cover of episode Bob the Drag Queen's Comprehensive Guide to Chicken Wing Etiquette with Katya

Bob the Drag Queen's Comprehensive Guide to Chicken Wing Etiquette with Katya

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The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bob the Drag Queen
Trixie Mattel
Bob解释了她为什么需要一个独立的录音棚空间,以及她的演出服装和播客设备如何占据了她家的空间。她还讨论了她最近搬到一个新的专业空间,以及她如何重新分配资金来支付这个空间的费用。 Trixie与Bob讨论了在洛杉矶拥有ADU(额外居住单元)的普遍性及其用途,以及她们各自对空间和住所的安排。她们还讨论了购买和出售汽车的经历,以及她们对食物、锻炼、胸肌、酒店和守时的看法。

Deep Dive

Bob the Drag Queen shares 8 tips for hosting a successful chicken wing party, including sending invitations early and selecting an appropriate color scheme.

Shownotes Transcript


It's Trixie and today's episode of Bald and Beautiful is brought to you by our friends at Mint Mobile, baby. So with big wireless providers, what you see is never what you get. Somewhere between the store and your first month's bill, the price you thought you were paying magically skyrockets. With Mint Mobile, you'll never have to worry about those gotchas ever again. When Mint Mobile says $15 a month to purchase a three-month plan, they mean it.

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speeds lower above 40 gigabytes on unlimited plan additional taxes fees and restrictions apply cement mobile for details i just wanted i just wanted to start by letting everyone know that i'm i'm wearing earrings okay okay well so welcome to the bald and beautiful we have a very beautiful bald person who is wearing earrings today so the thing you need to know for the listeners who are in the car who are doing pilates this person has come

With a pair, a set of gold earrings. I just thought of a new workout. Before you come, so you don't do it inside someone, pull outies. Do you need a reformer for that? Pull outies. Fuck. It's not 100%. Results not guaranteed on the pull outies.

That's so stupid. That is very stupid. I love it. How are you doing? What's going on? Woman, a man in a suit.

- Thank you. You know, I'm just trying to, I tried it. So I hired a stylist. This is, he did not sell this. He probably would be very upset to see me wearing this. But today I was like kind of rushing, but I'm also like, I just recently got an office space. - Fierce. - Because my- - For what, clerical work? Admin? - Yeah, basically, basically for my podcasting and to get all my drag out of my home. - Okay, yes. - We've been doing drag for- - Studio. - Around the same amount of time, huh? - Yeah. - How long you been doing drag? - 10 years, 15 years.

10 to 15, you lost five years somewhere. It all comes out in the wash.

- Definitely 10, probably 15. - Yeah, I've been in the drag about 15, 16 years and you just get, you have so much stuff. - Yeah. - So it was taking over my house. It was in the main bedroom of my house. - Oh no. - And then I was podcasting. So I live in a three bedroom. - Okay. - A modest three bedroom apartment in Hollywood. - Why didn't you relegate one bedroom for the drag? - I did. I did one bedroom just for drag and I did one bedroom for podcasting. And then me and my partner were living in the other room. So Bob the Drag Queen has the biggest bedroom, Sibling Rivalry.

It's taken over a room in my house. And I was like, I got to get all this stuff out of here. So I, um, and I just recently, you know, have less bills than I had before. So I'm just reallocating that money to a professional space. So what does it look like? Oh, it's, it's, it's, it's a PG. Do you, you know, the, the, what the office way at the very end, if you, if you go down the hallway and turn right, like you're going to that one bathroom that everyone shits in, um,

The shitting bathroom. It's so much privacy. If any of you ever go to PEG, there's this one bathroom you should have. You need to take a shit at PEG. We got you. And the toilet seat looks like it's been set on a lot. Wait, what? Because the toilet seat is... A lot of wear and tear. Yeah, there is wear and tear on the toilet seat. But it's clean, though. That hinge is a little rickety. So I'm right past the shitting bathroom. Okay, great.

- How do you feel about- - I'll have you over whenever I actually get it all set. It's not set up yet, but once it is set up, I'll have you over. We'll do something in the YouTube studio. - That's great. I mean, I got a new place and then with the, in the hopes of like consolidating everything all in one place. So like all my drag is in this one big bedroom. - Well, how many bedrooms do you have?

Okay. One extra house. One is tiny. Everyone in LA has ADUs. You've heard about these? Oh, yeah. In the valley, they all have ADUs. Additional dwelling unit. Additional dwelling unit. Yeah. A little hut. Yeah. It's basically like a detached garage. But if you give the city a little bit of extra money, they'll let you turn it into an office or a studio or a studio apartment. Private residence. Yeah. Own mailing address. Yeah. Yeah. I think Trixie's got one.

Yeah, Monet has two. Excuse me? Monet has two ADUs. She's a slumlord. She's a slumlord. No one lives in her ADU. Hers aren't ADUs, but one is her drag a lot. So if you're watching me when I do the podcast, that room with all that drag is its own separate, completely separate from the house. That's the way to do it. Do you invite girls over? Would you ever invite me over? Never. No. No.

You never might be over it? No, I couldn't possibly. That's fair. That's fair. That's fair. No, of course. Of course. Of course. I tricked somebody to go over to her place one time and she said, this is so fierce. I need to start borrowing this. She was like, do you want to come over for like two hours?

Listen, listen. It is fierce. It's fierce. So I knew when I showed up, I knew when my marching papers, my walking papers were going to be served to me. There was no delusions. I love it. I'm upset. I love it. I love that shit. Do you want to come over for like two hours? Yeah. What are you doing for the next 90 minutes?

So I showed up at 6 and baby at 8 Trixie was standing up. Alright, thank you. It's been such a pleasure. She has taken you by the shoulders and she has escorted you from the home. But I was so annoyed because I wanted her to know that I was going to leave at 8 o'clock. She didn't have to start moving. She started moving at like 7.49. I was going to start moving at 7.50.

Yeah. And I was, if you're watching this, if you watch your own show, I just want you to know I was going to leave. Like you, I knew that the time was up, but you got to appreciate that. Oh no, it's great. Got to appreciate that. Plus I'm borrowing that one. If she ever has a, like a big party, you know, I'm going to be there.

Oh, yeah. Because I'm going to be there for a good 20 to 23 minutes and then I will be gone. And I don't she I love that, though, because it really sets up no possibility for straggling. Oh, yeah. For, you know, stragglers. Do you know stragglers? I know a lot of stragglers. Really? Sure. Well, when it comes I'm a straggler with one person. I straggle at Monet's place. Oh, well, that's different. Yeah. I mean, I am like I'm going to I'm shutting down the party. I'm going to hear the last song.

