trotting this out in the closing days of the campaign to try and smear Trump as anti-Latino, to smear Trump as anti-military and unpatriotic. And the media are running with it. Again, this is an unverified story. There are no sources, zero, zero sources on the record backing this particular story.

It doesn't matter to CBS News. They led with it last night because they want Americans to know that Donald Trump is unpaid. Now, do I think this is going to have any impact on the race? I really don't. Because number one, I think trust in media is at an all-time low. Number two, I think that Trump has said so many things that have been perceived as outrageous for 10 years that this just throw it on the pile, especially an allegation that he said a thing. But here's CBS News doing its damnedest anyway.

Two weeks from Election Day as the final battleground sprint is underway. Every hour matters for these candidates as they try to reach as many voters as possible in the key states that will decide this election. For Donald Trump, that meant speaking at a roundtable in Florida at his golf club, courting the Latino vote. After that campaign stop, a new report

that Trump, while president, used the F-word to describe a murdered Mexican-American soldier. That story is that Trump scoffed at the price of a funeral he offered to pay for private Vanessa Guillen, something Trump's team tonight denies.

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You should have to have a source for something like this. You should actually have to quote the source for something like this. Do they do that? Of course not. Jeff Goldberg, of course not. And he did this exact same shtick last time. This is not even new. This is the second time around that he has done this. He did it in 2020 with the suckers and losers lie. And now he's doing it with the Vanessa Guillen story. And again, the family denies it. The family denies it. And they're like, why are you running this story?

And Jeff Goldberg ran with it. And so did CBS News because they have to stop Trump at all costs. So here come the October smears. And believe you me, there will be more between now and the election. There will be more smears. The media are focused on it. They're like white on rice when it comes to digging up some sort of scandal that will try and tip the election over a very, very close election, closest election in modern American history over to Kamala Harris. The same media

that have worked to cover up every bad story about a Democrat for my entire lifetime. They are digging like crazy to find anonymously sourced stories that likely are not true in order to come after Trump. Okay, so that is October surprise number one that broke yesterday. And that was combined with October surprise number two. They're dragging out the corpse of John Kelly to talk about Donald Trump.

Now, of course, John Kelly is alive. He's fine. Thank God. No, everybody should be healthy. But John Kelly has not been relevant to the American political conversation for four years. The last time he was relevant is when they were trotting him out during the last election cycle to talk about how Donald Trump was a very bad man who was Hitlerian and dictatorial and fascistic and all the rest of this kind of stuff. John Kelly is, of course, the former chief of staff for Donald Trump. He was fired by Donald Trump. And he's basically spent every waking moment since then retailing how much he hates Donald Trump and how Donald Trump is a fascist.

So John Kelly did an interview with the New York Times in which he suggested that Trump was a far right authoritarian and suggested also that Donald Trump had once made warm comments about Hitler having done some stuff.

So that Jeffrey Goldberg story in The Atlantic mentioned some of the same stuff. Jeffrey Goldberg, again, reported, quote, Former generals who have worked for Trump say the sole military virtue he prizes is obedience. As his presidency drew to a close and in the years since, he has become more and more interested in the advantages of dictatorship and the absolute control over the military he believes it would deliver. Quote, I need the kind of generals that Hitler had, Trump said in a private conversation in the White House, according to two people who heard him say this, people who are totally loyal to him that follow orders.

And John Kelly then backs those sorts of narratives that Trump once suggested that he wants generals like Hitler had or that he once said that Hitler had done some good things like build the Autobahn. OK, throw this on the pile. Just throw it on the pile. Is this going to change anybody's opinion of who Donald Trump is? Donald Trump says a lot of stuff and he says a lot of stuff in uncomfortable ways that I would prefer he not say them.

But is the implication that Donald Trump is actually like an anti-Semite, that he actually is like big on Hitler's Holocaust? Is that the implication here? Because let me just get this straight. Most pro-Israel president in American history, a man I visited the Rebbe's Ohel with, a person who read from the book of Tehillim, from the book of Psalms over the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. This person is the anti-Semite?

The one who met with a hostage family, an American Israeli hostage held by Hamas in Gaza. That one, the one who has Jewish grandkids. So your implication is that because one time he said in a private conversation with John Kelly that Hitler revitalized the German economy. That's actually John Kelly's accusation that because of that, that that somehow is evidence that of what of what other than historical ignorance. What is that evidence of precisely?

That's evidence that he is secretly, secretly he's a Nazi? That is the accusation? Seriously, guys, this is what you're retailing. He's the person I have to worry about when it comes to fascism? This doesn't wash. I'm sorry it doesn't wash. And it particularly doesn't wash coming from a Democratic Party and media who have been so overtly warm toward the fascistic excesses of the current administration. Let me give you two examples from yesterday alone.

So yesterday, Joe Biden was out campaigning. I know he's been deceased for a while, but the dead vote Democrat and Joe Biden was out there campaigning. And he just said the fascistic part out loud. He said someone needs to lock Donald Trump up. He needs to be locked up. Now, Donald Trump said that same kind of stuff about Hillary Clinton back in 2016. He was a candidate for the presidency at that point.

He was not the president. Then he became the president. And you know what didn't happen? Locking Hillary Clinton up. In fact, his DOJ never even investigated Hillary Clinton. However, Joe Biden has activated his DOJ to investigate Donald Trump for everything up to and including improperly washing his underwear. The DOJ has been activated on every front to go after the political opponents of this administration, from Elon Musk to Donald Trump.

And here was the man who is in charge of the DOJ saying that Donald Trump must be locked up two weeks before an election. But don't worry, Trump one time said something about Hitler. But really, we should just ignore this. We should just ignore that the sitting president of the United States was a candidate until five minutes ago when they decided to swap out his still moldering corpse for Kamala Harris. That that person is saying out loud that the person who's currently leading in the polling and is likely to be the next president of the United States needs to be put in jail.

But don't worry, Trump is the fascistic threat to American democracy. Here's Joe Biden. So I know this sounds bizarre. It sounds like I said this five years ago. You'd lock me up. We got to lock him up. Politically lock him up. Politically lock him up. He tries to walk it back. What does that mean, politically lock him up?

