cover of episode Nineveh


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The Ancients

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主持人:本期节目探讨尼尼微从新石器时代起源到被米底人和巴比伦人摧毁的全过程,包括阿卡德人的征服和亚述统治者统治时期,以及尼尼微作为亚述帝国首都的兴衰。节目中提到了尼尼微丰富的考古资料,以及圣经等外部文献对尼尼微的记载。 Paul Collins博士:尼尼微位于今伊拉克北部,靠近摩苏尔,地处肥沃的底格里斯河畔。尼尼微的历史可以追溯到公元前7000年左右,早期居民是农民和牧民。公元前4000年左右,尼尼微发展成为一个重要的城市,人口可能在5000到10000之间。阿卡德人征服美索不达米亚后,尼尼微可能与阿卡德帝国建立了外交关系。阿卡德帝国灭亡后,尼尼微由说胡里特语的国王统治。公元前1400年左右,亚述国王开始征服周边地区,尼尼微成为亚述王国的一部分。公元前705年萨尔贡二世战死后,塞纳基立将首都迁至尼尼微,并大规模扩建城市,建造了西南宫等宏伟建筑,以及长达12公里的城墙。塞纳基立的宫殿浮雕既有历史场景,也有神话场景,反映了亚述人对神和历史的理解。亚述巴尼拔继承王位后,继续在尼尼微建造宫殿,并建立了著名的亚述巴尼拔图书馆,收集了大量的泥板文书。公元前612年,巴比伦和米底联军攻陷尼尼微,亚述帝国灭亡。尼尼微被摧毁后,仍然作为一个村庄或城镇存在,后来成为基督教中心。

Deep Dive


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Nineveh was one of the great cities of ancient Mesopotamia. Situated on the eastern bank of the River Tigris, it rivalled cities like Babylon and Persepolis as the capital of the great Assyrian Empire and the seat of power for towering figures like Sennacherib and Ashurbanipal. But what were its origins, how did it become such a great city and how did it fall? 

In today’s episode of The Ancients, Tristan Hughes is joined by Dr. Paul Collins to tell the story of Nineveh’s history from start to end. Beginning with its Stone Age origins, they discuss its conquest by the Akkadians, its golden age as Mesopotamia’s foremost city, and its obliteration at the hands of the Medes and Babylonians. 

This episode was produced by Joseph Knight and edited by Aidan Lonergan 

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