cover of episode Short Stuff: Skid Row (not the band)

Short Stuff: Skid Row (not the band)

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Stuff You Should Know

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Josh: Skid Row是洛杉矶市中心一个约50个街区组成的区域,长期以来居住着大量无家可归者,其历史可以追溯到洛杉矶建城初期,与铁路的修建和发展密切相关。随着人口的增长和经济的波动,Skid Row逐渐成为贫民窟。20世纪70年代,洛杉矶市政府选择保留Skid Row,为低收入人群提供居住场所,这既可以被视为一种人道主义措施,也可以被视为一种控制策略。80年代和90年代,一些单间旅馆得到翻新,居民的生活条件得到改善。然而,近年来,Skid Row面临着新的挑战,一些单间旅馆的运营商陷入财务困境,房产的未来归属尚不明确。未来Skid Row可能会建设更多的小型公寓,改善居民的居住条件,但这需要各方的共同努力。Skid Row与洛杉矶市中心新兴的艺术区紧邻,两者形成鲜明对比,反映了城市发展中的社会问题。 Chuck: Skid Row的形成并非与洛杉矶建城同时,而是始于20世纪30年代。Skid Row居住着大量无家可归的人,其中约20%是退伍军人,大部分是黑人男性。1976年,洛杉矶决定保留Skid Row,为低收入人群提供居住场所。Skid Row的单间旅馆在80年代和90年代得到翻新,居民的生活条件得到改善。然而,近年来,Skid Row Housing Trust陷入财务困境,其房产的未来归属尚不明确。AIDS Healthcare Foundation试图接管Skid Row Housing Trust的房产,但遭到城市方面的反对。Skid Row的未来发展充满不确定性,需要持续关注和努力。

Deep Dive

Skid Row, located in downtown Los Angeles, has existed almost as long as the city itself. It originated around the railroad yards in the late 19th century, providing housing and entertainment for workers. The area attracted a transient population, and by the 1930s, with the Great Depression and Dust Bowl migration, it became a permanent settlement for the unhoused.
  • Skid Row's origins trace back to the late 19th century with the arrival of the railroad.
  • The area initially housed and entertained railroad workers, later attracting a transient population.
  • The Great Depression and Dust Bowl migration solidified Skid Row as a permanent settlement for the unhoused by the 1930s.

Shownotes Transcript

How did a large section of downtown Los Angeles become a permanent fixture of unhoused individuals? Will it always be this way? Listen in to learn all about LA's famous Skid Row.

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