He knows exactly what he said. Then he tried to walk it back to politically. That doesn't even make any sense. What are you even talking about? You want him to be in jail. We know it. You activated your DOJ to do it. It's not just that you said it. It's that you did it. So that's example number one. Let me give you another example.

Again, Kamala Harris has done this interview with NBC News in which she babbles and says nonsensical things and makes a fool of herself. But one of the things that she has asked about is religious exemptions for performing abortion. So she, of course, is an abortion fanatic, loves abortion, huge into it, fun and games. So she has asked by NBC News, by Hallie Jackson,

You know, when it comes to abortion, there are a lot of religious hospitals. Would you create exemptions in the law to allow religious hospitals not to perform abortions? And here's her answer.

What concessions would be on the table? Religious exemptions, for example? Is that something that you would consider? I don't think we should be making concessions when we're talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body. To Republicans like, for example, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, who would back something like this on a Democratic agenda if, in fact, Republicans control Congress. Would you offer them an olive branch or is that off the table? Is that not an option for you? I'm not going to engage in hypotheticals. Not going to engage. OK, so let's just be clear what she's saying in this clip.

There is a fundamental freedom in the United States Constitution. It is enshrined in the First Amendment. It is freedom of religion, which means freedom of religious practice. That is in the Constitution of the United States. You know what's not in the Constitution of the United States? The right to an abortion. That is not, in fact, a fundamental American right. It isn't. And you can vote in your state if you wish the state to not criminalize this activity. You can do that if you're in California, New York. That is a constitutional activity.

It is not a fundamental American right and has never been a fundamental American right to kill babies in the womb. What she is saying is that freedom of religion is not a fundamental right and abortion is. That sounds a little fascistic to me. As a religious person, it seems a little scary that the person who wants to be president of the United States says that if you are a Catholic charity hospital, you must perform abortions. That's what she's saying right there. Hey, that's fascistic.

She has served under an administration that has expanded executive power and attempted to use it in defiance of the Supreme Court in extraordinary ways. She pledges to do the same if she becomes president of the United States. And I'm supposed to worry that Donald Trump once made dumb historical references to John Kelly. That's what I'm supposed to worry about. This is projection. It is projection. It is gaslighting. And this is what the Democrats in the media are doing all the damn time.

Let me give you another example from yesterday. So Democrats are pretending to be very, very upset that Donald Trump has suggested that there are enemies within the United States. No, no, he can't say that. That's so divisive. Him saying there are enemies within the United States. So here is Donald Trump saying it. And then we'll talk about the response from Democrats. How are you going to guard against the bureaucrats undermining you? Well, they're going to undermine. Well, I always say so.

We have two enemies. We have the outside enemy and then we have the enemy from within. And the enemy from within, in my opinion, is more dangerous than China, Russia and all these countries, because if you have a smart president, he can handle them pretty easily. I handled I got along great with all of them. I handled them. But the thing that's tougher to handle are these lunatics that we have inside, like Adam Schiff, Adam Shifty Schiff. Think of this guy's going to be a senator.

He's running against a guy that doesn't understand politics at all, Garvey. But he was a good baseball player. But he doesn't understand politics at all.

Adam Shifty Schiff, who's a total sleazebag, is going to become a senator. But I call him the enemy from within. When you look at the danger he put our country in, potentially with Russia, with a phony made-up deal that he made up with Hillary and some bad people, that started off as an excuse for why she lost an election that a lot of people thought she should have won, because the polls indicated she might win, and then she got beaten everywhere, virtually.

When you look at that, and then they said, ah, it was Russia. They used it as an excuse. And then the fake news picked it up. Okay, so do I like when political opponents label each other the enemy from within? I really don't. I don't like that very much. In fact, I don't like it on either side, which is why I've been condemning it my entire political career. I don't like it. There are actually, by the way, enemies within. For example, an enemy of the United States within would be whoever in the Defense Department decided to leak Israel's war plans on Iran to Iran.

That person should be in jail. That person should be arrested forthwith. The FBI is currently doing an investigation. I'm talking about the enemy within. There are, in fact, people in the government who are enemies of the United States inside the U.S. government. Those people need to be ferreted out and prosecuted under criminal law. OK, so that really exists. But when you say you're political, and believe me, I think Adam Schiff is a scumbag. I think Adam Schiff is a liar.

Do I think that Adam Schiff is a greater threat than, say, China or Russia? I have my doubts. But it's the reaction I want to point out here. So members of the left wing media, members of the Democratic Party who are perfectly fine with demonizing everybody on the right for my entire lifetime are very upset that Donald Trump would say anything remotely like this. So Jon Stewart, who has made an entire living by sneering, like just making faces at people he disagrees with and treating them.

as forms of a lower humanity. He's very upset that Donald Trump would talk about the enemies within. By the way, this is during the same presidency where Joe Biden went in front of a blood red Independence Hall and called ultra mega Republicans a threat to the Republic. So spare me the crocodile tears here. He is literally saying that. He is literally saying that. Literally, he is saying the enemy

Like, shifty-shift and Pelosi. You can't just pretend that he's talking about something else. This is what gets us to the ultimate problem, which is this. Is any of this Trump says real? How are we supposed to understand what's bullsh** and what isn't? Kamala Harris, she's got to have an 80-page presentation on exactly how this opportunity economy is going to function and how it's going to be paid for. Meanwhile, the standard for Trump is emotional vicinity. Yeah.

Apparently, it doesn't actually matter if the things he says are true. And if you try and dig down on the lies, he only gets liar. So Jon Stewart being frustrated by the fact that people take Trump seriously, but not literally, which has been true his entire political career. I'm sorry, this doesn't wash. What are we supposed to do about the fact that Joe Biden said yesterday that his political opponents should be locked up, that Donald Trump should go to jail? That seems like declaring him an enemy within.

I mean, the entire Democratic Party has done that to Trump since he decided to step down the golden escalator in 2015. Jim Acosta did the same thing on CNN and all the same people who retailed Russiagate suggesting that Donald Trump was in fact a tool of the Russian government, which is to say definitionally an enemy within. I'm very, very upset that Donald Trump would say anything like that about the people who labeled him that. So I'm asking you, if Donald Trump orders Trump

people inside this country, citizens like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi to be arrested. You're saying I think I just heard you a few moments ago saying you would not go along with that. So why not denounce what the former president is saying when he calls them the enemy from within? Jim, first, shouldn't that be denounced? Let's be very clear. Donald, Matt, are you going to let me answer your question? Here you go.

