cover of episode Ep. 2065 - This Worldview Is TOTALLY EVIL…And It’s Now Mainstream

Ep. 2065 - This Worldview Is TOTALLY EVIL…And It’s Now Mainstream

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Ben Shapiro
Philip Patrick
Ben Shapiro: 本集节目讨论了塔·纳希西·科茨的极端世界观及其在美国左翼的影响。沙皮罗认为,科茨的观点是邪恶的,它将某些群体定义为受害者,而另一些群体则被定义为加害者,并认为受害者群体有权使用暴力和恐怖主义。这种观点已渗透到民主党精英阶层和欧洲左翼,对美国的团结和安全构成威胁。沙皮罗还批评了奥巴马和哈里斯的观点,认为他们与科茨的观点难以区分,都基于受害者-加害者的二元对立。他还批评了民主党对普通民众的轻蔑态度以及他们对事实和真相的漠视。 Ta-Nehisi Coates: 科茨在节目中被沙皮罗批评为煽动种族冲突,他的观点极端且具有破坏性。他为10月7日袭击事件辩护,并表示如果自己是巴勒斯坦人,可能会参与杀戮。在他的著作《Between the World and Me》中,他将一次电梯冲突解读为美国种族主义历史的缩影,并对9·11事件漠不关心。他认为受害者群体有权对任何人做任何事,并认为事实是无关紧要的。 Trevor Noah: 诺亚在节目中被沙皮罗批评为对科茨的观点表示认同,他将10月7日袭击事件比作美国革命,这体现了左翼思想的道德错乱。 Barack Obama: 奥巴马在节目中被沙皮罗批评为试图将特朗普的经济成就归功于自己,并呼吁黑人选民支持卡马拉·哈里斯,仅仅是因为她是黑人。沙皮罗认为,奥巴马的观点与科茨的观点难以区分,都基于受害者-加害者的二元对立。 Kamala Harris: 哈里斯在节目中被沙皮罗批评为为2020年暴乱者保释,并试图将自己与飓风救灾联系起来,但被德桑蒂斯驳斥。沙皮罗认为,哈里斯的观点与科茨和奥巴马的观点一致,都基于受害者-加害者的二元对立。 Gretchen Whitmer: 惠特默发布的一段视频被沙皮罗认为是对天主教徒的嘲讽,这体现了民主党对普通民众的轻蔑态度。 Philip Patrick: 帕特里克在节目中分析了卡马拉·哈里斯的经济计划,认为该计划模糊不清,主要包括增税和增加支出,这将导致经济增长放缓。他还讨论了全球央行大量购买黄金的情况,这表明他们对未来经济增长缺乏信心。

Deep Dive

Ta-Nehisi Coates's worldview, which justifies violence based on victimhood, has become increasingly prevalent in the United States and the West. This is evident in his recent comments justifying the October 7th attacks and his broader ideology that victimhood justifies violence.
  • Coates's worldview justifies violence based on victimhood.
  • Coates justifies the October 7th attacks.
  • Coates's ideology is becoming mainstream in the Democratic Party and the left.

Shownotes Transcript


Folks, there is a worldview that has now become prevalent in the United States and across the West. It is actually evil, not just mistaken, actually evil. I want to talk about that today because it has consequences for our politics and for election 2024. First, become a DailyWare Plus member today. Get instant access to unparalleled election coverage from the most trusted voices in conservative media.

Make sure to join us on election night for the best live coverage and insights as the polls close from the entire DW team. Got a lot going on that night. It's going to be an amazing show. Hopefully it'll be a victorious show for Donald Trump. Don't miss a single moment of this historic race with Daily Wire Plus as your election headquarters. Head on over to slash subscribe and join the fight right now. So there is a clip that is now going around the internet of Ta-Nehisi Coates. Ta-Nehisi Coates is a racial conflagrationist author.

who believes truly terrible things. He's been given pretty much every award that our stupid society has to offer, that our self-defeating white liberals have to offer. He has, for example, received over the course of his career a wide variety of awards. He was given, for example, a MacArthur Fellowship from the MacArthur Foundation. He won a George Polk Award in 2014 for commentary. He was given a 2015 National Book Award for nonfiction.

He is the toast of the town. Ta-Nehisi Coates is treated as though he is a moral paragon, a sort of prophet of our times. That is just how he is treated. He's treated by the entire media this way. I mean, so much so that if you ask him a difficult question, all of CBS News melts down, which is what happened last week. He was on a show. A reporter asked him a tough question, and that reporter then took it directly in the teeth from the CBS News brass.

But what Ta-Nehisi Coates believes is actually evil, and it is emblematic of a broader worldview that has now infused large swaths of the Democratic Party. Not every Democrat. Large swaths of the upper elite of the Democratic Party believe exactly what Ta-Nehisi Coates believes. Huge swaths of the left in Europe believe what Ta-Nehisi Coates believe.

So Ta-Nehisi Coates, just so that you know who he is and the reason why he's important, again, this is a person who's considered perhaps the leading intellectual light of the left in the United States for sure. And Ta-Nehisi Coates, he was questioned, as we say on CBS News, because he has a new book out called The Message. And this book, The Message, is basically just a rabid screed about how evil Israel is. Now, prior to that, he'd used the same exact worldview to talk about how evil the United States is.

But the thing that's setting people's hair on fire is what he said in an interview with former alleged comedian Trevor Noah. So here he was justifying the October 7th attacks and saying that were he a Palestinian, he himself might have entered Israel and slaughtered men, women, children, engaged in rape. Who knows? Here is Ta-Nehisi Coates explaining. And I haven't said this out loud, but I think about it a lot. Well, I, 20 years old, born into Gaza, which is...

a giant open-air jail. And what I mean by that is if my father is a fisherman and he goes too far out into the sea, he might get shot by somebody off of, you know, the side of Israeli boats. If my mother picks the olive trees and she gets too close to the wall, she might be shot.