You know what I mean? I'm going to be here. I'm going to be the one tucking the cat in for sleep. You're going to call the cops and then talk to them. Literally. Say goodbye to all your friends. Bye. Like it's our place. Bye. Thank you for visiting us. You crawl into bed with her and make love to her all night. And then I leave after plowing her hole. So that's my mindset. Do you like your new space though?

Yeah, I mean, it's not set up yet. It's kind of daunting. But everything's out of the room, though. Everything's out of the home. I have two empty bedrooms in my home now. Great. Yeah. Great. My nephew's also coming to live with me. Oh, wow. Excuse me. Oh, Jesus Christ. Well, he's an adult, though. He's 18. So it's not like, I don't have like a seven-year-old coming to live with me. Do you have like a curriculum? Are you going to set up like a... Well, I'm going to try to get him a job or help him get a job. He's probably going to work at Trixie Cosmetics.

Absolutely. And putting stock in the shit. No, seriously. It's a great job. It's a great starter job. I'm like, Trixie, can you give my nephew a job? Or something. Or maybe he can like... I'm out of town. My car is always not being used. A mechanic. He actually wants to be a mechanic. You have to go to school to be a mechanic. What's that? Turo. You ever heard of Turo? No. It's like Airbnb before your car. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well...

So you basically rent a car for two, three days. Oh, wow. I mean, do you think that that's insane? I think that it's great. With Turo? Yeah. I'm just surprised by people's willingness to let that happen. Well, I like Turo because when I, you know, I don't have good credit. I've always had bad credit. And it's really hard to fix your credit. Even if you have some money, it is hard to fix your credit. It's bullshit. So I don't have a credit card.

I mean, not one. Well, I do have one, but it's like it recently expired and I have to get this new one. I had to get one of those prepaid credit card, one of the credit cards that you like put money on. And then and you still have to apply for that. I'm like, I'm giving you the money. This is insane. I keep looking at the producer. I don't know why I keep looking at her for her approval. She can get you hooked up with a line of credit. Like discover. I bet she could get you a line of credit. Absolutely. But anyway, so you can't rent a car without a credit card.

Yes. You can't use your debit card. You have to have a credit card to rent a car. But with Turo, you don't need that. This is not an ad for Turo, by the way. No, we hate them, actually. Actually, they're scum. But you don't have to do so. You're just basically renting a car from just another person. And I'm going to probably Turo my own car because I don't drive it very often. I've had my car for like three years and it has like less than 20,000 miles on it. Girl, I bought a car a year and a half ago. I put like three miles on it. I just sold it.

I sold it. Maybe I should sell it. You bought it flat out? Flat out. Flat out. I went to the fucking dealership. I'd never owned a car. 41 years old. Go into the dealership. It took about 12 fucking hours. Oh, it's long. Mary, I was starving. I was antsy. It was like crazy. 12 fucking hours. Get it home. I go to CarMax a few weeks ago.

She sold that thing in 15 minutes. Oh, they'll take it from you in a minute. Yeah, give it! Yeah, they're like, well, dang it! They throw money, hit you in the face. They give it like a once-over. They don't even look inside. They kick the tires, and they cut you a check. It's cunty. Literally. It's cunty. But I also heard that buying cars, the game done changed because of Carvana. Carvana? Is it like T-Vana? Carvana is a vending machine for cars.

What? Have you not seen the Carvanhas on the highway? When you drive out to our Palm Springs. I have not. Girl, they're just these cars. Can you put up a picture of a Carvana? Are you fucking, what are you fucking talking about? It's like a giant vending machine full of cars. And then you just go up, swipe your card, and they'll give you a car.

Yeah, I'm telling you. And they also will deliver you cars too. They will deliver the cars to your house. And apparently it's easier than going to one of the, because you know, the dealerships, do you ever listen to This American Life? I have. It's to me, it is, it is America's most popular podcast. I think it's the most popular podcast in the world actually. And it's,

Or NPR. It's the most popular NPR show. It is such a good show. They have this entire episode about car dealerships and what it means to work at a car dealership. It is insane. These things are crazy. There's a car on a vending machine. Get the fuck out of here.

And you could just go boop. I want a three and they give you a Maserati. And then it just kind of, you gotta call like five or six friends to come rock the whole machine. The thing falls down and then it gets a flat tire. No, but so, and then what?

And then what? And then you drive off. You can't drive there, obviously, because you can't drive back both cars. Okay. Your brain drops you off. And then you drive the car. Then you go back and you just stick it in the vending machine. No, this is a car you purchased. This is not renting. Carvana, you are buying a car from a vending machine. Now, the truth is, I don't.

I don't really know. I have one friend who bought a Tesla with Carvana, which I just want to say out loud, we got to stop giving Elon Musk money. Mama, thank you. You remember back when we were like, who's going to be crazier, Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk? Elon Musk was like, hold my fucking Cybertruck, bitch. Let me twist my, turn my shirt around and then jump up in the air like I'm getting. He's challenging Mark Zuckerberg to fist fights a billionaire. Do you remember this?

Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, one of them challenged the other to a fist fight. I'm like, y'all are... The dweebiest. The dweebiest, doofus. Like, it's doofus and dweeb. There was a recently... Someone did a AI photo of Mark Zuckerberg and he ended up looking hot in it and the internet went crazy because there was like... AI made Mark Zuckerberg more... Like, made him look... Turned him to a Chad. Big fat ass with a grill at the grill. Yeah, and a huge rack.

- Big, hot, wet tits. - Everyone likes big boobs. Well, not everyone, but like when it comes to like people who are attracted to male bodied people, they want some big pecs. - Oh yeah. - And when it comes to people who like feel about people, they like big fucking boobs. - Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, I've found like it is the most remarkable thing

instantaneous shift in um like getting no attention to getting plenty of attention if you get pecs it is so crazy you have pecs i do they're they're like they're uh

like a b right now but i've had like cd i remember when you didn't have any packs oh yeah i knew you would know yeah and then you did like this like yoga retreat and you came back like jacked yeah it's like you can the thing is you can get them relatively easy like i mean if you're not like super huge and fat like um what if you're like but you weren't like super super skinny you're already toned i find someone who you know you ever heard of a hard gainer

- Yeah. - Yeah, if you're a hard gainer, it's probably hard to get pecs. - Um, yeah. - Like Trixie works out a lot, but she don't have pecs. - She doesn't, but she doesn't do enough. She doesn't do enough. - Drag her. - Famously, Trixie famously doesn't do enough. - No, but she loves, yeah, oh my God. - The laziest queen in the business. - Literally the only thing she-- - On her little break. - The only thing she doesn't do is like focus on her chest. That's the only thing. That's the only thing.