Donald Trump's been president for four years already. When he was president of the United States, did he weaponize the Justice Department against his political rivals? No, he did not. When he was president of the United States, did he order the National Guard or Secret Service or the US military to go after his quote unquote rivals? No, he did not.

As a matter of fact, there's been two attempts. Congressman, I've been at a lot of Trump rallies where they were chanting, lock her up. You want an answer? I'm going to give you an answer. You may not like it. Well, it has to be in line with reality. Congressman, the reality is you've been you've been to Trump rallies when they when they chant, lock her up about Hillary Clinton. All right.

Acosta is a joke. Byron Donaldson is giving him exactly the correct answer, which is Trump was president. We already know what he's going to do. What are you even talking about? But this is the gaslighting. They do the thing they say that it's bad. Trump wants to do. They do it. And then they say it's bad that Trump articulates something in the vicinity of the thing that they are actually doing. No one buys it. And if you do, you're a fool.

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that the media are trotting out their latest anti-Trump oppo-dom. Why don't people care? You know, he says so many bad things. Oh my God, Trump said another thing. Oh my God, somebody said he said a bad thing years ago. And then an anonymous source said he might've said the bad thing, but maybe didn't say the bad thing. But that's the thing. Trump just has so many. Here's the thing. We don't give a,

We don't care. Here's why we don't care. The reason we don't care is because there are real issues that affect real people in this country. And the media don't care about those things. They pretend that those things don't exist. In fact, they pretend that those things are counterproductive to discuss. Let me give you a quick example. So we're in Los Angeles this week. I was speaking at UCLA, doing a few other media appearances and wanted to visit some family in town.

So it's like a Tuesday night and we decide that we're going to get together for dinner with some friends from L.A. So we stop on by pretty nice area of the city, well-lit area of the city, not particularly late at night.

We have dinner. We finish about 1030. So we're not talking like one o'clock in the morning in a bad area. We're talking about a pretty nice area of the city, 1030 at night. So we say goodbye. My wife and I head up the street. And because unfortunately, we now have to have 24-7 security. Well, the good news is that at least means that we're safe. We have 24-7 security. Not so for our friends. We take off down the street one way and they start walking back to the car the other way. They get to their car. The minute that they get to their car, a white Hyundai without plates pulls up directly in front of them.

Three young black men jump out, description relevant because they are criminal suspects, still at large. Three young black men jump out of the car. They grab my friend who's getting into the car. They yank him out of the car. They grab his watch. They grab his keys. They grab his wallet. They grab his phone. They then sprint around to the other side of the car and start grabbing his wife to yank her jewelry off of her. She kicks and she screams and she yells. And that little bit of resistance, people start to notice. There's one lady who's driving by. She calls the cops.

They don't want more trouble, so they immediately jump back in the car and they take off like a bat out of hell down the street. So this is not the first time this has happened to my friend and his wife. They were telling us at dinner that just a few months ago, actually, they were in downtown Los Angeles and they were accosted by a homeless person who kicked my friend's wife in the back and then threatened him with a knife.

This sort of stuff has become common in major cities in the United States. And we're told instead that don't worry, don't worry. Why are you paying attention to that? The crime rates are going down. Everything is going swimmingly in the new America. Everything is wonderful. Inflation, who cares about that? It's totally fine. And if you're upset about your economic circumstances, it's just because you don't know enough. You're ignorant. That's the reason. And if you care about crime, if you're concerned about crime,

If you watched A Crime in Progress like five seconds ago, that's just because you don't understand enough about systemic American racism. It's because you don't understand enough about the legacy of slavery in the United States and the need for racial reparations. It's because you haven't searched deep within the cockles of your own heart for sympathy and empathy. And that's why we can't have enough cops in the city of Los Angeles, one of the most understaffed major cities in the United States.

That is precisely why we have to make sure that cops can't actually do their job. We have to make it so that if they do do their job, maybe we will prosecute them, which means they don't even bother to try and stop crime a lot of the time preemptively. That's why it takes 15 minutes from this incident to the time the police arrive. So are we supposed to believe that the biggest issues in the country are whatever Donald Trump said four years ago? Are we supposed to believe that?

When the media say the biggest issue in the country right now is that boys who think they're girls can't go into girls' bathrooms and that's bad. Are we supposed to believe that that's an issue that we're supposed to care about? Seriously, are we supposed to believe that the biggest issues in the country are

Are things like Ta-Nehisi Coates wondering about systemic American discrimination? Like, is that really how people live in the country? The answer is no. You know what most people want? They want not to be robbed and walking down a major thoroughfare in Los Angeles. They would like to be able to go shopping without spending twice what they were spending just a few years ago. They would love to be able to send their kids to a school where their kids are not indoctrinated with a bunch of gender nonsense that perverts their brain.

People would love to be able to go to their job, earn a paycheck, come home to their family or start a business and succeed. These are all things that Americans want and they are not priorities for the media. What are the media concerned about? Well, Donald Trump did say a bad thing the other day. Donald Trump did say a mean, bad thing the other day. He's a big orange mean man. He's probably Hitler. Guess what? We don't believe you. We don't think you care about us. You don't care about us. So we don't give a what you have to say. It doesn't make a difference.

All Americans want is a better quality of life. And you have obscured those wants and needs of the American people in favor of a perverse political narrative that completely disregards what Americans are actually looking for, which is just some basic sense of good governance. That's it. It ain't that hard. But that is the reason why you want to retell another story about Donald Trump saying bad, mean things. You know, you go for it. But I promise you, Americans don't care.

And so speaking of gaslighting, and it makes you nuts. It makes you absolutely nuts. And it's designed to do so. So again, the claim today is that Donald Trump cursed the memory of a Latino soldier who was murdered. A female Latino soldier who was murdered. He cursed her memory as a Mexican. Nonsense. Jeffrey Goldberg's reporting it with zero sourcing and it's leading the CBS Evening News. It's crap. I'm just going to put this out there. It doesn't even sound like something that Trump would say. It's absurd. Okay, that's story number one. Story number two is that they're dragging out John Kelly yet again for another round of Trump is Hitler.

