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Ra and the Sun Gods

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The Ancients

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Campbell Price
Tristan Hughes
旁白:对Ra的描述,以及Ra在白天和夜晚的不同形态和旅程。 Ra是太阳的守护者、保护者和提供者,赋予生命并维持万物。Ra有多种形态,但都与圆形符号相关,这个符号象征着太阳、蛇吞尾等意象,也代表着不同的太阳神,例如Khepri(圣甲虫)、Ra(猎鹰)和Aton(公羊)。Ra每天驾驶太阳船在天上航行,晚上进入冥界与怪物战斗,最终像圣甲虫滚动粪球一样将太阳带回人间。 Tristan Hughes:本集将探讨古埃及太阳神Ra的故事,以及古埃及人对他的崇敬。 Campbell Price:Ra是古埃及最重要的神祇之一,象征着太阳,并衍生出其他太阳神。除了Ra,还有其他与太阳相关的埃及神祇,并且其他神祇也会融合Ra的特性,例如Amun。Ra和Re指的是同一个神祇,只是名称略有不同,并且Ra还有其他不同的称号和形象,例如Re-Horakhty。关于Ra的神话起源和背景故事,资料比较匮乏,主要通过对他的称号、属性和与其他神祇互动来了解。金字塔和方尖碑等建筑可能与太阳崇拜有关,它们的高耸形态和可能存在的镀金装饰都象征着太阳的能量。Ra通常被描绘成鹰头人身,头顶太阳圆盘,但在阿肯那顿时期,他的形象发生了改变。Ra与Horus的结合,体现了Ra作为太阳神与王权的联系。一块木制石碑展示了Ra-Horakhty的形象,体现了他作为众神之王的身份和威严。Horus是王权之神,与Ra结合象征着Ra作为众神之王的至高无上的地位。Amun-Ra是Ra与Amun的结合,象征着全国统一和神权的融合。Karnak神庙是Amun-Ra崇拜的重要场所,体现了其在古埃及宗教中的地位。Ra与其他主要神祇的结合,进一步突显了他的崇高地位。关于Ra在夜间的去向,古埃及人有很多推测,认为他会在冥界航行,并经历不同的形态变化和重生。Seth是Ra太阳船在冥界航行时的重要成员,负责抵御Apophis的攻击。蛇的意象在Ra的神话中具有双重性,既可以是保护神,也可以是邪恶的象征。阿肯那顿时期,对太阳神的崇拜发生了根本性的转变,他提倡对Aten的唯一崇拜。在托勒密王朝时期,对Ra的崇拜依然存在,甚至在基督教时期也有一些融合的迹象。

Deep Dive

Ra, the Egyptian Sun God, is a complex figure with multiple forms tied to the sun's journey. He sails the sun across the sky by day, transforming from Khepri to Ra to Atum, and navigates the underworld by night, battling the serpent Apophis with the help of Seth.
  • Ra's different forms represent the sun's journey across the sky and through the underworld.
  • The sun god's voyage through the underworld is fraught with danger, including the monstrous serpent Apophis.
  • Set, the god of chaos, plays a crucial role in protecting Ra during his nightly journey.

Shownotes Transcript

Of all the Egyptian Gods it is Ra, the God of the Sun, who is perhaps most well known in the popular imagination. He is said to have voyaged across the sky on his solar barge and then come nightfall descended into the underworld to battle all sorts of monstrous creatures. But Ra is a complicated character. He is often fused with other Egyptian gods and transformed into different solar deities entirely. So who really is he? And where do the tales about him come from?

In today's episode of The Ancients - the second in our 5 part series on Egyptian Gods and Goddesses - Tristan Hughes is joined by Egyptologist Campbell Price to unpack to story of Ra and the Sun Gods and explore the deity who the Ancient Egyptians arguably revered most highly.

Presented by Tristan Hughes. Edited by Aidan Lonergan. The producer is Joseph Knight, the senior producer is Anne-Marie Luff.

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