If my little sister has cancer and she needs treatment because there are no facilities to do that in Gaza and I don't get the right permit, she might die. And I grow up under that oppression and that poverty and the wall comes down. Am I also strong enough or even constructed in such a way where I say, this is too far? I don't know that I am. Hmm. Hmm.

Okay, and they are sitting there nodding as though he has said something deep. So first of all, put aside the lies. Put aside the idea that Israel is somehow keeping cancer-ridden children in Gaza for no reason. There are several dozen hospitals in Gaza. Most of them were used as fronts by Hamas. Billions of dollars flow into the Gaza Strip

And they are used entirely by Hamas in order to build up terror facilities. But it is also true that many of the people who were slaughtered in the Gaza envelope by Hamas were people who literally made it their daily business to drive people with cancer from Gaza to Israeli hospitals. In fact, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, was in jail and the Israelis treated him for brain cancer, healed him and then released him. When he's talking about people being shot for picking olive trees.

No, if you get too close to the no man's land in the border area and you refuse to obey orders, then you are taking risk in your own hand. Put aside all of that. Listen to the simple insanity of what he is saying. He is justifying the massacres of October 7th because they are the quote unquote victims. So

So Ta-Nehisi Coates spends a lot of time justifying the unjustifiable, something else unjustifiable, paying the kinds of money that you are paying to the big phone providers. Every year when Apple releases the new iPhone, the big carriers play those same old games. Sign your life away for the next two years, get a free iPhone. Don't fall for that one. With Pure Talk, you can get great savings on the new iPhone 16 and you can still get an affordable data plan that fits your needs on America's most dependable 5G network.

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Now, to understand why this matters for America, you have to understand that this is not about Israel for Ta-Nehisi Coates. It's about something far deeper. And when he is justifying terrorism, what he is really doing is saying that if you are a member of a victim class, a class that he, as a self-appointed prophet, gets to define, if you are a member of a victim class, you have the right, nay, perhaps the obligation to engage in full-scale violence and terrorism.

What Ta-Nehisi Coates says there about Gazan civilians crossing the border and engaging in rape, murder, slaughter of children, what he says there could very easily be applied to the slaughter of white Americans under his own worldview, under his own rubric. He's been very clear about this. He is not exactly hiding the ball. And this is the amazing thing.

There's nothing new here, by the way. Jean-Paul Sartre, who is a ridiculous communist French philosopher who was taken seriously for half a century by nitwit liberals, wrote the exact same thing in his introduction to a book called The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon, in which he suggested that the West should essentially accept violence upon itself from third world peoples in order to expiate its own sins of colonialism. That's what Ta-Nehisi Coates believes.

If you are a member of a victim class, you should be able to do violence to people who are members of the quote-unquote victimizer class. And again, anybody who's a member of a quote-unquote victim class, according to Ta-Nehisi Coates, has literally no agency. And if you're a member of a victimizer class, according to Ta-Nehisi Coates, you deserve violence to be done to you and your children. And again, this is part of a broader worldview that applies to the United States. And this is the part that's so sick about what's happening in the United States. This worldview has been taken into the bones of the left.

This used to be a fringe crazy town worldview. Jean-Paul Sartre was not representative of the party of, say, Hubert Humphrey in the United States in 1968. But Ta-Nehisi Coates is a lauded, celebrated, champagne-drenched intellectual in the pages of The Atlantic. He is treated as though he has something important to say. So I want to trace his ideology a little bit here, because then you'll understand that what he's saying about Israel is really not about Israel at all. So,

He comes out with a book called Between the World and Me. That book comes out in the year 2015, right in the middle of the racial reckoning. Because after all, Ferguson happened in 2014. And this is his worldview, Ta-Nehisi Coates. He says about experiencing, his big example of experiencing racism in the United States is that one time he was on an elevator and someone said something to his child

And this was a telescoping of all America's racist history into an incident on an elevator in New York. Here's what he writes in Between the World and Me. Quote, as we came off, you were moving at the dawdling speed of a small child. The whole book is written as a letter to his child. As we came off, you were moving at the dawdling speed of a small child. A white woman pushed you and said, come on. Many things now happen at once.

There was the reaction of any parent when a stranger lays a hand on the body of his or her child. And there was my own insecurity and my ability to protect your black body and more. There was my sense that this woman was pulling rank. I knew, for instance, that she would not have pushed a black child out on my part of Flatbush because she would be afraid there and would sense, if not know, that there would be a penalty for such an action. But I was not out on my part of Flatbush, and I was not in West Baltimore, and I was far from the Mecca. The Mecca is...

What he suggests is sort of the racial utopia. I forgot all of that. I was only aware that someone had invoked their right over the body of my son. I turned and spoke to this woman and my words were hot with all of the moment and all of my history. So first of all, the overall purple writing is beyond. But understand the incident that is the supposed inciting incident for his realization about race in America. He's on an elevator with his child and a white woman is irritated. The kid isn't moving fast enough in New York, a place of the rude.

He immediately telescopes all of America's terrible, evil racial history into this incident. It never occurs to him that maybe the lady's just rude. Never occurs to him that maybe she's in a hurry because she has a reason to be in a hurry. No, it's all of America is racist and evil. And you can find that out by looking into the eyes of another person and never asking them a question. Because Ta-Nehisi Coates, as an incredibly rich and celebrated author, is a victim of

And that white lady in the elevator was a victimizer, a racial victimizer, not just a victimizer of the child by being rude, a victimizer in a class sense. She's a member of a victimizer class. So what does that mean for Ta-Nehisi Coates? It means, for example, that he doesn't give a shit about 9-11.

