Adam Carolla & Dr. Drew Pinsky reunite the partnership that made Loveline a wild success and cultura
Adam and Drew are in New York as they talk to comedian and libertarian Dave Smith and try to find th
Adam kicks thins off with a riff of cliches from old school presenters leading Dr. Drew to compare i
Adam and Drew take a look at a montage of people wrong about COVID saying "no one is safe" and "you'
Adam gets into his thoughts that women call people "annoying" as a catch all phrase for them to be c
Drew explains Gell-Mann amnesia and Adam shares a theory of how people become defensive when they kn
Adam and Dr. Drew open the show discussing the old photo of Adam dressed up for halloween as Mr. T a
Adam and Drew take a deep dive on Gaivin Newsom's outdoor dining regulations during the pandemic and
Adam and Drew take a call from a concerned parent whose child is denigrated at school. Drew advises
Adam remembers how people told him to "just shut up" during the pandemic and explains why he refused
Comedian Theo Von joins Dr. Drew and Adam this week and they open the show talking about Theo's home
Adam and Drew take a deep dive into the reason CDC Director Rochelle Walensky resigned. Next, Adam r
People cancelling dish washers leads Adam to explain his process of cleaning dishes. Which of course
Adam and Drew discuss certain words you can/can't say on the radio which leads into a broader discus
Adam and Drew take a call from someone with questions about Canada expanding their euthenasia laws.
Adam and Drew debate what it means to be annoying and if it can be fixed before getting into Mayor E
Adam and Drew take a deep dive into the life and murder of Bob Crane. Next they get into a Love Boat
Adam and Drew open the show with Adam talking about a radio show he was listening to where a Califor
Adam shows Drew the ultimate example of Chick Think with a Los Angeles councilwoman blaming Toyota f
Adam and Drew compare Gavin Newsom and Justin Trudeau and how charming candidates getting elected ar
Adam and Drew break down the Don Lemon and Tucker Carlson situations and conclude that we live in a