TED is a nonprofit devoted to ideas worth spreading. On this video feed, you'll find TED Talks to in
The option to work from home means that work truly works for everyone, says Avani Prabhakar, chief p
How prevalent is solar power, really? According to researcher Jenny Chase, it's already displacing f
Do you ever feel like time slows down when you’re bored but flies when you’re having fun? Cognitive
The clock is ticking on social media giant TikTok, which faces a nationwide ban in the United States
AI companions could either be the cure to our loneliness epidemic … or humanity's final downfall, sa
2025 ushers in one of the most dangerous periods in world history — on par with the 1930s and early
Software engineer Adam Munder is on a mission to break down communication barriers between the Deaf
Feeding 10 billion people without wrecking the planet means rethinking protein, from plant-based and
Where do you draw the line between work and life? Writer Simone Stolzoff explores the problem with d
It's time for our periodic update of good news from Angus Hervey, founder of Fix the News, an indepe
The end of the year is often a time to reflect and spend time with family — activities that may seem
Is embracing your inner teenager the key to thriving in adulthood? Neuroscientist Adriana Galván sha
When it comes to tackling the climate crisis, the majority of the workforce in Africa believes their
Scientists are getting closer to giving humans the power to communicate with their thoughts alone. I
Gabriella Lascano rose to prominence as a plus-size influencer, advocating for respect at any size w
When making a big decision, should you trust your gut or follow the data? Emergency manager Jonathan
Looking to level up your presentations? It might only take a poorly-drawn sketch, says professor Mar
Musician Xiuhtezcatl raps, sings and plays piano in a performance seamlessly blending influences fro
In a lively conversation from TED's brand-new Next Stage, social scientist Kasley Killam, technologi
Math isn't just for "math kids" — it's for everyone, says learning expert Shalinee Sharma. She outli