And then they're saying, well, Trump's going to target his enemies from within. The entire Democratic Party right now is providing cover for pro-Hamas protesters across the country. The entire Democratic Party is currently threatening Israel with an arms cutoff in the middle of a war against the Nazis of today, Hamas and Hezbollah and the Iranian regime.

And I'm supposed to believe that Donald Trump is the Hitlerian threat to the Joe Biden yesterday said that he wants to arrest Donald Trump and he has already sicked his DOJ on Donald Trump. And I'm supposed to believe that Trump is the fascistic authoritarian threat to the United States. I'm sorry. Bull. Then they tried out Barack Obama, who himself radically expanded executive power and destroyed whatever political comedy we had in the country. Barack Obama was a historically dangerous president.

Look at the polls of Americans' beliefs about race in the United States and racial comedy in the United States. This man did more than any other man of my lifetime to wreck the body politic in this country. And yesterday, he was campaigning for Vice President Harris, and he's asking crocodile tears streaming down his cheeks how we got so toxic and bitter. Oh, I don't know. It was you. The gaslighting is insane.

You can sense a little anger here. I don't like being lied to. I don't like when partisan politicians like Barack Obama pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. I don't like that at all. Here's Barack Obama doing it yesterday at a campaign rally for Harris. I don't understand how we got so toxic and just so divided and so bitter. And I get why sometimes people just don't want to pay attention to it. And we all have friends like that. We have family members who are just like, ah, you know, it's all...

It's all a circus out there. I get that. How did it get toxic, Senator? It was you. This guy spent his entire political career ripping his political opponents as the worst people in America. There's a great piece over at The Daily Wire running down all the things that he said about his fellow Americans. 2008. I want you to talk to Republicans, whether they're independent, whether they're Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.

2009, I don't want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I'm angry. April 2008, on his opponents, quote, they get bitter. They cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiments or anti-trade sentiments as a way to explain their frustration. 2010, he declares the members of the Tea Party, the most polite protest group in American history. People got together and held events talking about cutting government spending. He called them tea baggers, which is a vulgar slang

for people who perform particular sexual activities. 2010, talking about the GOP taking back the House of Representatives. Quote, if they're successful in doing that, they've already said they're going to go back to the same policies that were in place during the Bush administration. We are going to have hand-to-hand combat up here on Capitol Hill. 2014, he said racism was deeply rooted in American society.

How did we get so polarized? Hell, it's a, I don't even know. The entire media in 2010, I remember I was there calling the Tea Party terrorists. It's beyond reason. It really, really is. And pretending that these people have any credibility to talk about bringing the country together is an absurdity at the highest level. Now, by the way, speaking of bringing people together around lies, so yesterday at this Kamala Harris rally,

Barack Obama shows up. It's in Detroit. And they bring forth Slim Shady, Eminem, Marshall Mathers. They bring him forth. Eminem is now 52 years old. Yes, all of your childhood icons, they've gotten old. Eminem is 12 years older than I am. His last good song came out 20 years ago, something like that. In any case, he introduced Barack Obama at this rally. Now, the hypocrisy here is absolutely astounding. Astounding.

Why is it so astounding? Because have you ever read an Eminem lyric? Like just read it? This is a campaign. Kamala Harris's campaign is built around we care about women. All we care about is women. Toxic masculinity. Let me read you some Eminem lyrics. Quote, there's a four-year-old little boy laying dead with a slit throat in your living room. Ha ha. Or how about this? Let me add my two cents. Of course I side with Chris Brown. I'd beat a bitch down too if she gave my dick an itch now. That's an Eminem lyric. Or how about...

You miss Cheney with the freest of speech. The divided states of embarrassment will allow me to have you or maybe, you know, there is. I take seven kids from Columbine, stand them all in a line at an AK-47, a revolver, a nine, a Mac 11, and it ought to solve the problem of mine. And that's a whole school of bullies shot up all at one time. He seems like a really nice person, like a really nice person. Probably he should introduce the former president of the United States to introduce the current presidential candidate.

He seems like an absolute delight. This is a person who has in his lyrics talked up rape. He was talked to murder. But don't worry, he's an icon in Detroit. So it's fine. It's fine. Now, by the way, if he had introduced Trump, you know what I'm saying would be front page news across the country. But this went completely without comment by the media. Here was the real Slim Shady doing his routine. He's now turned into a rich suburban white man endorsing Kamala Harris. He's turned into a white dude for Harris. As most of you know,

The city of Detroit and the whole state of Michigan mean a lot to me. And going into this election, the spotlight is on us more than ever, and I think it's important to use your voice. So I'm encouraging everybody to get out and vote, please. I also think that people shouldn't be afraid to express their opinions. And I don't think anyone wants an America where people are worried about retribution or what people will do if you make your opinion known.

I think Vice President Harris supports a future for this country where these freedoms and many others will be protected and upheld. And here to tell you much more about that, President Barack Obama. Don't worry, guys. They care about women. They care so deeply about, so much worrying about women. And then, oh, the bro hug. By the way, then Obama got up and he started doing lyrics from Eminem.

Celeb collabs and misogyny. That's what they're in for. But we're supposed to believe them. We're supposed to believe that they are all the things that they say. They're such liars. They're just, they're such liars. And they tried out Tim Walls as well, by the way, to rip on Elon Musk. You want to talk about hypocrisy? How about Tim Walls, the inflatable at the used car lot, saying that Elon Musk skips around all weird when he's campaigning for Trump. No one has weirder hand motions than Tim Walls. He's directly from a Bob Fosse musical.

This dude unconsciously does jazz hands. And here he is ripping on Elon Musk's bodily motions. The man's like a Muppet. Here we go. Elon's on that stage, jumping around, skipping like a dipshit on these things. You know it. Just ridiculous people, ridiculous people. And they're going to dump out whatever bucket of garbage they have on Trump. They're going to dump it all out on Trump. And you know what? I don't think it's going to make one bit of difference.

