2021.02.03 International News reviews:
UAE ambassador to Israel, Amb. Yousef Al-Otaiba said signing of Abraham Accord didn't mean to betray Palestinian people but a way to prevent Israeli annexation. Everyone has it's explanation on the accord. However Palestinian authority PA need to go forward, if it keeps stay at the same place, no one can help Palestinian.
U.S. President Joe Baiden doesn't call Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu after his inauguration dated back to 13 days ago. Israeli columnist claims that Israel should not depend sole on U.S or U. S. President's special preference to Israel. Israelis should hold their own destiny on their own hand.
Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine is 91.6 percent effective against symptomatic COVID-19, according to results published in The Lancet medical journal on Tuesday that independent experts said allayed transparency concerns over the shot, which Moscow is already rolling out.
Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steiniz claims that 1 to 2 years Iran will get it's Nuke ready. Many Israeli voices claim that Israel should act unilaterally to counter Iran's nuclear threat.
2021.2.3 本日國際新聞
阿聯UAE派駐以色列大使Yousef Al Otaiba表示簽署亞伯拉罕協議並不代表對巴勒斯坦兄弟的背叛,反而是一種防止以色列併吞西岸的方法。巴勒斯坦自治政府本身應該要檢討並往前進,否則沒人可以幫助巴勒斯坦人。
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