He actually says this in between the world and me. It is beyond comprehension that this country grants the worldview of people like Ta-Nehisi Coates any time of day at all, let alone making this person a celebrated author. He's a moral imbecile. But that's too kind because imbecility suggests that stupidity lies at the root of this. It's not imbecility. It is malign evil, the worldview that Ta-Nehisi Coates expresses. By the way, this is nothing new. I've been saying this for a decade. Everybody else is just catching up.

Here is what he says about 9-11. This is about, by the way, firefighters and police officers on 9-11. Because remember, America is a racialist, evil country in which there's a white supremacist class and then victim classes. And he's a member of the victim class. So he talks in his book about 9-11. And he's talking about the firefighters and police officers who were turned to ash. Quote, they were not human to me.

Black, white, or whatever, they were menaces of nature. They were the fire, the comet, the storm, which could, with no justification, shatter my body. Now, he uses, throughout his writing, the term body because he believes, I assume, that if he says body as opposed to me, then this makes it have more import because now it's all about the physical being of black people or something. In reality, it is just a cheap way of trying to buy literary cred, but

He then explains in an interview with New York Magazine that same year that the death of one particular black person at the hands of police so alienated Coates, this is New York Magazine, that when he watched a 9-11 slightly stoned on the roof of his Brooklyn building, he recalls that he felt nothing at all. You must always remember, Coates writes to his child, that the sociology, the history, the economics, the graphs, the charts, the regressions, all land with great violence upon the body.

This is the setting up of a victim class that is then justified in doing literally anything. He feels nothing about 9-11, nothing. Let me just express something to you. If you feel nothing about 9-11 on 9-11, you should not be in the United States. It is that simple. You do not belong in the West. If you feel nothing about 9-11, the gravest act of evil of my lifetime,

You don't deserve to be here. You don't deserve to be living off the fruits of the civilization that you are currently leeching off of, which is what Ta-Nehisi Coates is. He is a scavenger. He is a leech on the body of civilization, of Western civilization. And frankly, thinking about Ta-Nehisi Coates is not great for my health. There are a lot of things that, in fact, are not great for your health. One of them is...

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Use promo code Ben, save 60 bucks and get free shipping. USA residents only. That's slash Ben to save 60 bucks. slash Ben. In that same book, he talks about his generalized worldview. He talks about slavery reparations. There's an article in 2014 that really sort of exploded him on the scene. There's this terrible article for The Atlantic about...

slavery reparations. And we were all supposed to pretend that it was deep. It was really, really not deep. It was incredibly stupid. Basically, the idea was America is a terrible racial place with a terrible racial history. Therefore, black people deserve reparations. He doesn't explain how that would happen. He doesn't explain the pragmatic method by which you would determine whether someone ought to receive reparations or pay reparations. It was simple. Everything to Ta-Nehisi Coates is simple, not because he's a simpleton. I don't think that he's a simpleton, right? It's easy to attribute

simplistic ideas to morons. I don't think he's a moron. I think that evil constantly masquerades as simplicity in cases like this. So here is what he says about reparations in between the world and me. Quote, in the months before the article was published, I felt that I had at last discovered the answer to the haunting question of why my people so reliably settled at the bottom of nearly every socioeconomic indicator. The answer was simple. There it is, very simple.

The persistence of our want was matched exactly to the persistence of our plunder. I was blessed with a gift, and the gift was not simply the knowledge that they were lying about us, about this country, about themselves, but the proof. Well, that is simple. That is simple. Failure equals victimization. Group failure equals group victimization. Now, the problem for Ta-Nehisi Coates is that there are an awful lot of members of groups in the United States and elsewhere who have been historically victimized.

One of those groups happens to be the Jews, which as we'll see is one of the reasons he despises Israel was to see it wiped off the planet and justifies October 7th. It turns out that when other victimized groups

In history and today, succeed, this thwarts his entire victim-victimizer narrative. When it turns out that people of any race act with agency and overcome historic obstacles in order to succeed, it violates his entire worldview in which victims have no agency and victimizers are necessarily victorious, which means by the same sort of equation that everybody who is an achiever is in fact a victimizer.

And he makes this clear, fast forward 10 years, and you're now in the message. Okay, the message is his new book, the one that we are supposed to treat as though it deserves some sort of great moral respect. In this book, he writes, quote, I remember watching world news tonight with my father and deriving from him a dull sense that the Israelis were white and the Palestinians were black, which is to say that the former were the oppressors and the latter the oppressed. It's the exact same language, right? Same exact language with reparations, 9-11, with Israel. It's very simple.

Victim equals black. Victimizer equals white. Israelis successful equal white. Palestinians failure as a group in terms of economic and socioeconomic status equals black. That simple, according to Ta-Nehisi. And there's one other element. Victim means you now get to do whatever you want to do to anyone else. Literally anything, rape, murder, baby slaughter. You get to do it. You're fully justified. Everything is Nat Turner's rebellion.

So he says about Israel, quote, I don't think I ever in my life felt the glare of racism burned stronger and more intense than in Israel. There are aspects I found familiar. The light-skinned Palestinians who speak of passing, the black and Arab Jews whose stories could have been staged in Atlanta instead of Tel Aviv. But for most of my time there, I felt like I was outside the crosshairs. The attitude in the hotel, for instance, was less N-word get out and more, what the F are you doing here? So again, he is just telescoping Jim Crow onto Israel, which is absurd since 20% of the Israeli population is Arab.