Because once again, Donald Trump has been hit with everything, including bullets. I do not think that barring some cataclysmic scandal, the likes of which we have not heard over the course of the last 10 years. And that's a very small category. Anything is changing the trajectory of this race for Democrats. This is a desperation play, clearly a desperation play.

So the toxic foolishness of the Democratic Party has now been extended out to the useful idiots. So Kamala Harris has been out on the campaign trail campaigning with Liz Cheney. Who the hell is Liz Cheney bringing in? Like seriously, who's the swing voters? Like, oh my God, I was just waiting for Liz Cheney to announce her endorsement of Kamala Harris. That's going to be huge. When I say useful idiots, here's why I say that Liz Cheney is a useful idiot. The reason Liz Cheney is a useful idiot is because zero of her priorities, zero, will be forwarded by Kamala Harris.

So the Democrats will fet her. They will treat her as a wonderful human being, a true heroic figure. Chris Matthews, that's what I say. He's back. Explain how Liz Cheney, she's the best. We love Liz Cheney now. Yeah, we hated her dad. Yeah, that was the worst. That was Satan. But she's great, Liz Cheney. She's just wonderful. Come on in here. I'll rumple. Come out of the show. Then we just go, go.

I've never seen a more heroic figure than Liz Cheney. She lost her state probably forever. She lost her party. She lost her leadership in the Republican House. She could have been on her way to speaker. It was very probable she gave it all away in the interest of truth.

That's what she stood for. It's amazing to me how few people have gotten behind her. But now one person that's got behind her is Kamala Harris. And those sitting together, those two women, as you say, on that stage is remarkable because there's such courage there from Liz Cheney. And I cannot say anything that would stop me from saying she's been unbelievable.

Unbelievable. Unreal. Well, if she's so amazing, maybe you should take her cues on some other political issues. Oh, wait, you won't. Here is Jon Stewart getting Tim Walz, the vice presidential candidate, to admit that they hate Liz Cheney and they are simply using her as a cutout. They will never listen to anything she has to say. Here's Jon Stewart making Tim Walz say the quiet part out loud. The Cheney thing...

Do we really have to do that? Look, it goes broad in that. Look, Bernie Sanders, Dick Cheney, Taylor Swift. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Having the Cheneys on board. You can't Dick Cheney or Taylor Swift. We're a big country. Did Taylor Swift get us to invade? No. OK, so then Tim Walz goes ahead and he explains, don't worry, we won't listen to anything she has to say. Nothing.

Right. We'll ignore everything she has to say. And we're a little embarrassed that we're bringing out the Cheney family, but we're happy to use them for political. This is like the definition of useful idiocy. This is why when I say the Democratic Party, they are users and abusers. They have a far left agenda. You'll implement it no matter what. They will smother it.

in a crust of lies. They will pretend that the Republican Party is the authoritarian party while simultaneously trotting out their now deceased president to claim that he's going to jail his political opponents after having activated his own DOJ to do so. Kamala Harris will be out there explaining that that dude is perfectly sane and not senile at all. And also, she is going to unleash

basically racial bribery in the election while simultaneously suggesting that religious freedom is not a core function of the constitution. Like this is the party you want really? This is the, and you're going to do all that because what Jeffrey Goldberg is trotting out another story.

I don't think so. Joining us online is Brent Buchanan. He's president and founder of Signal, an international public opinion polling and analytics firm. He's done an awful lot of work for U.S. presidential, Senate, and gubernatorial campaigns, 538, New York Times. They've recognized Signal as the most accurate private polling firm in the United States. Brent, thanks so much for taking the time. Really appreciate it. Hey, great to be with you, Ben.

So I'm going to ask you the obvious question up front. What's the state of the race right now? We're hearing that Trump has the momentum. Some people like Mark Halperin saying that if he can read the early voting sort of chicken entrails, then it looks like Republicans are doing really well. Looking at the state of the race right now, just hard and fast, who do you think is winning and why?

It's really close, and I would give Donald Trump an edge. And there's a couple reasons for that. One, Kamala Harris has insane amounts of money. And when you think about who is yet to be decided in this race, it's lower information individuals. They tend to be younger, less educated, and they just haven't tuned into this race. And so to cut through, you've got to spend incredible amounts of money. It's why both candidates are doing these huge pushes simultaneously.

on all kinds of non-traditional media right now. Secondly, if you look at the map, the reason I give Donald Trump an edge is he's going to win Arizona. He's going to win North Carolina. It's highly likely he wins Georgia. So it puts those Sunbelt states out of play, which means she has to run the full sweep of the Rust Belt, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. And right now, I would say she has a slight edge in Pennsylvania. It's just a really challenging, expensive state.

And if you're looking at where can Trump pull out that final state, right now it looks like Michigan.

So, you know, looking at sort of the state of the race, it's very difficult to read these polls. You know, I'm reading the poll averages, same as everybody else, from Nate Silver or FiveThirtyEight or RealClearPolitics. And the poll averages are even different depending on which polls are included and which polls are not included. One of the big questions that I have in reading these polls is the polls were pretty bad in 2020 on a state level. On a national level, they were off significantly, but on the state level, they were really off pretty significantly because Joe Biden had major leads in many of these states. He ended up winning by bare tens of thousands of votes in some of these states.

So how much have pollsters adjusted their modeling? And how do we know how they've adjusted their modeling? When you're looking at a likely voter screen, it's always very difficult to tell how that's constructed and also whether that's going to be accurate or not, because Trump brings out such a strange coalition. A huge number of low propensity voters show up for Donald Trump that don't show up in sort of a traditional election cycle. So when you're creating that likely voter screen to determine what the actual outcome of a poll looks like, does it look like 2022, 2020, which was also an outlier election, 2016, how

what kind of adjustments have been made? How much is it taking into account the weirdness of an election in which Trump is involved? Well, you first have to ask yourself, why would somebody pay for a poll? Because they're not free. Uh,

And once you've figured out, okay, is there some kind of reason that the poll, they're wanting the poll to look this way. So that's the first screen in my mind when looking at a poll. When you're screening in voters, I mean, any survey that doesn't start with the voter file, you've got a question. When I go look at a poll, and I do this for a living, I don't start at the top of the poll. I scroll to the bottom of the poll because I want to see how it's constructed. What is the partisan breakdown? What's the gender breakdown? Specifically, what's the educational attainment breakdown? And

Because if you go back 10 years ago, educational attainment really didn't matter as an indicator of partisanship. And now it's become one of the most important aspects of predictiveness of partisanship. And so if it's often any of those factors, sometimes I won't even go to the rest of the poll. I won't scroll back to the top because I won't care what the presidential race is or the Senate race is because the polls just constructed wrong. It's constructed in a way that doesn't look like any past election.

