Tech Life discovers and explains the ways technology is changing our lives, wherever we are in the w
The hit video sharing platform quits operating in Hong Kong as the US considers a ban. Plus, is the
Marketers express unease about Facebook’s handling of hate speech. Plus, how Singapore is introducin
The tech giant tells developers future Macs will use Apple-designed chips as found in the iPad and i
As Apple prepares for its annual developers conference (WWDC 2020), it comes under fire for what man
IBM, Amazon, and Microsoft stop providing controversial facial recognition tools for law enforcement
Facebook staff strike out at a decision by their boss not to moderate Donald Trump’s postings, despi
US President Donald Trump signs an order that could strip social media firms of legal protections af
What happens in Silicon Valley often sets a trend for the wider world. So will the tech giant’s new
Is South Korea’s success so far in fighting the coronavirus down to data and tracing technology? Or
How tech will help to get people back to work safely. Plus, the UK’s Covid-19 contact tracking app b
In contrast to many businesses, will the tech giants emerge stronger from the crisis? Plus, the Euro
How social media influencers are earning less in lockdown and rethinking what they do. Plus, is it r
Are you using the lockdown to pick up new tech skills? We meet a family learning coding. Plus, billi
The social media giants take steps to remove falsehoods linking Covid-19 to 5G tech. Plus, how will
Should we trade some privacy to end a lock-down earlier with the help of technology? Plus, how volun
How much data are we all prepared to share in the battle to beat the coronavirus? Rory Cellan-Jones
What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on the infrastructure of the internet? Zoe Kleinman s
How governments are using apps and citizens' phone data to try to contain the pandemic. Plus, the ro
Users are seeing fewer conspiracy theories in their YouTube recommendations, a new study suggests. B
Is social media likely to help or hinder efforts to contain the outbreak? We hear about the lessons