Half of Israeli Jews are from Arab countries and therefore not white in any technical sense. Doesn't matter. He's got the model. Everything has to fit inside the model. Now, why is this important? The reason it's important is because Ta-Nehisi Coates, as a lauded intellectual, is not actually just speaking for himself. He is representative of a much broader contingent in the American left, as evidenced by the fact that Trevor Noah is sitting there and nodding at him. So Trevor Noah, who had a show for years on Comedy Central, where I'm not sure he ever told an actual joke,

Not only does he sit there and nod at Ta-Nehisi Coates as he says these truly evil things, he then explains that October 7th is basically like the American Revolution, which is strange since George Washington and the colonials did not, in fact, travel to Britain, slaughter babies in their crib, rape every British woman they could find. Strange. The moral insanity of these people. But again, I hesitate to say insanity because I don't actually think they're insane. I think they're quite sane. They're just evil. Here's Trevor Noah being evil.

If you remove every context from everything, then everything could go anywhere. You know what I mean? If you remove America's history and America's, then it's like, yeah, those people who fought against the British, they were terrorists. Right. You know what I mean? You can call it like, yeah, the Boston Tea Party. That's terrorism.

Okay, so we are now back to one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. This was an argument actually made by people like Michael Moore during the insurgency in Iraq. This has been a deep rooted part of left-wing ideology for a very long time.

that the West is evil. Anyone who attacks the West is then necessarily victimized by the West and good. And here's the thing. It is indistinguishable in many ways from the ideology of somebody like Barack Obama, who is actually president of the United States. I read you a quote. It's a quote from either Ta-Nehisi Coates or Barack Obama. You choose. Quote, I know I have seen the desperation and disorder of the powerless, how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi, how easily they slip into violence and despair.

He compares those, by the way, to the south side of Chicago. That would be Barack Obama. Indistinguishable from the words of Ta-Nehisi Coates. You see, all those kids in Indonesia or in Kenya, exactly the same south side of Chicago or in the Gaza Strip. These are all members of a victim class. These are all members of a victim class, according to Barack Obama. That ideology is spread throughout the Democratic Party and throughout our legacy media, which is why it is now emerging, for example, that apparently,

In 2023, CBS News informed people, informed its own journalists, that you should not, under any circumstances, use the term terrorism to actually describe what happened on October 7th, literally the day after, literally the day after. Okay, quote, this is from CBS News. You wonder why CBS News is treating Ta-Nehisi Coates with kid gloves? Because they agree with him.

This came, email, October 8th, 2023. Quote, reporting on this weekend's violence in Israel and Gaza requires a closer look at the language we use when describing events. For instance, the U.S. government considers Hamas a terrorist organization. However, suggesting an individual is a terrorist may be inaccurate depending on the facts. There are some who believe the attack by Hamas is a justified retaliation to Israeli occupation of their lands. Others believe this to be an unprovoked attack on Israel, and as such, Israel has every right to defend itself. That's an email from CBS News. Who knows?

Who knows? Perhaps the mass rape, slaughter, murder of babies. Perhaps that perhaps all of that is just a justified attack. The language of Ta-Nehisi Coates, the language of Barack Obama, victim, victimizer. That's all. That's the entire, entire narrative. And it's something bought into by Barack Obama. It's something that's bought into by Kamala Harris as well, by the way. Back in 2019, 2020, she was much clearer about this. Now she's trying to obfuscate

But she came out, if you remember, back in 2019 in favor of slavery reparations. She said, quote, we had over 200 years of slavery. We had Jim Crow for almost a century. We had legalized discrimination, segregation. We have to recognize that everybody did not start out on an equal footing in this country. And in particular, black people have not. Now, this worldview, folks, is rancid. It is toxic. It is spoiled. But you know what you can't afford is spoiled meat. You need the best meat. This is why you need good ranchers.

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The reason she was bailing out rioters is because in large scale, she agrees. There are victim classes in the United States, and those victim classes have a right to be revengeful on the civilization that houses them. That is the generalized worldview here. It is hideous. It is evil. It is dangerous. And again, it is not in any way anomalous. It is not an anomaly with Ta-Nehisi Coates' saying.

There are people across America who actually believe it. They're largely on our college campuses, in the legacy media, in cloistered enclaves in New York City and San Francisco and Los Angeles and Chicago. But that is a very powerful cadre of people who believe that. And it's quite terrible. And it is intolerable for a country that hopes at some point for some level of unity, for a country that wishes to defend itself, for a civilization that is worth defending.

By the way, the aftermath of the Ta-Nehisi Coates interview on CBS News, which we've talked about this week, the one where he was questioned by a journalist, the aftermath of that is that CBS News, after that interview between Tony Daquepole and Coates, they didn't just bring in Daquepole for a struggle session in front of the entire legacy media staff at CBS News. They then promptly informed all of their journalists they should stop identifying Jerusalem as being part of Israel, despite the fact that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Because you see, to acknowledge basic facts and truth runs counter. And there are a lot of people today who are saying, well, you know, Ta-Nehisi Coates, he just makes a bunch of factual errors in his book. Those are not errors. He's lying. He doesn't care enough to find out whether it's true or not because facts are irrelevant. Remember, if you're a member of the victim class, it's not just that you get to rape, murder. If you're a member of the victim class, according to Ta-Nehisi Coates, you get to lie. Why wouldn't you? After all, it's just a power game.

That worldview is evil with a capital E and we shouldn't forget it. There are lots of disagreements we can have in politics, lots of them in the West. We can disagree about tax rates. We can disagree about the role of government in our lives in terms of subsidies and in terms of regulation.

We can disagree in terms of foreign policy, who ought to be backed and to what extent. Those are all rational conversations. What is not a rational conversation is the assumption that if you are a member of a class that Ta-Nehisi Coates deems a victim, you get to participate in evil. And we can tell whether you're a victim in this rubric simply by looking at your level of failure and poverty. That is not a conversation. That is a cudgel. And huge parts of the left are wielding it today. Okay, meanwhile...

