Terrible Lizards is a podcast about Dinosaurs with Dr David Hone and Iszi Lawrence.
Sauropods in general don’t get the love they should on Terrible Lizards because, well, Dave doesn’t
This is an area we have definitely covered before but it’s one of perennial interest and keeps comin
Dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals have been a hit in the media for about as long as palaeontol
We are into series 9 now and still going, though starting with this episode, in a bid to be more con
The end of the series is our favourite - we answer your questions! A massive thank you to our patro
Dinosaur jaws and feeding with Ali Nabavizadeh We started with theropod feeding but what about the h
Although we looked at some biomechanical work earlier this series, this time we get into the real de
Some dinosaurs haven’t had enough love on here (though some get what they deserve, I mean, who even
Crystal Palace Dinosaurs with Mark Witton We have covered palaeoart here from time to time and the p
British iguanodontids with Joe Bonsor We have touched on Iguanodon before as one of the earliest nam
Following up on the previous series where pterosaurs dominated, we had to sneak in a bit more of the
Theropod jaw biomechanics with Manabu Sakamoto We are still going! We are back and like last series,
The new series will start on the 12th of October! If you would like to support us and get our bonus
If you could give the paleontology field NASA's budget what would you do with it? Ever used laser-st
How science works In another in the increasingly long line of topics we probably should have covered
This is perhaps the question that gets asked the most and so it’s time to address it properly (well,
Perhaps the best known, and most often misrepresented, pterosaur is Pteranodon. It has become the ar
From the very biggest to the smallest, anurognathids were the little fuzz balls of pterosaurs that b
If most people know one thing about pterosaurs (well one correct thing rather than them being flying
It’s hopefully not a surprise at this point that pterosaurs were fully powered and capable fliers an