The Athletic’s flagship NFL podcast covers the league like only The Athletic can. Host Robert Mays a
Mike Jones joins Robert Mays on this episode of The Athletic Football show to dig into the latest ne
After a quick check-in on some of the top performing rookies in the NFL in Week 3 (0:41), Andy Stapl
Michell Schwartz joins Robert Mays on this episode to talk about something right in his wheelhouse..
OK, we've had nearly 24 hours to digest Sunday's games and nurse the hangover that a few of them gav
The Dolphins moved to 3-0 on Sunday, and they had to knock off the Bills to get there. The Eagles ar
Is it time for the Steelers to turn to Kenny Pickett? Mike Sando and former GM Randy Mueller weigh i
At first, the Week 3 Thursday night game looked exactly like a Browns-Steelers game. And then it sud
Week 3 of the 2022 season is shaping up to be the best one to date, at least on paper. We've got two
Week 3 NFL fantasy is underway with many lineups feeling good a 1-1, ecstatic at 2-0, or freaking ou
The Bengals, Titans and Raiders all made the playoffs last season. They're all 0-2 this season. How
Which college players have benefited the most from the transfer portal? Andy Staples and Dane Brugle
There was a ton of change to the NFL's broadcasting landscape this offseason. From Joe Buck and Troy
You can't debrief everything immediately after a big night. Some things need a day or two to marinat
In Week 2, the Dolphins trailed the Ravens 35-14 going into the fourth quarter. They won 42-38. The
Mike Sando and former GM Randy Mueller break down the Chiefs win over the Chargers on the debut of A
It may not have been the prettiest game, but it certainly was an entertaining one. The Chiefs rallie
Week 2 of the NFL season is here, and we've got a whole lot to get to on this episode of The Athleti
Michael Beller and Brandon Funston break down their reactions to how fantasy football played out in
Week 1 may not be everything, but it certainly isn't nothing, either. Bo Wulf joins Robert Mays on t
Prospects to Pros with Andy Staples and Dane Brugler joins The Athletic Football Show feed as the in