The Kamala Harris campaign is suffering. They are having a really tough time out there. As we'll see in a moment, they're now trotting out Barack Obama in all of his glory to do this routine. The levels of missteps by this campaign are truly incredible at this point. So if you take a look at the swing states right now, right now in the RealClearPolitics polling average nationally, Harris is up a couple of points. But in the swing states, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average, Trump now has a slight lead in Pennsylvania, a bigger lead actually in Michigan, and a bigger lead in

He leads in Arizona. He leads in North Carolina. He leads in Georgia. And I remember all he has to do is win North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, which he's going to win all three of those. And then he has to pick off one of the blue wall states. Right now, he is leading in at least two and perhaps all three. In fact, there's internal polling that President Trump just released. There's a poll conducted by Tony Fabrizio and John McLaughlin. And it found Trump with leads ranging from one to five percentage points, not only.

in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, but also in Nevada. According to that internal polling, Trump is leading by 3% in Arizona. He's leading by 5% in Georgia. He's leading by one in Michigan. He's leading by three in Nevada, one in North Carolina, one in Pennsylvania, one in Wisconsin. Now, again, these are all within margin of error. It's still a very close election, but it is very obvious that the momentum is with the Republicans at this point. The New York Times is now admitting that Republicans are about to gain control of the Senate, and they are.

I mean, they're going to gain control of the Senate because Jim Justice is going to win in West Virginia and Tim Sheehy is going to win in Montana. And then it's just a question of how many swing seats Republicans can pick up. So yesterday I spent time campaigning with Bernie Moreno in Ohio. Bernie is going to win that Senate seat over Sherry Brown, who's a terrible senator and has been there longer than I've been alive, picking up taxpayer money. Bernie's a terrific candidate. He's going to win over there. That's going to make 52 for the Republicans. Last week, I was out campaigning in Wisconsin with Eric Hovdey.

He's going to defeat Tammy Baldwin, I believe, in that race. How do I know? Well, because the last time there was a Wisconsin Senate race where a Republican was even running close, Ron Johnson was running three to five points behind his opponent and ended up winning that seat. Right now, Hovde is running dead, even with Tammy Baldwin. He's got the momentum. I think he wins that race. That takes you to 53. And then you have Dave McCormick. Dave McCormick is, of course, running against Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, running a really tight race there.

McCormick is a terrific discipline candidate. I think Dave pulls that one out too. We'll be campaigning with him a little bit later on. Yeah. To me, it's obviously very important that Republicans take the Senate because again, the Ta-Nehisi Coates worldview rides strong in the democratic party and must be defeated. And my hope is that Republicans end up with something like 54 seats. Well,

Well, folks, the left's agenda is quite terrible, which is why Republicans need to take the Senate. It's the only healthy solution for the country. But let's talk about healthy solutions for you. It's tough to prioritize health, especially if you're not sure where to start. This is why I'm excited to introduce Lumen. This is a really cool device. It's the world's first handheld metabolic coach. It's a device that measures your metabolism through your breath.

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But even the New York Times is now admitting that Republicans appear poised to take control of the Senate. And the latest polling from the New York Times and Siena College shows Republicans leading by four in Texas. That's Cruz over Allred by eight in Montana, where she is blowing out John Tester. Rick Scott is beating Debbie McCarcel Powell by nine points, according to this same polling.

So it looks very much as though Republicans are in control in the Senate races. There is one race that's sort of weird, and that is the reelection bid of Senator Deb Fischer, Republican of Nebraska. She's running against an independent named Dan Osborne, and that one is looking a little tighter than it probably should. But Democrats certainly do not have the momentum at this point in time, and they're basically admitting it. According to Politico, Democrats are deploying prominent black surrogates to Michigan to deliver an urgent plea. Black men, we need you.

This is one of the reasons why people like Barack Obama are going back out on the trail. Black turnout for Kamala Harris is not nearly what it was for Barack Obama. For a wide variety of reasons, including the fact that Kamala Harris is running a really anti-male campaign. Black males in particular are not warm to it. They see her as what she is, an upper crust coastal elite who has no connection to their lives or their problems. They are correct in this assessment, by the way. Obama is out there campaigning on behalf of

Of Kamala Harris. And I have to say the way that he talks to black men as though membership again in the black category means you inherently have to vote for the other black person is really pretty insulting. It really is as though all black people have the same experience in the United States or the same ideas in the United States.

Blackness is not a religion like Jewishness, right? Judaism has a religious component. You can be a black liberal. You can be a black conservative. It's a color of your skin. But according to Barack Obama, you need to vote for Kamala because Kamala is a member of your victim class. We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running for

I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers. So if you don't mind, just for a second, I'm going to speak to y'all and say that when you have a choice that is this clean, when on the one hand you have somebody who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles, pain,

and joy that comes from those experiences.

Notice that at no point does he actually make an argument that she's going to make your life better or be a good president of the United States. He simply says she's a member of your victim class. If she's a member of your victim class, you better get out there and vote for a member of your victim class. That's why I say Ta-Nehisi Coates, Barack Obama, separated by some of their lingo, not particularly separated in terms of their worldview. It turns out that's really off-putting. People don't like it very much. It also turns out that, you know what's off-putting? The absolute disdain that members of the upper echelon of the Democratic Party have for normies.