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I mean, it's up there with the dick size. Yeah. Cause it lures you in. In my journey toward realizing that I wasn't just gay. It's like, I realized I was gay and then I realized that I was actually pansexual. I think that on a female body person, little titties are sexy. Tiny little titties, like little, little ant bites, little A cups are so cute. Yoga teacher titties. Because think about also the, the day to day of like a

a woman with giant breasts. That's not cute. It seems like a lot of work. Also a lot of, um, a lot of modifications need to be, um, employed. Yeah. I think little titties are cute, but big pecs are, you just want to fucking, I, I gotta show you, there's this, um, there was this fucking, um, really into like big beefy guys, but big pecs. I want to look at this shit. I want to, I want to grab them big mummy milkers. Look at this.

Look at these guys and their pecs. Wow. Enormous. Like that's huge. Yeah. I want to, I want to grab these titties. Look at that guy. Look at that guy. Enormous. Wow. Oh, wow. That one. I want pecs like that. No shit. Right? It's crazy. You could get pecs like that in a year and a half. Year and a half. Seven months even. Okay. I'm now in. Today, six months. So wait, so what do you, obviously what pushups? Pushups. Pushups.

Push-ups, that's literally like push-ups, push-up variations, and then, of course, adding more caloric intake. You know what I mean? But that's the thing, though. So my friend Mateo Lane... Yeah, jacked. He's... And he eats... Jacked tinta agulerta. Like...

It's the amount of food this man is eating is absurd. I'm like, we'll be hanging out, like playing video games or something. And then he'll be like, oh, I got to eat. And he would just straight up go. He comes to my house with snacks. Every two hours, I'm sure. Literally, I got to eat a gallon of fucking unflavored yogurt.

I have to now eat this entire tub of faggy yogurt. I know it's not pronounced faggy, but I don't know how it's really pronounced though. What is it? Oh, is it faggy? I think it's faggy. Yeah. But no, but that's, but that's, that was, that's always like my, uh, the, the thing, uh, I just can't, and I don't want to eat all day.

It's so fucking, it's grim. - Do you have a trainer? - Not currently. - So I've had two trainers in my life. One of them was a friend who was just happy. I'm gonna give him a shout out. I actually give both my trainers a shout out. Matt Griffin was one of my trainers. And Matt Griffin was like a friend of mine who was also a costume designer. He makes these really intricate masks. He made some masks for like Lady Gaga. He's made some pretty big masks for some pop stars.

And he also just happened to be a trainer as well on top of being like this, like sculptor artist designer type person. And then when I had, uh, when I,

between filming and airing Drag Race, I was like, I have this downtime. I had lost a couple of my gigs because of doing drag. Did you lose any gigs when you went to do Drag Race? No. I mean, my life was very bare bones before. Oh, work. There's nothing to lose. Rock bottom, purr. Well, I had lost a couple of gigs because I took the Drag Race gig. So I had more time on my hands and me and Matt were working out all the time and I was in really great shape. There's actually this one picture of me performing at the

the New York City premiere show and my arms are out like this and I'm wearing this rainbow dress and I look jacked. It is crazy. So what did you do? What was the regimen? It was just doing the thing. I don't retain any. I just do what he tells me to do. That's the beauty of a trainer. None of it is in one ear. It's in one bicep and out the other. I don't remember any of it, but I was doing what he was telling me to do and then

I did work out with a guy named Ridge. Ridge is the guy. I'm not working with Ridge right now. I just go to Orange Theory. I love that name. Ridge is great. Do you know Reg Park? Have you heard of Reg? Reg? Reg. Can I guess about Reg? Yeah. Reg is a musician. No. At heart. Well, he definitely has a song. You didn't let me finish.

Who's Reg? Reg is the ultimate, the pinnacle of male muscular. He's the ultimate. He was an actor. He was in Hercules and Arnold Schwarzenegger basically...

like idolized him and then had this picture in his wall. I got to show you a picture. I know I've talked about it on the podcast before. It's a little obnoxious, but would you let rage punch you in the chest in his prime? Are you fucking, I would let him murder my family and then like run me over with a car. Part of when you see someone who looks big and strong, you kind of want them to punch you in the chest, right? Is that crazy? I want him to kick me in the stomach. I want him to shit in my mouth. It's so crazy. I'm a shit. Yo, I'm a fart. Yo, I'm a piss on these walls.

Wait, is he alive? Oh, no. He's very dead. He's very dead. Oh, sorry, Reg. Look at that. Oh, those are big, big, big mummy milkers. Yeah. So he played... He was in Hercules. And I swear to God, if you haven't seen...

If you haven't seen Hercules, 1959. I've not. You got to fucking see that shit. It's so cunty. It's so cunty. Matt Griffin had big titties. Okay. And Ridge has big titties too. Do you want to get big titties? Kind of. There's a drag queen in New York City named Shaquita. Yeah. Who's quite fit. Yes. And because she has these pecs. She can make them into kind of cleavage. Into titties. I just saw her not too long ago. There's a couple of ways to get the titties. Yeah. Also, if you're big and you lose weight or just being a little bit older. RuPaul has titties.

Yes, but I think that's because she's of a certain age. Yeah, but if you were like if you if you lost 30 pounds 40 pounds, you can gather that like a little bit loosened breast tissue skin and like, you know, push it up into a very convincing cleavage situation. How much did you weigh on Drag Race? God, I was tiny probably like 160 or something. You filmed Drag Race what 10 years ago? 10 years ago. Yeah. That was the one after I was nine years ago.

See how easily I did that math? I just subtracted one. You see, eight comes after seven. You're tweaking it around. I was so skinny. I saw someone post a clip of me and Derrick Berry arguing on Drag Race recently, and I was 185 pounds.

- How will I tell you? You're quite tall. - Six foot two. - Damn. - Remember a dainty six foot two. - Yeah, very delicate. - And then I think at my biggest, I was like 240. - Really? - So I've gained 60 pounds. - Huh? - 245. I gained like 60 pounds coming off drag race. - Do you gain or lose on the road?

gain i lose gain like gain gain i hate it most people they do gain why because it's like eating fried foods or whatever do i eat fried food do i eat fried food baby i i am fried food i there's like there's like three places i order from i there's no variety in my diet whatsoever and i want to switch it up okay so when i was trying to uh

count my calories. You know what I was eating? What? And it actually worked Taco Bell. Mama, I love Taco Bell, baby. You like Taco Bell too? It's good. If you get the Doritos Locos and then a large Mountain Dew Zero, that's only 500 calories. Okay. You know how many of those you can eat in a day? But it's not like... Because I still don't know the limit. But I don't think it's like a really helpful paradigm to get away with it. Oh,

Do you know what I mean? This is not advice anyone should be taking. It's like a Weight Watchers kind of like, you know. Like, what can we get away with? Like, how can I cheat the system? How many tacos can I eat? Yeah, I was eating a lot of tacos. But then when I'm not concerned with what I eat, I eat chicken wings like almost every single day. Do you eat it all the way to the bone? All the way. Okay, first of all.

