cover of episode The 6-1-1 Podcast: Trailer

The 6-1-1 Podcast: Trailer

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The 6-1-1 Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jimmy Rollins
Ryan Howard
Ryan Howard 和 Jimmy Rollins:这个播客旨在分享棒球运动员(前和现役)以及其他人的故事,以一种与以往不同的方式展现他们的经历。两位主持人将以轻松有趣的方式进行访谈,并鼓励嘉宾分享他们以前从未分享过或公开的故事。他们希望通过创造一个舒适和信任的环境,让嘉宾们能够自由地表达自己,分享他们的故事和观点。 播客的名称 "6-1-1" 源于两位主持人的球衣号码,象征着他们合作的默契和独特的视角。他们相信,通过轻松的对话,可以挖掘出嘉宾不为人知的一面,并为听众带来新鲜有趣的体验。 Jimmy Rollins: 这个播客将提供一个平台,让嘉宾们分享他们以前从未分享过故事。通过轻松的对话氛围,可以鼓励嘉宾们打开心扉,分享他们人生中难忘的经历和感悟。两位主持人将以轻松自然的方式与嘉宾互动,营造轻松愉快的访谈氛围,让嘉宾们感到舒适和自在,从而分享更多更深入的故事。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


here we are jimmy rollins ryan howard welcoming you all to our new podcast the 6-1-1 where we like to go inside of player stories we want to give these guys former players current players

People that have nothing to do with baseball, the opportunity to express themselves and share their stories, maybe in a different way that they have before. So we're looking forward to bringing to you this new podcast with my man, Ryan Howard, who is the voice.

And when you hear him speak, you'll see why. Illustrious intro. As you can see, this is what I've had to deal with over 13 plus years. And I've had the honor of being next to this man on the field. And now I have the honor of being next to this man on the microphone. So what you're going to have with this 611 podcast is we're going to have a lot of fun because that's all we know how to do. We're just going to be ourselves. We're going to be Jimmy from the Bay and Ryan from the STL, baby, because that's what we do. I'm just a laid back cat.

From the Midwest, baby. That's all it is. We're going to get on here. We're going to have a lot of fun. We're going to have some great, interesting guests for you guys to allow them to come out, share their stories, as Jimmy mentioned, and we're going to have fun doing it. So it's going to be 611. Jimmy, why 611?

It's because my man here, we're number six, now we're number 11. And together, when we get together, it's always, actually, I don't know what it always is, but people always find it interesting. That's the beauty of the show. You put a mic in front of somebody and they just open up and tell you things that you've never known about them. So that's what you're going to get from the 611 podcast, a play on the 411, getting information, extracting things. But when you just let people talk.

You really get to find out who they are when you provide that environment where they can be comfortable in their shoes and you can build that trust. They'll tell you things about them that maybe they haven't told before. So we're looking for those stories. We're looking forward to bringing you to 611. Ryan Howard, Jimmy Rollins. Let's get it.