It really is an amazing thing. They're running a campaign where they need to win a blue wall state. All three of these states are blue collar. All three of these states have probably a higher than average number of, say, Catholics. That's true certainly for Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. And yet, Gretchen Whitmer, who is the awful governor of Michigan, she cut a video yesterday with a podcaster named Liz Plank that if this wasn't what they're going for, I don't know what they're going for. This is

It is pretty clearly a derogatory reference to communion. I'm not sure how else to read this exactly. There have been some attempts to say this is just a meme that's going around, but for those who are not memesters, I mean, you're talking about two online. This looks as though Gretchen Whitmer is mocking communion by Liz Plank is on her knees and weird, I mean, it's weird. These people are weird. On her knees, receiving into her mouth a Dorito put into her mouth by Gretchen Whitmer, who's wearing a Harris Walls hat.

The disdain for kind of normal people that rolls off the Democratic Party at this point is truly an incredible thing. Here we go. For those who can't see, it's Liz Plank accepting into her mouth a la communion a Dorito from Gretchen Whitmer who's wearing a Harris Walls hat and then nodding into camera. It's like a Dom sub weird thing going on. Is it?

They are so strange and they're not just strange. They have disdain for Americans, true disdain for America. I mean, if you're a Catholic and you watch that, I don't know how else you read that except that Gretchen Whitmer shamed hot on the Catholics. The religious symbolism there, pretty obvious, I think to anyone. Meanwhile, how do you really know that Democrats are in trouble?

Tim Walls is out there openly saying they should get rid of the Electoral College. When you are in an active race for the presidency and you say we should dump the Electoral College, you're admitting you're losing. That's what that is. You're admitting that you might win the popular vote and lose the Electoral College vote. That's the only reason you want to dump the Electoral College. You want to change the rules of the game. So here's Tim Walls being made uncomfortable, being asked a tough question. This is how bad journalism has gotten. Apparently, the toughest journalist they could find was Michael Strahan.

One of the few people to ask a difficult question of a Democrat during this election cycle. I want to go back to something you said on Tuesday. You said, I think all of us know the Electoral College needs to go.

But the campaign came out later that night and they said that's not their stance. Well, it's not the campaign's position. And the point I'm trying to make is that there's folks that feel every vote must count in every state. And I think some folks feel that's not the case. Our campaign does that. And the point I'm saying is I'm in five states in two days. We're out there making the case. The campaign's position is clear that that's not their position.

Their position and my position is to make sure that everybody understands their vote, no matter what state they're in, matters. So that's not that you and Vice President Harris disagree on? I have spoken about it in the past, but she's been very clear on this. And the campaign and my position is the campaign's position.

Yeah, so there he is trying to walk it back. Well, he is a numbskull, as he has declared himself. In a second, we'll get to Barack Obama, his actual campaign, which apparently is making jokes about Donald Trump and then taking credit for Donald Trump's actual accomplishments. First, Kamala Harris has raised over $1 billion since she entered the race in late July, which makes her the Theranos of political candidates. You know, a woman elevated above her actual status.

credibility and actual accomplishments, but given lots and lots of money. Even seasoned experts are saying that Harris' fundraising is unlike anything we've ever seen. While Democrats are raking in cash to push their radical agenda, the conservative movement is being outspent and silenced, but we are fighting back at The Daily Wire. We're dedicated to preserving free speech, defending conservative values, and exposing the truth the legacy media will not show you. We've been fighting the culture war with films like Am I Racist?, uncensored ad-free daily shows from the most trusted voices in conservative media, hard-hitting reporting you won't find anywhere else but to win,

We need your help. We need you to join the fight. One way of joining the fight, go to slash subscribe. Become a member. Help us stand up against the $1 billion Kamala Harris machine and her legacy media lackeys, which are worth at least several billion other dollars. That's slash subscribe. Also, this Sunday, we are releasing a brand new episode of the Sunday special with Vince Everett Ellison. Vince Everett Ellison is a political commentator, author, documentarian on the intersection of American politics, race, and religion. In this episode, we discuss the Democrats' most depraved policies,

Donald Trump's appeal to black voters and how humility can be found in religious faith. Here's a little bit of the trailer. - Until we teach our children that we have to jettison this silly, ignorant ideology, that I can only feel good about myself

If I'm loved by white Americans and I can only be protected or affirmed if I'm protected and affirmed by my government, we will never go any further. If we can ever get that sizable chunk, about 15% of the black vote away from the Democratic Party, we'll take them down forever. And I believe that black men are not going to go back to Ms. Harris.

Don't miss this awesome episode of the Sunday special with Vince Everett Ellison. So again, Barack Obama is out on the campaign trail in favor of Kamala Harris. He's trying to convince young black men to vote for Kamala Harris. He did that by going to some sort of event and then telling them they need to vote for Kamala Harris because she's black and they're black. So vote for her. He also suggested, of course, they might be sexist. And that's the reason they're really not voting for her, that if she were black male, maybe they'd vote for her. But she's black female and they're misogynist. So

We'll see how that works out for him. He also went on the campaign trail and then proceeded to be himself. And I got to tell you, the power of Barack Obama is non-transferable. He himself is popular. He has never shown any aptitude for transferring that popularity to anyone who's not named Barack Obama, which is why over the course of his presidency, he lost a dozen governorships. He lost a ton of Senate seats. He lost an enormous number of House seats and state legislatures all over the country.

It turns out that the backlash to Barack Obama did not come in the form of a direct electoral backlash to Obama himself. It came in the form of, you know, a backlash to his entire party. So he's out there being himself. And it's not I don't think it's particularly great for Kamala Harris, frankly. So first, he tries to claim Trump's economy as his own, which is which is pretty amazing.

So you can't have it both ways. Either Donald Trump's economy sucked and he shouldn't be president or Donald Trump's economy was awesome and he should be president. Obama seems to want to have it both ways. He seems to want to say that Donald Trump's economy was bad, but also it was great, which is why it actually was not Donald Trump's. It was Barack Obama's. Try to follow the big brain logic here from Barack Obama. The reason some people think, well, I don't know. I remember that economy when he first came in being pretty good. Yeah, it was pretty good because it was my economy.

