Adam Carolla & Dr. Drew Pinsky reunite the partnership that made Loveline a wild success and cultura
While Dr. Drew kicks off the week joining from his New York City abode, Adam starts the show explori
David Alan Grier returns and the guys talk football and head injuries as well as taking calls on PTS
Adam and Dr. Drew are joined by good friend David Alan Grier and they discuss the Manti T'eo story a
The fellas discuss Tiger Woods and his shenanigans, then Radio Personality "Rude Jude" joined the fe
Adam and Dr. Drew wrap up the week discussing overnight political conversions, Adam shares the lates
Today, Fritz Coleman continues with the guys, as they dissect the hereditary nature of addiction, Ad
Today, Adam and Dr. Drew welcome comedian & legendary weathercaster, Fritz Coleman and they talk abo
Adam and Drew are joined by former Loveline co-host Diane Farr to discuss bathroom etiquette and tak
Adam and Drew discuss Adam's problems with pet food storage and take calls on heroin addiction, the
Wrestling legend "Diamond" Dallas Page stopped by to talk about his life before wrestling, his Hall
The guys wrap up the week with Rudy Pavich, comedian and radio personality, back in the studio. They
Today, Adam and Dr. Drew welcome comedian, and friend of the show Rudy Pavich to the studio as Ace s
Dr. Drew starts off this week by admiring some bathroom artwork, the start of The Man Show, and the
Adam and Drew take questions from a heroin addict without money for treatment and a guy who wants to
Adam and Drew discuss the Lance Armstrong controversy and take calls on chronic over-eating and abus
Adam introduces the world to "The Carolla Commitment" and R&B Legend Brian McKnight stops by to talk
Today, the guys take a call at the top of the show on who are the true owners of the water in Califo
Today, comedian Erica Rhodes continues with the guys sharing how she splits her time between comedy
Adam and Drew kick off the week welcoming comedian Erica Rhodes, as they jump into dating dilemmas,
Adam & Drew discuss the recent passing of Huell Howser, John Lennon and giant Mexican guitars. They