If you're eating a flat, what you do is you take the bone and you just kind of twist it. Okay. And you can pull the bone right out. Oh, okay. And then you grab the other one and pull it out. Okay.

And then you basically have a boneless wing in your hand. See, I've never been able to get it down to the bone. Can we order some wings? Absolutely. Yeah. Wings. Order the Popeye's wings. Do you like spicy? I do. Signature hot. And we're going to, I'm going to show you how to get the meat off a bone. If you had to have only one cuisine, let's say two, two meals for the rest of your life. That's it.

What are they going to be? I'm super basic. I want pepperoni pizza. Okay. And I want wings with ranch. Okay. How about you? I would do yellow curry with white rice with chicken. Chicken, carrots, potato, rice. And then probably...

oh uh foie gras no no no no bologna like a nice bolognese oh okay yeah i mean i do like mossomon curry is my favorite curry of all the curries is that a reddish one yeah i think so it's one with the potatoes don't they all have potatoes a lot of them do yeah yeah yeah um it's the one that's labeled mossomon on the menu i don't know what is in it but i know i market every single it's so good that's my favorite curry for sure um do you like indian food

I like it. I'm not like crazy about it. The thing is, I'm not really super into food, so to speak. So to say like, that's why my diet is so monotonous. I'll eat the same thing over and over again. Me too. I don't like to put a lot. I will eat at the first restaurant we drive to. I would rather eat at the first place and drive and mull over. I would just eat at the first place. I am so on the same page. I don't, I mean like, I have a friend who is so into food. Like, like people are into, I don't even know.

Like they're like a Somali able for food or something. I mean, in everything, there's nothing they will turn down. And it's all like, I don't know. There's like,

Out of all the 28,000 food items in the world, I'm interested in like 14 of them. Do they, is your friend, is your friend torment over what to eat? Is it always like, Oh, what place, what place? Um, yes, but it's more like, um, it's more like, um, where shall we go? It's a lot of research. It's a lot of like, it literally gives me a headache. It makes my stomach turn. I'm like the first place we see on Uber eats. I would, I am.

That's also why I'm with a lot of things in life too. There are times where I will just wear the clothes and then wash the clothes and then put them back on top of the other clothes and I'll never make it to the clothes at the bottom because I just keep wearing, washing the same clothes over and over again. If we're staying a week somewhere and we go to one restaurant...

- Obviously, of course you got ranch. - If I hit a restaurant on Monday and the food is like, they give me what I ordered and it's like, and I don't throw up, I'm in there every single fucking day. - Oh yeah, for sure. - Every day. I don't wanna try, if it,

It doesn't even have to be spectacular. Sometimes it doesn't have to be good. I'm the same. Even if it's not great, I will just eat it just to get my sustenance and then just move on with my fucking day. I used to eat this. I ate a sausage, egg, and cheese croissant from Columbia Deli at 106 in Amsterdam almost every day for eight years. Fierce. I'm not even kidding. Almost every single day. I'd walk in and the guy behind the counter, what was his name? He's calling me Pab. Pab.

Ethan George Joey Yeah Choggy Choggy Choggy was from Egypt Okay I'd go Hey Choggy Hey Pab What do you want And I'd be like Oh And I'd be like You know what it is Every single day Me and Choggy I fucking love that Choggy would see me Coming from work So Choggy would see me Dressed in the craziest outfits

And drag. Yeah, full drag. Yeah. But also I was in my club kid era too. Okay. So I would come in painted like a clown and my face would be half black, half white or blue on the top. I'm a fireball. I'm always wearing the craziest outfit. And Chucky was like, oh, that's just Pab. Fierce. And I never corrected him. Pab. Pab. He called me Pab. Pab.

They go, hey, Pab. And I'm like, hey, Choggy. I was probably saying his name wrong. Pab the brag queen. Pab, I was like, all right. Shout out to Choggy, wherever you are, Choggy. Choggy, we are really interested in what you're going through right now. I think you may move back to Egypt. I'm dying to go to Egypt. Have you ever been? Mary, I've never been to Africa. You've never been? Not once? I'm dying to go. I don't know why I said that, as if I've been so many times. You know, the thing is, when you look at the map,

South Africa looks like it is as close as London. It is not. It is extremely far from South Africa. I think is a 20 something hour flight and it is so expensive for what? It's like 8,000, $5,000 for just a regular flight.

economy class seat to get to South Africa. - Yeah, no, thank you. I'm dying to go to fucking Morocco. I'm dying to go to Egypt. I'm dying to go to Tunisia. I'm dying to go to Kenya. - I used to know a song where I could sing like all the continent, all the countries of the world, but I don't know why, I know I can't do it anymore. - One time, last time I was on the road, I was like, we're gonna learn every African country in its capital and I did and then I forgot them. - Burundi?

Lesotho, Malawi, Togo, Spanish Jajara, Sierra Leone,

Damn. You had them all committed to memory? Yeah. It's like very, very sad. You remember the capital of Egypt? Oh yeah. Cairo. Everyone knows that one. Well, you know what? Apparently, because according to Joanna Lumley's fabulous travelogue series, she travels the whole Nile River. It's so wonderful. But just the pollution alone from Cairo is the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes a day. So if you're just like out and about walking,

for the whole day in Cairo, you smoked 20 cigarettes. Isn't that cunty? - That's why cunty. We've definitely had different responses to that. We definitely had different responses. I was looking up the country that smoke the most cigarettes. And I feel like Cambodia or India, one of the countries where the most people who smoke cigarettes.

Do you smoke cigarettes? I started smoking again. Yeah. I've been on and off. Currently, I love it.

I'm not judging. No, no, I'm fine. I'm immune to judgment about cigarettes. Well, I mean, you have to be because everyone gives you so much shit. Yeah. And I mean, I know I'm taking a bold stance here. Sympathy for cigarette smokers is a pretty bold stance in 2024. But like, especially because most cigarette smokers either want to quit or want to want to quit. Yes. But you know what I appreciate? What's that? The other category.

The ones that don't want to quit. They love it. They can't get enough of it. I am one currently. Oh, per. Yeah, yeah. So you've probably been through a lot of the cycles. Oh, I've been through all of them. And I've also, I mean, literally every like every, you know, little sort of variation of it. But did you notice that every fucking person in the world is vaping right now? Did you notice that?

Did you, have you, have you been made aware of that? Has anybody brought this to your attention? Have you been briefed? Have you been, well, she's been briefed. The thing is, explain it to me because now for me, smoking and vaping are two very different activities. They're not even related. Well, one is smoking. One is vapor. Oh shit. Any more? Let's take a break.

This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. As we enter the hot, humid doldrums of midsummer, a lot of us end up sitting at home in the air conditioning and endlessly scrolling through social media. We see all our friends and acquaintances enjoying their summer on the Amalfi Coast, drinking sparkling Italian cocktails and dining on freshly caught calamari. As you order Thai food for the 15th time this month, it's hard not to see those pics and feel like utter crap. But let me tell you,

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Thank you.