We had had 75 straight months of job growth that I handed over to him. It wasn't something he did. I spent eight years cleaning up the mess that the Republicans had left me the last time. OK, so I just want to get this straight. If that's the case, that the next president owns the economy of the last president. So, you know, the last president is responsible for the successes. How do you tap Biden's record? Quick, answer me that.

So if according to Barack Obama, Donald Trump's early economic record is because of Barack Obama, then what about Joe Biden touting his economic record? Is that also because of Donald Trump? Like, how does that work exactly? He's so arrogant and he's so egocentric. It really is quite terrible. And then he told some jokes about how Donald Trump is selling Bibles or something. Again, here's the thing about Barack Obama.

If you're going to do the Donald Trump is a con man because he's selling Bibles, you probably should have some respect for the actual Bible, which they think Barack Obama most certainly does not. There's not a single aspect of biblical morality that Barack Obama really, truly believes. Constant attempts to sell you stuff. Who does that? Selling you gold sneakers and $100,000 watch and most recently a Trump Bible. He wants you to buy the word of God, Donald Trump edition.

Got his name right there next to Matthew and Luke. I mean, you could not make this stuff up. If you saw it on Saturday Night Live, you'd say, well, no, that's I mean, that's going too far. No, he's doing that. Well, I mean, at least Donald Trump's fans want to buy the Bible as opposed to fans of Barack Obama, who apparently want to discard it entirely. There's a guy who called people who believe in God and the Bible bitter clingers.

So yeah, forgive me if I don't take your newfound biblical respect all that seriously. And then of course, Barack Obama roasted Trump suggesting that he has to change his own diapers because Donald Trump is of course really old, which is weird because five seconds ago, he was saying Joe Biden was the best candidate for president. By the way, Joe Biden's still the president. I remember buying diapers. I remember the first time I went in the store right after Malia was born. I was like, what? That's how much diapers cost? I remember changing diapers. You think Donald Trump ever changed a diaper? No.

I almost said that, but I decided I shouldn't say it. No, he's he's so awful. He's truly so awful. It is amazing that he was a two term president in the United States. But, you know, it was under Barack Obama that the country really started to come apart.

In any case, the Biden-Harris-Walls campaign, it's all one big blob at this point. They continue to fail on every front. And everyone can see that they continue to fail on every front. It is amazing how Joe Biden, who's currently president of the United States, is looking for someone else to blame on the lackluster performance by FEMA in the face of two separate hurricanes.

So Joe Biden is now out there saying that Donald Trump is un-American for how he's talking about Joe Biden's efforts on hurricane relief, which is weird because I remember the entire Democratic Party suggesting that George W. Bush was a vicious racist during Hurricane Katrina. We're fighting now to make sure people have the emergency relief they need, the dollars just to be able to get a prescription filled, to get a baby formula done. All the things, that $750 that you're talking about,

Mr. Trump and all those other people know it's a lie to suggest that's all they're going to get. That's bizarre. It's bizarre. They've got to stop this. I mean, they're being so damn un-American with the way they're talking about this stuff. But there's going to be a need for significant amounts of money. We're already underway trying to calculate what the cost will be because you don't want to mislead anybody. You want to make sure all the costs are able to be covered. I don't want to hear about people calling each other un-American from this guy.

This guy stood in front of Independence Hall and suggested that all of his political opponents were dire threats to the exact fabric of the United States. Incredible. Then, of course, Joe Biden suggested that the reasons for lack of funding by FEMA with all due speed, that's because Congress needs to allocate more money. On FEMA funding, how much time does Congress have to act before FEMA or the SBA run out of money? That's in discussion now. I don't want to give you a mislead you, I think, in terms of...

The SBA is pretty right at the edge right now. And I think the Congress should be coming back and moving on emergency needs immediately. And they're going to have to come back after the election as well. This is going to be a long haul for total rebuilding. It's going to take several billion dollars. It's not going to be a matter of just a little bit.

Okay, so apparently he needs more money, right? Only one problem. He doesn't actually. It turns out that there's still about $11 billion in FEMA disaster funding that has been allocated. According to Politico, it was the Congress of the United States just last month that actually allocated $20.3 billion for FEMA relief. Okay, FEMA has now spent about $9 billion of that. Well, I mean, that leaves by my calculation, you know, like $11 billion you guys have not allocated yet. That's a lot of money.

So you might want to allocate that now. Congress can come back in two weeks and refill the fund. That's what Speaker Johnson is saying, and he's correct. Was it a mistake to leave and adjourn the Congress for the campaign trail without addressing more disaster relief funding given the circumstances that we now find ourselves in? Well, the fact is, I think many people have not fully understood, is that we did address it, and we did appropriate $20 billion additional dollars to FEMA with

early drawdown authority. So they're sitting on a giant pile of cash and they haven't used it yet. He is right about that, of course. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris keeps trying to claim credit for some reason for this hurricane. She keeps trying to insert herself in the process. And Ron DeSantis of Florida, he keeps saying, you have nothing to do with anything. Why are you even like, what do you have to do with anything? What are you doing here?

The fact of the matter is they put out a story saying I didn't take I didn't even know she was trying to reach me. But she has no role in this process. And I've been dealing with these storms in Florida under both Trump and Biden. Neither of them ever politicized it. And in fact, all the storms I've dealt with under this administration, although I've worked well with the president, she has never.

called in Florida. She has never offered any support. So what she's doing is she's trying to inject herself into this because of her political campaign. Of course, he is right about all that. And amazingly, it is not working. It is not working. Mainly because she's really bad at this. And so is Joe Biden. So is this entire administration. The thrill is gone. Folks, obviously, election season is heating up. Well, so are these. My facts candles. They're now available at the Candle Club. And just to demonstrate how a candle works, check this out.

