cover of episode #145. Richard Brubaker: Is This Sustainable

#145. Richard Brubaker: Is This Sustainable

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Richard Brubaker
Richard Brubaker 认为可持续发展应从关注人的需求出发,体现在城市化、供应链管理和宏观经济等方面,最终目标是提高人们的韧性,而非仅仅关注环境保护本身。他强调要理解世界发展趋势,并根据现实情况制定解决方案,而非追求完美。他还指出,许多可持续发展问题对大多数人来说是难以感知的,这阻碍了人们采取行动。他认为,解决可持续发展挑战不需要所有人的参与,关键在于影响力人士的行动。他还强调可持续发展不应仅仅依靠个人行为改变,更应通过构建更好的系统来实现,为人们提供更好的产品和服务,而不是道德说教。他认为,政府政策与企业行动的协调至关重要,中国在这方面具有优势。他还谈到了欧盟的碳边境调节机制(CBAM)等政策对推动全球可持续发展具有重要作用,以及市场对可持续发展产品的需求有限,政府的监管作用至关重要。他还分析了中国在可持续发展方面的长期规划优势以及面临的经济挑战,并探讨了循环经济的实践和挑战,以及如何改进回收利用的效率。最后,他强调要分步进行,不必追求完美,关键在于持续学习和改进。 Justin 和 Eric 则从个人的角度出发,探讨了如何将可持续发展的理念融入日常生活,并强调了社区和承诺的重要性。他们认为,每个人都可以从自身做起,关注一个具体问题,并为之努力,即使没有完美的解决方案,也要持续行动,并从经验中学习和改进。

Deep Dive

The conversation introduces the concept of sustainability and its relevance to modern life, touching on climate change, urbanization, and the need for systemic change.

Shownotes Transcript

Richard Brubaker is the Sustainability & Corporate Social Responsibility Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, Adjunct Professor of Sustainability and Social Innovation, Founder of Collective Responsibility and host of the Sustainable Ambassador and Mission Driven podcasts.  Today we talk about the state of the world through the lens of sustainability.  We get into climate, urbanization, food security, water, energy and the truth about recycling.  We talk about divisive opinions on climate change.  We talk about sustaining modern life, growing cities, demographic changes and why China has been the best place to understand, apply and experiment with innovations in sustainability.  We also discuss all the progress made, the challenges ahead and why we should focus on solving one problem at a time.​

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