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Speeds lower above 40 gigabytes on unlimited plan. Additional taxes, fees, and restrictions apply. See Mint Mobile for details. The Bald and the Beautiful is supported by FX's English Teacher. From Paul Sims, the executive producer that brought you What We Do in the Shadows, FX's English Teacher follows Evan, a teacher in Austin, Texas, who learns if it's really possible to be your full self at your job while often finding himself at the intersection of the personal, professional, and political aspects of working at a high school.

I cannot wait to see this amazing new show with the preternaturally hysterical Brian Jordan Alvarez. It's from the producer of one of the greatest TV shows of all time. And can I let you in on a little secret? A certain Miss Trixie Mattel makes a guest appearance on the show and whoa, it is a sight to behold. Take it from me, a connoisseur of quality television programming. You do not want to miss this show. FX's English Teacher premieres September 2nd on FX. Stream on Hulu.

So, okay, I started vaping because I was on the Madonna tour and all the dancers were vaping. And then I was just like, let me get one of these, some of your watermelon flavored air. Let me get some of your strawberry mint air. And then I was like, oh, I am addicted to nicotine. Yeah.

There's nicotine in this. So then I had to switch to the nicotine-free vapes just to satisfy the oral fixation of doing this nonstop. That's what I think it is. I don't love that I vape. And I am quitting. That's why I'm on the zero nicotine vape. Yeah. How do you find it? You just go to the store and you ask for the zero nic. No, no, no. I mean, how do you like it? Oh, do I like vaping? No, no. This. Because I would imagine you could trick yourself quite easily. There's no buzz.

Is there really a buzz with the nicotine? I mean, I guess I don't feel it because I smoke. Oh, girl. I remember one time hitting a nicotine vape and I was like, I am high. I was like day one. Reset. I am in a silver chip. This begins my relapse. This is crazy. I need a 24 hour chip. I remember I was driving.

from the gym and I was like oh a vape and I hit it and I was already winded and I was like I had to pull the car over Jesus I was like I am high off my gourd right now are you serious I am dead serious I would not I was like that is so fucked up I was so light headed I was like oh my god I couldn't think straight I had to pull over and I was like I gotta quit I gotta quit the nicotine so this is when I switched to the nicotine free vapes and now I do this one like

Maybe once every couple of days. I will go hours and forget I have it. And I also use this little thing called Fume. Fume is like, it's not electronic at all. It's just a breathing device where you just breathe in flavored air. And that's literally the whole thing. It just satisfies the desire to have flavored air in your mouth. I think it's just the oral fixation, don't you think? Oh, for sure. 100%. But every single person. It's wild. Everybody. You know why I stopped vaping at first? Because I...

This is a true story. I was under the stage hiding and I did a little vape and I didn't think anyone saw me. And then an 11 year old girl said to me, are you vaping? And I said, oh yeah, but you know, I, I, I'm not normal. And she goes, do you like it?

And I said, I do not like this. I don't like it. Someone made me do it. Madonna made me do it. I said, I hate this. And she goes, well, if you hate it, why are you doing it? Are you serious? I'm not lying to you. She goes, if you hate it, why are you doing it? And I said, you know, that's a really good point. And then that day, I stopped bathing for like months. And then I got back on a little bit. But I remember that little girl shamed me down. Shamed? I mean, they can wield shame like no other. Oh.

- Oh, because they have no shame. - Hello. Oh God. I remember when I was, we used to take these little kids out to the bus, you know, when I was in elementary. - We? - Yeah, the Royal We. - Who was taking these kids to the bus? Why were y'all taking these kids to the bus?

You're like the older students would take the younger students to the bus. And when this little boy looked at me one day, he was like, are you a boy or a girl? That question drives me crazy when kids ask that question. I remember this time, I used to have long hair down here. And this little boy said, are you a girl? And I said, I will never forget this. I was in Minnesota City, Minnesota, which is not a city, by the way. It's about 200 people in the whole town. And I said, yes, yes.

Am a girl he goes no you're not and I said then why did you ask me they punch me? You know I wasn't a girl. Why did you ask me which be honest is quite progressive of him? He was like bro. Jen is a constructive I was trying to find out how you identify cuz gender expression and gender identity and pronouns are all separate categories So I asked my question again. Are you a girl?

- I was like, if you would've said that, I'd be like, you ate. - Tea. - Tea. It was like 2005. I don't think this kid, we weren't having that conversation. So when I lived in La Grange, we used to go to the bus stop to take, I was a bus rider. ♪ Bus rider ♪ You remember Ghost Rider? - Oh yeah. - Yeah, anyway.

Bus rider But it was ghost rider Oh yeah writer Yeah Invisible ink or something There was something These kids were detectives And ghost rider would help them solve their mysteries Or something Is it a TV show or a product Ghost rider was a TV show So anyway this one kid Every single day would come to the bus stop And go did the bus come yet

And I would be like, I'm – I was like, you think I let the bus come? I was like, no, y'all, you guys go ahead because Andy's going to come and ask. And I want to be here to tell him. You have a log. You have a very – Did the bus come yet? Thursday, January 21st, 7.04 a.m. The bus came. Yeah.

Yes No the bus didn't Every time You know what's driving me crazy What the fuck Was whenever Okay when you go to the elevator And everyone's standing Yeah Do you press the button

Okay, say it again. Everyone standing at the elevator, waiting for the elevator to come down. There's already people standing there. Do you press the button? I mean, if it's not lit up. I mean, no, because I'm going to assume. What if it's one that doesn't light up? I'm going to assume that the seven to 15 to 22 people waiting. Have already pressed the button. One of them has taken the initiative. And when you get on the elevator, do you press the close button? Well, I frequently do.

Because I don't like, well, if I'm in drag, I'm vulnerable. That's fair. I'm vulnerable. I'm fragile. There's a lot of stuff can happen. You're walking on stilts. Yeah. Yeah. I would. But here's the thing that I, that I cannot fucking stand. So when we go to hotels, they have the key card. You need the key card to, you know,

That has completely destroyed the art of hooking up in drag. Oh. Or just hooking up in general. Yeah, you have to go all the way downstairs. But what about this though? It went to Seattle, stayed at this fucking hotel, horrible hotel. You had to like swipe the key card to open a door to get into the lobby where the elevators were. Then you have to press your card against the reader and punch in the floor you're going to.

And then it will find an elevator that will. And then you go to the elevator. There are signs. Yeah. I've seen these. I've seen these. It is absolutely the, it was the worst fucking thing ever. I just wish we could go back to large fucking brass keys.

