The latest machine learning, A.I., and data career topics from across both academia and industry are
In this episode of “In Case You Missed It”, Jon Krohn shares his favorite clips from the last four w
How does a CrossFit winner, bobsledder and swimmer go on to have a glittering career in data analyti
DeepSeek-curious? This Five-Minute Friday is for you! Jon Krohn investigates the overwhelming overni
In this week’s guest interview, Vaibhav Gupta talks to Jon Krohn about creating a programming langua
Are you an Account Executive with experience in the technology sector? In this Five-Minute Friday, J
Brooke Hopkins speaks to Jon Krohn about technology’s new frontiers in AI agents, how these agents w
Get excited: The fastest-growing jobs in the US are AI Engineer and AI Consultant. In this Five-Minu
How can we use AI to solve global problems like the environmental crisis, and how will future AI sta
Join Jon Krohn as he unpacks Ray Kurzweil’s six epochs of intelligence evolution, a fascinating fram
Kirill Eremenko and Hadelin de Ponteves, AI educators whose courses have been taken by over 3 Millio
AI security, LLM engineering, how to choose the best LLM, and tech agnosticism: In our first “In Cas
Are our passwords safe, even with the increasing accessibility of quantum computing? Florian Neukart
A new year often draws our focus towards fresh approaches to the way we work and structure our day.
Sadie St Lawrence returns for her 4th annual prediction episode on the Super Data Science Podcast. T
In this Five-Minute Friday episode, Jon Krohn reflects on 2024’s monumental year in AI, highlighting
Ed Donner co-founded AI-driven recruitment platform,, with The SuperDataScience Podcast’s
In this Five-Minute Friday, Jon Krohn speaks to Anu Jain, CEO of Nexus Cognitive, and Mahesh Kumar,
Discover how technology has become the modern belief system shaping our world. Greg Epstein, author
In this episode of “In Case You Missed It”, in which we round up our favorite moments from the previ
What’s holding your AI projects back from success? Dr. Eiman Ebrahimi, CEO of Protopia AI and former