cover of episode ‘Genius Girl’ goes from inspiring a Korean TV show character to raising a $100 million AI fund

‘Genius Girl’ goes from inspiring a Korean TV show character to raising a $100 million AI fund

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Sang-gi Yoon
Sang-gi Yoon: 尹相基的职业生涯极不平凡,从在韩国大学时期夜以继日地进行研究,到成为韩国视频游戏开发商NCSoft的总裁,再到如今领导着1亿美元的AI基金Principal Venture Partners (PVP)。她的经历体现了她在人工智能领域的远见和决心。PVP专注于投资早期阶段的AI初创企业,投资金额从10万美元到数百万美元不等,已经投资了包括模型制造商Liquid AI在内的六家初创公司。她认为,PVP团队强大的学术背景是其优势所在,因为这使得他们能够深刻理解AI的发展历程和未来趋势,并能为创始人提供多元化的建议。 PVP押注下一代独角兽公司将是AI原生公司,即从一开始就将AI融入其业务的公司,而不是后期简单地添加AI应用的公司。尹相基并不担心错过投资OpenAI或Anthropic等基础性公司的机会,她认为,许多成功的公司都是在宽带普及后才出现的,类似的,AI领域也存在着巨大的投资机会。 此外,尹相基还关注AI可能加剧文化殖民主义的问题。她指出,大型模型的训练数据可能无法反映全球所有文化和观点,因为世界上35%的人口甚至无法使用宽带。她认为,解决这个问题需要持续对话和行业内更多代表性,例如一个拥有多位女性合伙人的AI基金。虽然PVP并非专门针对女性的基金,但她观察到许多女性创始人会选择他们,因为她们相信PVP能够更好地理解和支持她们,看到她们真正的实力和潜力。

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On the weekend, as most students were stumbling back from the bars, Sang-gi Yoon was rushing across her South Korean campus. Around dinner time, she would run some programs on her colleague's supercomputer and then, as the computer chugged through her program, she'd wait, sleepless in her dorm. "I woke up at like 2am, 3am to walk down the campus because I was so curious to see the results," she said.

She was such an oddity on campus that a writer used her as inspiration for a TV show about her college. The intention was not to create characters based off of a real character, she said, but as the writer talked to students to get material, she kind of kept hearing about this weird girl. And so Yoon became the inspiration behind Genius Girl on the Korean TV show Kai East.

Today, if writers were going to make a show about Yoon's life, it'd look more like HBO's Silicon Valley. After completing a PhD from MIT, she climbed her way to becoming president of South Korean video game developer NCSoft, and today, she's announcing Principal Venture Partners, PVP, a $100 million fund to back AI startups.

The fund will write early-stage checks anywhere from $100,000 to single-digit millions and has already invested in six startups, including model maker Liquid AI. Her fellow partners include a who's who of AI academia. There's Daniela Russ, a renowned researcher that Yoon met through Yoon's work on MIT's board, Don Song, a MacArthur fellow who's published extensively on computer security, and Jeremy Nixon, the founder of the AGI House,

an AI hacker house that's made headlines for attracting young, talented founders. PVP is one of the few investment firms with such a deep bench of academic powerhouses, something that Yoon sees as an advantage when the firm is trying to win deals. I think founders would like to have a diversified set of advisors who can bring different perspectives, she said.

Yoon believes that the research backgrounds of the PVP team give them a profound understanding of how AI has evolved over time and where it might be headed. The team is betting that the next generation of unicorns will be AI-native companies, meaning they were built with AI in mind from the start, not with AI applications jerry-rigged onto the platform after the fact.

Yoon's not worried that they may have missed the boat on investing in foundational companies like OpenAI or Anthropic. If you look at the top 10 NASDAQ companies, more than half of them are digital native companies who started after the introduction of broadband, she said. Yoon said the firm will invest across sectors. She's particularly excited about the potential for AI to transform the insurance industry, whether that means using AI to help people understand what their plans cover or insurance companies that specialize in underwriting autonomous robots.

Yoon is also worried about the issue of AI's potential to exacerbate cultural colonialism, a topic she wrote about last year. She gave the example of large model makers proclaiming, oh, we trained this AI using all the data in the world. But if you think about it, 35% of the world's population do not even have access to broadband, Yoon said.

and they cannot be authors of the data that has been used for training this AI, so it's inevitable that those kinds of cultures and viewpoints cannot be reflected. She admits it's a complicated problem that can only begin to be solved through continuous conversations and increased representation through the industry, like, say, an AI-focused fund with three female partners.

We don't say it's a female fund, but I think I see a lot of the female founders come to us because they know that we'll have more sympathy, Yoon said, and that we can see their real strength and real superpower.