The day's tech news, every day at 5pm. From, Silicon Valley's most-read news source. 15
Sonos files for an IPO, Netflix sunsets movie reviews, the iPhone is getting new colors, the memes a
A big problem with Samsung Messages, Dell comes back to the public markets, more machinations in the
Xiaomi’s IPO disappoints, Apple is rebuilding Maps from the ground up, the state of the ICO market,
Amazon makes a ton of news including buying into pharmaceutical commerce and creating its own mini-p
Google rebrands AdWords and demos Duplex for reporters, Twitter takes steps to fight spam and make y
Uber gets legal in London, a16z raises a crypto fund, Apple opts for human editors, Fortnite makes b
New noise cancelling AirPods might be coming, AT&T buys AppNexus, more Trump and Chinese tech rumbli
The Supreme Court rules on cell phone tracking, YouTube gets channel memberships, Twitter literally
Intel’s CEO steps down, an update on Apple’s AirPower wireless charger, a Supreme Court ruling will
The immigration controversy comes to Silicon Valley, Instagram debuts IGTV, Disney ups its bid for F
Verizon and AT&T stop selling your location data, Google roles out a couple of cool new things, Alex
Apple upgrades 911 calls—and is taking a case to the Supreme Court—Google invests big time in China,
Oprah signs with Apple, but OLEDs aren’t working out for Apple, Netflix has a hidden source for teen
Apple tries to lock down it’s phones again, Google makes ad targeting more transparent, Microsoft wo
Today was major revamp day. Twitter’s ringing in big changes. Microsoft is putting a new polish on O
E-scooter valuations explode, Facebook turns in its homework, Microsoft’s next Xbox is coming in 202
Snapchat Clear Chats and Facebook’s Memories come at social media from different philosophical viewp
Google’s lays out ethical principles for AI development, Facebook has another privacy issue (again),
ZTE makes a deal with Uncle Sam, but Google might be in trouble because of Huawei, the new Amazon Fi
A whole slew of product announcements. New Sonos speakers. A new Motorola smartphone. A new AMD chip