Seriously. Everyone's like a janitor. Like a monk in medieval times with like on a rope, like on a big rope. It scares me. A brass key scares me. Why? What if I lose it? You're not going to lose this giant heavy brass key on a rope. They're going to attach it to a hubcap. You ever been to the gas station and they attach it to like a stop sign?

Or like when the bathroom key is attached, like it's a giant fraternity paddle. I love that shit. Something gigantic. Yeah. Hoppy stick. I have a friend who leaves a key outside under a rock.

And then you pick that key up and you come up and he'll need the key back from you when you make your way upstairs. He'll be like, I'll take that from you. Thank you so much. I love that. Which is honestly kind of iconic. I love that. And I think in terms of... I just wish we could have no locks.

I'm not seriously. I know, but I've never been burgled. And because your door is locked. Well, no, no, no. Because the, when I lived in West Hollywood for two years, I never locked my door. Now I'm not, I'm not, I know this is very reckless, bad behavior. You live in an apartment building. I did on the first floor. But your door is outside. Yes. And there wasn't like a door entrance the way. And then no, anybody, this was the only apartment complex that did not have a gate that locked.

So anybody could wander in from two separate directions. And then I was on the ground floor. So very accessible. That's wild. I know. But I just, I didn't care. You were in WeHo or were you in Hollywood? WeHo. I did not care. Because Hollywood would have been insane. Not necessarily. But probably, yes. I mean, this would turn out to be insane too. But I was just lucky. I just, when I was growing up, we never locked our door. We never locked our door. Our door was never locked. Never locked?

I don't have the physical memory of putting a key into my parents' house. I was a latchkey kid. I always locked my door. And my mom used to do this thing where she would leave us home by ourselves. My mom worked several jobs. She had to go work late at night. And she'd be like... She always gave us the same speech every single time. She would go, listen...

If someone knocks on that door, you do not answer it, no matter who it is. She'd always say one or two people. She'd go, I don't care if Jesus Christ knocks on the door. You tell him, wait till my mom gets home. Or she'd go, I don't care if Bill Clinton knocks on the door. You tell him, wait till my mom gets home. And I used to always be like, I really hope today's the day Jesus Christ or Bill Clinton knocks on the door so I can finally say, no one ever knocked on the door. But I've always wanted to say my line. I wanted to be like, wait till my mom gets home, Jesus Christ.

You're not coming in, you flop. Wait, so wait, it was, where was this? What town? Columbus, Georgia. Was it?

Do you think if you had, was it safe? So I'm from the south side of Columbus, Georgia, which is not safe. I used to live off Victory Drive. So no, Victory Drive was not safe. It's not giving. But also there's a little bit of when you're in an apartment building, you're one of so many. I know. So like I always think like for me to get, like if your house is getting burgled, that makes more sense than if your specific apartment in an apartment building is getting burgled. Because there's so many options. Why would you choose this one? You know what I mean? How unlucky, unless...

they're doing a whole string of them. I had a hookup one time in London where I went downstairs to go get the guy. And when I went outside and got him, the guy at the front desk goes, "He can't be in here." - What? - Isn't that crazy? - No guests? - And I was like, "What do you mean we don't have any guests after two o'clock?" I was like, "Is this a dorm?" Or am I a grown adult paying to be in a hotel where we paid money? - Paint me a picture of your most, the best hotel situation.

that I've had so far? - Or that you would have it, like what's your ideal hotel setup? - Okay, I would like for there to be no key card to come upstairs. - Absolutely. - Because what I really don't want is to, I mean, I hook up, but what I really do is I order Uber Eats.

And I don't want to meet you downstairs. Yeah. I don't want to come down. They come up. They come up. No, I have to go downstairs. Oh, okay. Every once in a while, there's a hotel where they'll, where they can get up without the key. And I prefer that, but I hate coming downstairs to meet you. You're already on the way. Just come upstairs. Yeah. My food. So I do not want to come downstairs. I also think that the,

that the room number needs to be on the inside of the door, but very large. Cause you forget what room number you're in. It's like tiny on your, on your phone. You can look down. I need to see the room number large on the inside of the door. So I can remember what room I'm in. That's fierce. Um, I, I, I would like a suite.

So I'll have like a room and then like the rooms in another room. Yeah. I only need one bathroom. I do. I never turn the TV on. Ever. Never. Never. I will leave it on that channel that it's on. I'll be in a hotel for a week and that one screen will never go off. The way that I like, I have like a ritual, you know, like I put my stuff down here. I put my stuff down in the bathroom and then I always have this reflex that I want to take the TV off the wall and throw it out the window.

You should. I hate it. It's always on that welcome channel. Yeah. Hilton. Is that your name? Marriott. Whatever. I also don't go by my first name. So,

So whenever they're like, hi, Christopher, I'm like, who the fuck are you? How do you feel when people walk up and like, hey, Brian. I'm like, have we had sex? Did we go to school together? What's the tea? Something's weird about it. A little bit, right? Yeah, it's the presumed layer of familiarity that is not presumed.

really there. And you know when people do the thing where they let you know that they know another drag queen personally. And there's one drag queen who's and maybe it's because she's always telling people in her life to use her real name. But she's always, people are always letting you know they know this queen by her first name. You know, because I was hanging out with Roy. When I was hanging out with Roy

- You know Roy? - You know Roy? You know Roy, his social security is 1468992, yeah. - So for those who don't know, Roy is Bianca's real name. And Bianca's friends really want you to know, 'cause I'm friends with Roy. - You know, Roy and I go way back. - Yeah, me and Roy. - Yeah, we're almost decimated by Katrina, Roy and I. - Yeah, me and Roy. - Me and Roy, yeah. - Love Roy. And I'm like, and I'd be like, who the fuck is Roy?

Everyone wants someone to tell me they know Brian. There are 19 of you. Which one? I know there's a million of us. There's, and it's also that, yeah. Also because we're both, if we're together, me and Trixie, the Brian thing is like, obviously it's fucking annoying. I can, yeah. You know, it's like, cause it's, I, why? Oh my God. I don't, I'm not a big fan of like any of that. No, none of that. Don't call me Brian or yeah.

I'm the same. And also, I think the New York City drag scene, we call each other. Are you a vegetarian? No. Okay. We call each other. I should have asked that before I ordered chicken. Um,

In the New York City drag scene, we call each other by our drag names no matter what. No matter how we're dressed. No matter what we're doing. No matter if we're in a fight. No matter if we're joking. No matter if we're serious. We are always calling each other by our names. We can be dead mad at you. We will still call you by your drag name. Then when I went to San Francisco, they all introduced themselves by two names. Oh my God. That's too much. Peaches will be like, my name is Peaches or Josh.