And this can happen for a couple different reasons. You've got older people and more educated people are more likely to answer surveys. And the Trump coalition that you're talking about is not older and is not more educated. And so that is how some of these misses have happened in the past. I really do think that the shy Trump voter is less and less a factor. I mean, this is the third time the guy is on the ballot.

And if you look at his ballot share in each of these states, not just the margin at which he's at, it's the highest he's ever been in pretty much every state that he's polling in and including nationally. And I think part of that is the corrections that have been made in polling in the past and the fact that fewer people are worried about saying they're for Donald Trump. I mean, I live in Arlington, Virginia, which is basically a communist compound. And you would be shocked at how many Trump signs are up in Arlington, Virginia right now.

So let's talk about the Trump coalition. There's been a lot of talk about it being multiracial, about being more working class. There's also been some talk, Harry Enten on CNN recently suggesting that actually he's underperforming what he did in past elections with working class white men, for example, which seems strange to me that he would be underperforming when Kamala Harris is on the other side of the ballot when she obviously from from the way her campaign is approaching things.

Is she seeing internals that suggest that that may be untrue? Because they're making a heavy effort to draw out black men. They're trying to send out Tim Walz as a bizarre surrogate for working class white men. What do you make of the reports that he's lagging in particular sectors where he's done better before?

Well, right before this interview, I went back and looked at the 2016 exit polls 2020. And then I compared that to our most recent national poll. And if you look at white voters in 2016, they voted 20 points more for Donald Trump. And that was 17 points more for Donald Trump in 20. And right now we only have it at four points more for Donald Trump. And so I think that's more a factor of

that segment of voters being more undecided because exit polls don't have an undecided option. You either walked in a voter for one or the other or maybe a third party candidate. And so that's the best way to read that right now. But if they're looking at the same polls that we have access to, they are seeing that there is opportunity in white working class voters. I don't know why they're going after white working class men because the gender gap is back and the gender gap actually looks a whole lot more like 2016.

the men as a whole just didn't perform as well for Trump in 2020. And so as we look at that gender aspect, it's actually looking more like 2016, which is positive for Trump. But if you go back to the 2016 exit poll, black voters, 8% for Trump, 2020, 12% for Trump. Our poll currently has him at 20% with black voters. So I mean, just this massive increase in appeal to non-white voters. And it makes a lot of sense. I saw a chart the other day that showed

conservative, moderate, liberal, and white Republicans have kind of stayed conservative, Hispanics and blacks have stayed moderate, and white Democrats have just fallen off into this leftist liberal pool. And so they don't look anything like Democrats of 20 years ago, and white and Hispanic voters are looking at those folks saying,

Why did you go insane? Because I don't believe that. That's not what I look like. And they're starting to consider the Republican Party that, of course, is more conservative than them. But at least it's not wacky leftists.

You know, this is part of the thing I think about Trump that people have completely ignored is that his excesses are rhetorical. His policies are more moderate than any Republican candidate of my lifetime. If you actually look at what he's done with the Republican platform on, say, abortion or completely ignoring same-sex marriage or a wide variety of issues that used to be sort of the key litmus test of conservatism in the country, he's put those things on.

All the way off to the side. I mean, there's a person who campaigned in 2016 saying he's not going to touch Medicare or Social Security and then won. And so he's taken a bunch of what would have been sort of the hard right rock with Republican issues and just dispensed with them. And so he actually has occupied the middle of the of the political spectrum positionally, which is one of the reasons why I think he's he's outperforming Democrats. I think they read him as a radical while ignoring the fact that politically the dude is the most centrist Republican.

Republican that we've had running in the United States for probably my entire lifetime. Oh, completely. And I think it's also causing a little bit of a problem in the religious community. I don't know if you saw the ASU survey that George Barna put out of how many tens of millions of evangelical Christians are going to sit this election out. And you go back and look at 2016, what did Trump do? Well, he said, I'm going to appoint very conservative Supreme Court justices. And here are their names. Here's a list. And

And it was that inflection point in the campaign where conservative voters started to consider, okay, well, this, you know, this guy who this moderate from New York, I might be willing to support him if this is the type of people he's going to appoint for the Supreme Court. So I think it's an issue that in this next two weeks in the final stretch of the campaign, the Trump campaign could benefit from figuring something out that they can hang and say, look, this religious right, this is what we're going to do for the next four years for you. Because I think

The religious right just hasn't heard anything from them because, as you mentioned, a lot of these policies are centrist, which is pulling voters in. And I think it's one of the missing parts of this campaign cycle is that every each side is saying, look at this new type of voter we're getting. OK, the Dems are saying we have Liz Cheney and the neocon Republicans coming over. And Republicans are saying, look, we have black and Hispanic men coming over. But nobody wants to talk about who left their coalition.

And I think when you look at the religious right, it actually is an area that they're saying, what do we get out of this coalition?

So let's talk for a second about the ground game. There's been a lot of talk about the ground game variation between the Republicans and the Democrats. It's obviously been a major concern of mine. I'm hearing very conflicting opinions on exactly how good is the Republican ground operation. They've outsourced it to outside groups, whether it's Elon Musk, whether it's Turning Point USA. The Democrats, of course, are pretty famous for having a very, very solid ground operation. What do you make of concerns about the ground game? How much does ground game matter in an election like this?

Well, ground game is just another touch. And when you think about these lower propensity voters, they just need a whole lot more touches. And so knocking on their door a few times is helpful. But I will say that when you think about ground game, the reason the Democrats have been so successful is because it's not something that they say, oh, guess what? Three months to the election. Let's go throw people on the doors.

