Meet Craig Brockie, a best-selling author and the owner of Ultimate Health Solutions. Craig joins us in the Mind, Body, and Soul Series to share his story and to delve deep into the journey that led him to write his transformative book, "Ultimate Health: Break Free from Your Health Issues and Live Your Best Life.")WHAT WE DISCUSSED
LEARN MORETo learn more about Craig and his work, visit the Ultimate website at, or **click )here to visit the Ultimate) storefront on Amazon.Click here to purchase your copy of Ultimate Health: Break Free from Your Health Issues and Live Your Best Life) **on Amazon.MAKE YOUR OWN PROBIOTIC YOGURT I make my probiotic yogurt using the Ultimate Probiotic Yogurt Maker) to make my probiotic yogurt. Click **here **)to check it out on Amazon.Resources | Dr. William Davis
Dr. Davis Infinite Health Inner Circle - Online Community)
Super Gut: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight) (2022).Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health).(Revised and Expanded Edition, 2019).Undoctored: Why Health Care Has Failed You and How You Can Become Smarter Than Your Doctor) (2017).NEXT STEPSIf you enjoy podcasts dedicated to personal and professional development, visit SuccessInSight Podcast) online**. **We welcome likes and comments. Please share our site, too.KEYWORDSCraig Brockie, Ultimate Health, Gut Health, Holistic Health, Mental Wellness, Howard Fox, Success InSight Podcast#HolisticHealth #MentalWellness #GutHealth #AlternativeMedicine #CraigBrockie #UltimateHealth #ProbioticYogurt
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