What my brain does is take the Josh and throws it in the trash. Jeaches. Peaches or Josh or call me. Yeah. It's already hard enough to remember one fucking name. Right? It's not. How do you feel about being confronted by someone you don't remember? Oh, no. We've met. Wait. How about this, though? We've met. I got that. Nice to meet you. We have met. I don't know if you remember this or not.

But I was in the audience at your show and I raised my hand and I asked, I was with Roy and you said, who's got a question? And I even said, I said, hi, my name is Craig and I want to know what's your favorite season of Drag Race? So we've met. There is a dude who's like, we met, it was nine years ago. I'll never, I have a photo. You looked awful in it.

And then he scrolled for an inappropriate amount of time. It was a long time. You know, it's like I would say maybe like 15 to 25 seconds of scrolling. And it better be worth it. It better be worth it. But this was like almost – I was verging on like two minutes. Oh, I looked awful.

worse than I actually anticipated all throughout the two minutes of the scrolling I'm like trying to remember like how and I was like oh shit I guess it was worth two minutes of scrolling for the humiliation they'll also trap you if they've ever done drag I did drag once

The way that my eyes recede into my brain and try to turn around. Can I show you? Yeah, hold on. My friend did my makeup. 26,000 pictures of my ass. We just have to get through. See, what it is is I did drag once on Pride in 2013. So we're going to be scrolling. Oh, I got to get my other phone. My friend Fufu Kachou, she did my makeup.

And it's the ugliest, rotted drag queen you've ever seen in your life. Didn't shave her chest hair. Brows have sweat off. At Pride, wearing her fucking Air Force Ones. I don't want to see pictures. I don't necessarily want to see pictures of beautiful drag queens. I don't want to see pictures of anybody. I don't really like pictures. Didn't you once say you don't like music? You know, you said that once. Right? Right?

I did because sometimes I really don't, but I love music. By the way, I have to say the fucking clip of you and Thorgy talking about pink is so funny.

Fucking funny. I played that shit like six times yesterday because I feel exactly the same way that Thorgy did in that video. It is so... Love pink. It's so funny. So you're like... You said it. I was like, okay, we got a lip sync smackdown, you know, and it's So What by Pink. And you asked Thorgy... Thorgy goes, so what? Yeah. Fake ass bitch. Yeah. So what? And you're like, I really don't like pink. I just...

And it was, she made a few disparaging. She goes, she's just a bad seed on this earth. Which I'm very like. Have you seen Pink getting slingshotted around arenas? Are you fucking kidding me? Singing Glitter in the Air. Yeah.

- Have you ever had a lover with just your-- - She's literally rotating, she's spinning, she's twisting, she's flying, she's juggling fire. - This is the definition of doing too much. I can't imagine why the song Get This Party Started constitutes all this. I'm not super familiar with Pink's discography, but I can't name a single song that would merit

Being catapulted from the back of an arena to the front of an arena. Punted like a football. It's so crazy to me. I mean, all due respect. She's a very athletic, wonderful performer. She's doing great for herself. Yeah, she's still not Taurus, whatever. And she won't stop doing this bit.

Well, which bit? The being catapulted around. Yeah, because she, yeah. It's like her thing. It's like her, it's her Michael Jackson moonwalk. Yeah, yeah. It's like, she doesn't feel at home in her body unless it's being tossed around 35,000 feet into the air. Ricocheted around the arena. So no one's shocked anymore. The first time they were like, what?

Flying above our heads. They probably, they gag for it. I'm sure. So it's probably, it's gotta be impressive. You could not make me go to one of those shows though. Oh my God. I've been to an arena tour. I've been to like four.

No. The stress of getting in and out is always a big barrier for me. Never in an arena. It does stress me out, too. How do you do it? I saw Madonna doing the Rebel Heart Tour. I saw Kendrick Lamar. What are the theater seats? How many seats in these arenas? Madonna and Kendrick Lamar were at Barclays, which is about 20,000 seats. I saw Lizzo in Indianapolis, which is about 17,000 seats. And I saw Beyonce at the MetLife Stadium, which is 10,000 seats.

80,000 seats. So tell me about getting in and out of Beyonce. So getting in and out of Beyonce was honestly, getting into it was relatively easy. We found parking right away. And I'm going to tell you guys a little secret.

Ticketmaster lets you resell your tickets at any price you want. You can raise and lower your prices. If you go to a concert and you hang out long enough, you will find someone desperately trying to sell their tickets at the last minute. You will get a very cheap ticket. That's what me and my friends did. We sold our tickets up in the rafters, and then we bought tickets downstairs in the Beehive. Last minute.

for the same price of the tickets in the rafters. Jesus. Because they were so desperate to get rid of their tickets. Okay. And getting in was, not getting out, because everyone's not arriving at the same time, but we're all leaving at the exact same time. That's why I don't, I got to leave before, always. Like leaving the Hollywood Bowl, even the Hollywood Bowl. I live near the Hollywood Bowl and it is so annoying. Mama, it's fucking, or the Greek, the Greek theater, because you're all the way up there and even if you go on foot,

It's like a horror movie. I've never seen it. I performed at the Greek, but I've never. But whenever you're performing, you usually either you're either if you're like really the shit you're leaving before the audience. But if you're not, you're leaving way after they leave. It's way it's one. It's one or the other. And if you're performing, you would assume it's way after because there's a single fucking lane of traffic. And it's so it's my ultimate nightmare. So I don't go to the Greek.

um that was uh it was like a netflix thing it was a netflix thing um uh there was a comedy showcase that um trixie was in i think i hosted that oh you did you did because you had to fill in for oh why didn't you fill in oh no no no okay so so let me say this is bob the drag queen is not only professional

Not only a consummate professional, not only a seasoned pro, but a generous performer. Generous performer. Thank you. Which is rare, I feel like, because there's one thing. One thing is being, you know, being good is one thing. Being great is another thing. Being generous.

is a whole nother thing. - That is true. - And so when one of the people who was supposed to perform a certain duty refused to perform that duty for whatever reason. - Allegedly. - Allegedly, Bob stepped in and said, "I will do this duty." And she did it well. - But I didn't get the same credit. - Or the money, I'm assuming. - Or the money. No, I did not get the money that the other person had got. Allegedly, I don't know how much they got, but I heard rumors about how much they got, and apparently it was Hanson.

It was guapo, honey. It was wild. I don't... Ugh.

So you can watch it on Netflix. It's called Standout. Standout, which is a queer comedy showcase. Me, Trixie Mattel, Wanda Sykes, Matteo Lane, Kim Booster, Lily Tomlin, Sarah Paulson, literally everyone. I think Judy Gold. Sandra Bernhardt. Sandra Bernhardt. So many people are in this remarkable special. And then I was slated to be a...

do a set. Then I ended up hosting the whole fucking MCing. Now what's the difference between hosting and MCing? Pay. Shit. Shit. Couple zeros on the check. Baby. Couple zeros on the check. Don't slap some comic on this bitch.