They do it year round. They build within the communities. And I'm very appreciative for what these outside groups are doing to help Donald Trump. But we as a Republican Party have got to figure out what is that ecosystem that we can build within communities, not just pay people 30 bucks an hour to go knock on doors. I think it's important. I think it's helpful when

you know, we're doing tracking studies every single day in a couple of key States right now. And you can see when and where the other side puts people on the doors. Cause it starts to show up in what's called the scene red herd flow, where have you seen red or heard anything about, uh, this campaign or candidate. And, and we don't necessarily see those same spikes on the Republican side. And I think it's just because it's newer, uh,

It's a much smaller audience of who is getting their door knocked. I mean, if you ask people, have you ever been polled? I would guess that number is even smaller than the number of people who say that their door has ever been knocked. So, you know, final question for you. We're looking forward now a couple of weeks. I know that I can't ask you about unknown unknowns because who the hell knows what's going to drop. One of the things I find it difficult to believe is that there's going to be any story that drops about Donald Trump, barring, you know,

He had sex with a horse or something that radically changes the nature of this race going forward on the Trump side of the equation. I know there have been a couple of oppo dumps on him, the suggestion that he made disparaging remarks about a dead Latino soldier, which, again, is unverified. Jeffrey Goldberg is trotting that one out today. John Kelly has been brought back, resurrected to make accusations about Donald Trump liking Hitler, which I find personally strange since –

Once again, I visited the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson with Donald Trump two weeks ago, and he didn't seem super Hitlerian at the time. I feel like I would have noticed the mustache. So, you know, given the fact that Trump has been absolutely stable in these polls, I mean, this is the point that I've been making this entire election cycle. This election is really not about Donald Trump. It's really about his opponents. Donald Trump has polled consistently between 45 and 48 percent.

in pretty much every poll. He's pulling better now than he ever has in the past. He's up in the 48, 49, 50% range in virtually every national poll. What do you think could change in the next two weeks? And if you had to hazard a guess, do you think that it benefits Trump or do you think that it benefits Harris?

Well, you have to understand why would they do something like that? And I want to lay out that I no longer believe elections are about persuasion. I think they're only about persuasion to turn out. And so if you think about what they're drawing out here in terms of who is this going to turn out, that is the lens in which you've got to understand why they would bring these things up. And if you

Some of the things that Donald Trump has said is the exact reason that he is appealing to men of color right now. And so they actually risk turning out more men of color by bringing out things that might sound ridiculous or outrageous to a certain segment of the voters that already hate Donald Trump. It might actually backfire on them and make some of these non-white men go crazy.

That dude's actually pretty cool and come out. And I know that sounds completely ridiculous, but that is how elections are run now, is you do and say things and advertise all for the purpose of getting a segment of the voters to look up, pay attention and show up to vote, not because they work for Kamala and now they're going to vote for Donald Trump. Well, that is Brent Buchanan. He does a wonderful job as president and founder of Signal. Thank you so much for your time and insight. Really appreciate it. Thanks, Ben.

Joining us online is my friend and mentor, Glenn Beck. Glenn, it's great to talk to you. It's been a while. Mentor. I know. How are you? Yeah, well, I mean, we've both gotten old, dude. I mean, we've been around for a while. You don't look it. You don't look it. It's good to talk to you, Ben. Thank you.

So I want to jump into the book with you in just one second. Brand new book out called Propaganda Wars. First, I got to get your take on the election, obviously. So it feels like Donald Trump has the momentum. We're about a week and a half out from the election. And now the oppo dumps have begun. Where do you think we stand?

I think things look good for the president. I hate to say that. I don't feel like I don't want to jinx anything. But I think all the momentum is going his way. I think the interview on Joe Rogan on Friday was,

Could either throw things off the track or put it right in place to where where he will win. Kamala is just running a horrible campaign and everything that they're doing now shows they're they're just grasping at straws.

Well, Glenn, obviously, I agree. You know, the danger for the country, obviously, if Harris wins, I think people they feel it. And this sort of fake joy that was supposed to be infusing all of us the moment that Joe Biden was, you know, summarily executed and thrown off the back of the political bus.

It's so strange. And my new book is called Propaganda Wars. And you see this happening just in the last few, just in the last few months when Donald Trump survived the assassination, he was,

He he was exuberant. He was strong. The the convention happened and you actually felt joy from that convention. It was happy. It was like a Reagan convention almost. And then the the Democrats wanted to fake that whole thing. These people are so incredibly fake.

And so they went on the joy campaign and that thing has just fallen apart and they're right back to, you know, okay, he's the devil.

And he's Hitler. He's Mussolini. He's every bad person we can think of, except for Mao, because we kind of like Mao. I mean, it is it's incredible how they have have taken this and use the press. Has it's never been more clear that it is a propaganda arm of, I would say, the Democratic Party. But more importantly now, the the government, it is an arm of the government of the United States of America.

Glenn, you can see this in action actually just today. Obviously, The Atlantic, using Jeffrey Goldberg, who, of course, is a stenographer for the Democratic Party, puts out this crazy story that is completely unverified by any actual source about Donald Trump apparently cursing the memory and the family of a slain man.

woman of Latino origin who is an American soldier. And Trump, by the testimony of the family, was always great to them, very nice to them. Everybody who's in the room denies that this is actually what happened. They run with it anyway. CBS News leads with it. The complete manufacturing of narrative, which you talk about in Propaganda Wars, it really is insane. And it is making us insane. I mean, it makes us feel gaslit. It makes us feel like, what the hell is going on around us? What exactly are you supposed to believe when your sources of information are so corrupted?

But you and I have been doing this long enough now, Ben, that we both know it's at its end. The American people are on to it. And I was just talking to former Prime Minister Liz Truss today because we were talking about the collusion now between the Labour Party and the UK government and our government with Harris' campaign and the Biden White House campaign.

of trying to literally kill Elon Musk's Twitter. Also, the collusion on strategizing the campaigns and things, this is a major problem now where our governments and like-minded socialist leaders and globalist leaders are all working together and leaving their people behind.

It's not a coincidence. We all have these borders that are being overrun and our governments are treating anyone who says, hey, this isn't what I voted for. This doesn't seem good for my country. The politicians treat them as second class citizens that need to be shut up.

