cover of episode E97: Unexpected Items In the Bagging Area

E97: Unexpected Items In the Bagging Area

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The Bar is Ankle High

Shownotes Transcript

We've referenced this topic in almost every single one of our episodes - but we've never actually examined the truth behind the common belief that ADHD is over-diagnosed these days. Katie took over the research this week to answer the question - are there ACTUALLY more people with ADHD these days, or is that just something old farts on social media want us to believe? Katie breaks down the studies that actually objectively measured the incidences of ADHD in children since 1997 and if you're late diagnosed like us, the answer will probably not surprise you. We also take a slight detour into the DONE ADHD president and CEO arrests from last week and what that federal indictment for drug trafficking charges can mean for continuing care for folks who used that app and service. 

If you are struggling to access your medications, please do not attempt to acquire your medication on the black market. You can find resources to safely wean yourself off of your ADHD meds here:


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