SuperTalk Mississippi News is a statewide news network that produces and distributes accurate, Missi
A Human Trafficking and Fentanyl Strike Force operation on the Mississippi coast has resulted in ove
According to the National Weather Service, severe thunderstorms capable of producing damaging winds
The Mississippi Senate passed a bill Tuesday afternoon that would align the state with 47 other stat
William Carey is experiencing record growth over the last decade, momentum they hope to build on. RE
Sen. David Parker argued that a now-dead bill that served to make state agencies, such as the audito
The National Weather Service gives us an update on where rain will be heaviest in the Magnolia State
The MSU Soccer Field has been named the best in America for the 2024 season. Plus, the New Orleans S
Former interim Hinds County sheriff Marshand Crisler has been sentenced to 5 years in federal prison
Several Mississippi schools were forced to close in recent weeks due to large outbreaks of flu and o
A Pass Christian woman who allegedly stole multiple vehicles is facing charges after her arrest in D
Last year, two Biloxi businesses pleaded guilty to selling foreign fish as local seafood. Monday, th
A few hours before the Super Bowl kickoff, a VIP player at the Beau Rivage Resort and Casino placed
A standoff with an armed suspect holding a toddler captive in Byhalia ended peacefully Monday aftern
State lawmakers have killed legislation that would have allowed bounty hunters to assist in identify
The man accused of killing former Ole Miss student Jimmie “Jay” Lee is facing an additional charge n
More than 30 counties and cities in Mississippi already restrict or ban kratom products at the local
Multiple rounds of rainfall are expected this morning, and that will continue through Wednesday nigh
An award-winning singer/songwriter from Philadelphia, Mississippi released the dates for his "Jim Bo
Capitol police are investigating a fatal shooting this morning on Bailey Avenue. An as-yet-unidenti
A bill that would have stopped state Auditor Shad White's office from filing lawsuits to recover mon