And the media calls it all far right extremists that are saying that. That's what's happening in the entire West. This is not about Republicans or Democrats. This is about a global effort by big business, big politicians, the governments and the media all over the Western world colluding to

To fundamentally change the West into a place where we become serfs. You know, Glenn, I think that's totally right, especially when you say it feels like it's coming to an end. You can feel that it's coming to an end because the disconnect between the sort of distraction tactics, the shiny objects that the propaganda machine would love for you to pay attention to and the actual quality of daily life has become too broad for people to take. It's that gap that has emerged.

that has made people unable to ingest the propaganda anymore. When things are going basically okay, okay, then whatever narrative you're throwing out there, maybe that's my concern of the day. But it turns out that when bad things are happening in the country and you can feel them in your life, then whatever stupid thing you're saying Donald Trump said today, it does not matter to me. I had this experience last night. I talked about it a little bit on the show today. We're out in LA today because I was at UCLA and doing some media out here and went out to dinner last night. Fairly nice area of the city, well-lit area.

We finished dinner at like 1030 at night. We have 24 seven security the same way you do, but my friends don't. So we walked down one side of the street. My friends go back to their car. They walk about 25 feet. They get into their car. The minute they get in their car, a white Hyundai pulls up in front of them. Three young black men. I give the race because they're still suspects at large. Jump out of the car. Grab my friend out of his car. This is last night. Grab my friend out of his car.

grab his watch, grab his wallet, grab his keys, grab his phone. They then rush around to my friend's wife. They start trying to assault her and take her stuff. She screams and she kicks and then realizing it's going to be a bit of a fight. They get in the car and they and they run away. They are still at large. And I'm supposed to care this morning that Donald Trump said something that John Kelly didn't like. And I'm supposed to believe that Donald Trump is Hitlerian. Like, give me give me a break. Just give me a break. It's ridiculous.

It is, it's in the Declaration of Independence, the second paragraph. I can't remember. I'm going to badly paraphrase it. But people will put up with these usurpations, these problems, the loss of freedom and the things they don't like.

Until they just are not bearable any longer. We don't want to have conflict as people. We don't like change as people. But there comes a time when it when you realize this is going to destroy the life that I know if I don't stand up and we're at that point.

right now. But the media and the governments, the Democratic Party, are trying to gaslight you to make you feel like you're crazy. The good news is, while they've tried to separate us from talking to one another, it's not like it was during COVID. COVID changed things for the worse and then later actually changed it, I think, for the better. People started talking and going, you know, this doesn't make any sense.

Now that we're talking, the propaganda machine has got to silence the vote, the voices. And that's why Der Spiegel, when they said last weekend that Elon Musk is target number one or sorry, target number two, Donald Trump is target number one. He's absolutely right.

He is one of the last people that can actually stand at the gate and keep that gate of free exchange and ideas open. If he's gone, you know what happens, Ben? One of the things that we talk about in. Go ahead.

I'm sorry, I was going to say, when it comes to Elon, one of the things that you can see in terms of the propaganda war against him is just the way that the media swivel on people the minute that they express politics that are unpopular. So for a while, Elon was the toast of the town because, of course, Elon was doing amazing things like starting a giant electric car company and launching things into space and all this kind of stuff. And now it's like they're running pieces about the white supremacy inherent in rocket launches because they have to do whatever they can to stop him because he has now crossed the propaganda machine. And it's,

It's bizarre to believe and to see how many people buy into that on the left. It's just, there is mental, true mental illness, uh, in this country. They have been so frightened, terrified, whatever, that they are no longer seeing logic. They don't know how to think through. They're just living in the lizard brain, which is really, really, uh,

disturbing for so many people. One of the things I want to make sure I hit is deep fakes. I've been talking about deep fakes and AI now since the 90s, and we are finally here. There have been 4 billion people that have gone to the polls in the Western world this year. 4 billion people are voting. It's more than any at any other time in human history.

And deep fakes have reared their ugly head in several elections outside of the United States. And I fear the pattern is with these deep fakes that they happen the day before or the day before the day before the election. They usually happen within two days and they have thrown chaos into these elections.

And we talk about it and all of the ramifications of deep fakes and and everything that the government is doing in conjunction with some of the really evil players in the world in propaganda wars. And I urge you to tell your listeners and tell everybody, you know, don't believe anything, even if it comes out for your side in the last two days.

because you won't have any time to verify. And even if it comes out for Donald Trump against Harris, don't believe it. Don't spread it because this is an extraordinarily dangerous thing. Well, folks, go check out the brand new book, Propaganda Wars, already soaring up the bestseller charts. Of course, it's a Glenn Beck book. So of course it is Propaganda Wars, how the global elite control what you see, think and feel. Glenn, really appreciate the time. Thanks for stopping by. Congrats on the book. You Beck. God bless you.

I've been. All righty, guys, get ready. In five days, the decade's number one grossing documentary is coming exclusively to Daily Wire+. That is correct. Am I racist? You missed it in theaters? Don't worry. Now you can see it. Our own Matt Walsh's hit movie arrives Monday, October 28th. You'll need a Daily Wire Plus membership to watch it. We've made it easier than ever by putting our memberships on sale. Head on over to slash subscribe. Use code DEI for 35% off your new Daily Wire Plus membership. Am I racist?

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Already coming up, we'll get to the Trump campaign. Donald Trump is slated to stop by Joe Rogan a little bit later this week. Plus, we'll get to the most irritating form of Kamala. I have it for you. It's here. If you're not a member, become a member. Use code Shapiro. Check out for two months free on all annual plans. Click the link in the description and join us. The question everyone in America is asking, am I racist? Get a Daily Wire Plus membership to see am I racist? This is all I have.

Did you want to? I can help you guys out. Yeah. Go to and sign up now. I've been told because I'm a white male, kind of at the top of the pile, how do I get down from the top? I don't think you necessarily can. We're getting past all the talk about racism. We have to love each other. It can't be that simple. How do we get to a point of racial harmony? It's good to talk to you.

We're still on a journey, all of us together. I think you've got some journeying to do. Just talk to me about the statistics. We have an epidemic. 20 million crimes a year. 6,000, 7,000 hate crimes. No, there's no epidemic. Why are we talking about statistics? This is not a matter of statistics. Well, you asked me about the statistics. Am I racist? Coming to Daily Wire Plus on October 28th. Rated PG-13.