- Yeah, I think I found out the difference on this. I did not know before, but I had found out the difference between emceeing and hosting. - And they didn't bump you up a little bit. - They did bump me up a little bit. - Okay, okay, okay. - They did bump me up a little bit, yeah. - Jesus Christ. Now, what was the best night of the Madonna concert? - I'm gonna say, everyone thinks I'm gonna say Brazil, 'cause it was 1.6 million people there. - No, no, mama, that is a night, but that's the Terrifier. - It was actually Mexico City. We did a show with, what's her name?

Famous Mexican actors. She played- Salma Hayek. Salma Hayek. She came dressed as Frida Kahlo. So when you're performing in Mexico City, the elevation is very- I think it's the highest city in North America, I think. It might be somewhere in Denver. I don't know about that. Can you Google the highest city in North America? I love Mexico City. It is- You are so winded. When you're there for a long time, you get altitude sickness. If you're not used to that, you kind of like- We were there for like a week almost. Shit.

And this was our last show in the fifth show in Mexico city at the, at the, at the sports arena or the sports bowl or whatever it was called. And when Selma Hyatt came out dressed like Frida Kahlo, uh,

Those people went crazy. It was like I had never heard a roar that loud in my life. They're already at a Madonna concert. And then Selma Hayek comes out. And she's dressed like Selma Hayek. And plus Bob the Drag Queen's there. So that was a really – I think that's what really set them off. It was like excited, joyful, and then elation. Oh, my God. We said the same thing. That's funny. I'm obsessed.

um but that was a really brilliant night that is i'm so i'm sad that i didn't get to see the tour but i i don't think i would have lasted like i can't be an attendant in a concert it's a long show it's a long show it's late and it's also hot someone stopped me at chicago probably the day was like can i i have to ask you which which i can almost guarantee you as a question they do not have that are you a girl

I have to ask you, how big is your penis? - How big is your penis? And are you a girl? He said, "I have to ask you, what was it like when Kylie Minogue met Madonna?" And I said, "Well, I don't know." I feel like that's a question for Kylie Minogue.

Cause you know, what was it like to be there? And I said, well, I wasn't really, I wasn't, I'm not watching the show. I was like, I'm in the show. So I was probably doing my makeup. And then I just saw it on, I saw it on YouTube. Like you did. Like I did not, I was not out there watching Kylie Minogue and Madonna singing, get out of my way together.

I was changing my makeup and getting ready to come back on stage again. So the truth is, I don't know what it was like. And he goes, "Come on!" And I was like, "I don't know." - You should have just made up something. You should have just made up something. - Actually, yeah, I cried. - Yeah, I cried because I saw Kylie grab her crotch and she wouldn't let go and Madonna seemed to like it.

Keep going. But they didn't. That's not the first time they met, certainly. I don't know. Well, come on. You know, me and Madonna have talked a lot, but I've never asked her when she met Kylie Minogue. Okay. I need one good Madonna tidbit. Oh, there's so many great stories about Madonna. I have this idea. What? On the tour. Because I helped her create the show.

And you have to promise me that you'll bleep the name I say. Of course. Promise me you'll bleep the name. Absolutely. Swear to God. Nick, you got it. Don't fuck with me. No.

I said, I had this idea for, because I helped come up with, I wrote all my own lines and I came up with numbers and stuff in the show. I was actually helping create the show. And then I had this one idea that I pitched to her. I was like, and when I do this, this should happen. I'm wearing this big cowboy hat and I thought that the hat should jump off my head and start dancing. And that it would be funny. There should be a person in the hat and the hat should just start dancing. And then she goes, well, you can do that when you're hosting a tour.

So bleep the name. But yeah, I really thought it was so cute. I love that. I love that. So the lateness. Okay, we got to wrap up. What is your personal view on punctuality? Well, it depends on, for me personally. For you as a performer. Even though I want to point out that I was 20 minutes late getting here. Yeah.

I want to say I also agreed last minute to do it. So I really tried to squeeze in my schedule. And you showed up in a suit for Christ's sake. And with earrings. With earrings. I am known for my promptness. I'm known for being on time. But I will say this though. If you go to a pop star's concert who has been late for 40 years. Yeah, zero. And you're gagging. Bitch, you're the fool. You're late.

Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like you, you've been done been new. Yeah. Now the first time that's gaggy. Yeah. It's like, Ooh, it's a Monday night. Ooh, it's 1130. Ooh, I got to work tomorrow. When you've been going to these concerts for, and I've been to every single one. Yeah. Then, you know, yeah. Then you fucking know, bitch, you know, to wait two and a half hours after the runtime. And then, yeah. Do your thing at 21. Like you, you, you, you, you, you, you, there, there are certain people in my life who I know are going to be late and I am choosing to hang out with them. Yeah.

Do you have any of those people? Like, like, like I'm choosing, like, and I, and I have to put myself in a mind frame. Like I'm going to make, I know I'm going to be late with this person. I'm going to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's about knowing that, like there's times when, you know, you, you always have to budget time in for people who have that track record. Yeah. I mean, you know, over the course of like, it's,

I think ultimately it does come down to like being a little bit disrespectful. So it doesn't, but if they're, but if they're always like that, then it's just like, Oh, they're just two hours behind everything. Like the first time they're late. That's really, that's really on them. But after the 20th time and you keep trying to meet them places, it's on you at that point. Last, last thing I swear to God, first date, what is the amount of lateness that is acceptable for a second date? Eight minutes.

Shit. Once we reach 10, I'm mad. Yeah. Like if we reached, if you are 20 minutes late, I will not be there when you show up. Fierce. If you are eight minutes to 10 minutes late, I will be there and I will be so pissy the whole time. 15? I'm wrecked. What if they show up with huge tits? Three days late. Well, thank you so much for doing this last minute. I guess you're going to teach me how to eat some wings now. All right, let's eat wings. Okay. You know, wings are from Buffalo, New York.

That's what's called buffalo wings. Really? Yeah. Oh. Buffalo is my favorite. No, I'm not making that up. Buffalo wings are from Buffalo, New York. Oh, this is a parmesan. Oh, I don't like cheese. It's okay. It's just one wing. Okay. So you twist it? So hold on. Okay. So I lived in New York for 12 years. Not that chicken wings are from New York City at all, by the way. So you twist it. And then you pull the bone out. Okay. And then?

You. Shut the fuck up. Pull the other bone out. Oh, there's two. Yeah. I was going to go ham on it. Pull the other one out. And then just give it a little dunk. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up, you bitch. Not a great wing. Not a great wing. But a great technique. Screaming. That is a game changer. This episode is sponsored by Popeye's. Not great wings. Not great wings.

Chai Popeye, not great wings. Convenient, just not great. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks, everybody. Twist your wings and don't spit them out. Goodbye.
