Has the term developer advocacy ever left you scratching your head? This week data science developer advocate for JetBrains, Dr. Jodie Burchell, joins Jon Krohn to shed light on her responsibilities and why it's a role you might want to consider. Jodie also dives into building reproducible data science workflows and the keys to working effectively with real-world data.This episode is brought to you by Iterative (iterative.ai)), the open-source company behind DVC. Interested in sponsoring a SuperDataScience Podcast episode? Visit JonKrohn.com/podcast) for sponsorship information.In this episode you will learn:• Jodie’s background in psychology [2:22]• Jodie's tips for real-world data preparation [6:55]• Tour JetBrains' developer tools: PyCharm, DataSpell and Datalore [10:41]• What is a data science developer advocate? [38:47]• The books that Jodie's co-authored [46:18]• Jodie's favorite Python libraries [58:33]• How to have reproducible data science workflows [1:01:36]Additional materials: www.superdatascience.com/629)