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And sometimes it lights candles. I don't know why they make me do this, just to show you how a candle works. I assume you know how a candle works, but still, it is indeed a candle. The truth is sweet. This season, it smells like butterscotch and bourbon. Delicious. If you're gonna have a political conversation, light up a fax candle to keep it illuminating. Use code fax for 20% off. Go to slash Ben today. Joining us online is Philip Patrick, precious metal specialist over at Birch Gold Group. Of course, Birch Gold is a sponsor of the show. Philip, thanks so much for joining the show. Really appreciate it.

Thank you for having me. So let's talk about the upcoming election. Obviously, if Kamala Harris and Tamal's were to win their economic plan, it looks like it would lead to a certain level of economic stagnation for certain. What do we actually know about their economic plan? She's been pretty vague on them.

That she certainly has. And I think it's been by design. She's mostly been talking in vague abstractions about making the economy fair while floating trial balloons have focus groups have come up with. So it is hard to pin down any cogent policy. We only know, I think, a handful of things. It means more taxes and a whole lot more spending.

So, Philip, when you look at that spending, what exactly are Kamala Harris's fiscal priorities? I mean, if we keep spending this way, what are the natural sort of impacts of that?

The reality is from what we can see, her proposal is Bidenomics 2.0. Literally, she's promising to spend $2 for every dollar Biden wanted to spend. We're talking, you know, Biden wanted a $25,000 in down payment assistance for first generation homebuyers. Kamala wants it for first generation or for homebuyers full stop first time.

Biden proposed a $20 billion fund for affordable housing. Kamala wants a $40 billion fund. So in fact, it's literally Bidenomics 2.0, as if the issue with Bidenomics was that they didn't spend enough. So

My question is, why are we targeting successful households rather than reining in spending? Right. If we're talking about the tax increases that she's proposed, they would generate about $900 billion over the next 10 years. Debt service payments this year alone are going to cost $950 billion. So I think they're stepping over dollars to pickpocket cents. And I don't think it's going to work.

You know, Philip, that's a great point. And it's a point that really I think people need to take into account is when Kamala Harris is talking about increasing taxes so as to supposedly lower deficits. The reality is that if you actually were interested in lowering deficits or lowering the national debt, the kind of taxes she's talking about simply would not even make a dent in the kinds of deficit and debt that she's talking about. So what you're really doing is you are pursuing policies that are likely to lead to less economic growth, more economic stagnation, and they're not even going to solve the problem of government revenue.

It's exactly right. And the tax cuts and all the tax increases themselves come with consequences. The Tax Foundation said that they would reduce economic output by two percent and could cost a million jobs. So the elephant in the room is why are we not addressing the absurd spending? That's why we're in the position we are. So, Philip, obviously, I've made clear I'm a big backer of the Trump fans ticket. But if Donald Trump and Katie Vance take the White House in November, what is the economic outlook there?

Look, it's a different proposition. I'd say we're not out of the woods. We've got to remember Biden had added as much to the nation's debt in four years as Obama did in eight.

But it's a better policy. Broadly speaking, they want to create a business-friendly environment. They want to cut taxes on corporations and not raise income or capital gains. One central aspect, and obviously a controversial one, is tariffs. 20% tariff on all imported goods, 60% tariff on goods from China. Long term, I think these policies are a good idea. It's a strategy to revitalize our manufacturing base, to incentivize the

the purchase of high quality American-made products.

But there's nowhere around it. It does mean, I think, higher prices up front. Right. You know, every target, every Walmart sells goods made in China. But for me, it's about longer term prospects, you know, shorter term pain for longer term gain. And I don't think we've had a president willing to do that since Reagan. So, you know, we've got a tough storm to weather no matter what. But I think Trump and Vance will set us up for a brighter future for sure.

I'm talking to Philip Patrick, precious metals specialist, Birch Gold Group. So one of the things that's been happening is that global central banks have been buying record quantities of gold. They obviously are not feeling particularly sanguine about the future of growth because what they're looking at, and I think what everybody's looking at, is if you can't pay off this debt, there's only one way out of that, really. You're not going to be able to tax your way out of that. You're just going to have to inflate. I mean, that's the only way to essentially pay down a debt is to inflate your dollar

As you say, the debt servicing on the American national debt right now, that's going to outpace it already outpaces our military budget every year. And it's only going to grow from here.

Yeah, it's absolutely correct. It's unsustainable. And by pushing massive spending, we're showing the world that, you know, we're not valuing our U.S. dollar. If I'm a central bank around the world holding dollars, watching the U.S. spending money like it's going out of fashion, it starts to become a problem. And central banks have been hedging dollar exposure using gold for the last two and a half years. They've set records for.

for gold purchasing. So central banks around the world are betting against the dollar for the reason that you mentioned. I think there's only one way out of this if we continue down the path of spending. So I think precious metals important for institutions to hedge dollar exposure, but I think important for individuals as well.

Well, folks, obviously we here at DailyWeb have been working with Birch Gold for a very long time. That's true of my show as well. Text Ben to the number 989898 for your free info kit today to get started with Birch Gold. Again, that's Ben to the number 989898. Philip, thanks so much for the time. Really appreciate the insight. Thank you. All right, folks, coming up, we're going to jump into the latest economic report. Harris-Walls, they say they're actually winning on economics. Is that true? We'll get to that in a moment. If you're not a member, become a member. Use code Shapiro. Check out for two months free on all annual plans. Click the link in the description and join us.

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