cover of episode Short Stuff: Chupacabra

Short Stuff: Chupacabra

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Josh: 本期节目讨论了卓帕卡布拉,一种传说中的生物,字面意思是"吸羊者"。节目探讨了其可能是一个都市传说或未确认生物的可能性,并分析了目击事件和相关证据。Josh还提到了卓帕卡布拉袭击的特征,例如农场动物被吸干血液,颈部有刺伤,以及往往有多种动物同时死亡的情况。此外,Josh还指出,目前没有确凿证据证明卓帕卡布拉的存在,所有目击事件和证据都可以用科学解释。 Chuck: Chuck在节目中补充了关于卓帕卡布拉袭击特征的细节,例如农场动物被吸干血液,颈部有刺伤。他还参与了对目击事件和相关证据的讨论,并提出了患有皮肤病的动物可能是卓帕卡布拉目击事件的常见解释。 Jerry: Jerry在节目中参与了对卓帕卡布拉是否存在多个个体的讨论,并表达了他对只有一个卓帕卡布拉的印象。 Chuck: Chuck详细描述了卓帕卡布拉的体型、外貌特征(如头部形状、眼睛、脊椎和气味),以及其通常用两条腿行走的特点。他还参与了对卓帕卡布拉起源和相关传说的讨论,并分析了2022年德克萨斯州阿马里洛动物园和2023年玻利维亚的目击事件,认为这些事件可能与患有皮肤病的动物或人为恶作剧有关。Chuck还提到了许多所谓的卓帕卡布拉照片或视频经证实是患有皮肤病的动物,并解释了患有皮肤病的动物的毛发脱落和皮肤病变可能被误认为是卓帕卡布拉的特征(如脊椎)。 Josh: Josh在节目中讨论了卓帕卡布拉的起源,指出其报道最早可追溯到20世纪50年代的亚利桑那州,并在20世纪90年代随着互联网的发展而广为流传。他还提到了波多黎各是卓帕卡布拉目击事件的热点地区,曾发生过数百起牲畜死亡事件。此外,Josh还讨论了各种关于卓帕卡布拉身份的理论,例如外星生物、外星生物的宠物、基因改造的吸血蝙蝠等,并认为这些理论可能受到1990年代流行文化的影响。Josh还推荐了一个名为“The Anomalist”的网站,该网站汇集了各种奇闻异事,包括未确认生物和不明飞行物等信息。

Deep Dive

The Chupacabra, meaning "goat sucker", is a cryptid rumored to drain the blood of livestock, often leaving puncture wounds. Descriptions vary, but it's often depicted as a 4-5 foot tall creature with glowing eyes, spines, and a strong odor, walking on two legs. While sightings are common, especially in Puerto Rico, no concrete evidence exists, and many believe it's a misidentified animal.
  • Chupacabra translates to goat sucker.
  • Often blamed for livestock deaths with puncture wounds and drained blood.
  • Described as 4-5 feet tall with glowing eyes, spines, and a strong odor.
  • Walks on two legs.
  • Sightings common but lack concrete evidence.

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Hey, and welcome to the short stuff. I'm Josh and there's Chuck and Jerry's here sitting in for Dave. So it's short stuff. And now Chupacabra. That's right. Is that okay? That was gold. All right, good. I asked Chuck, Chuck said that before we were recording. I was like, can you please say that on this episode? It was just that great. It's better than saying goat sucker because that sounds like a very nasty thing that you would call somebody. But that's the literal translation of Chupacabra. Chupar means to suck.

Hence why they call them chupa chups, I just realized. And cobra means goat, not cobra like you would think. It means goat. So chupacabra means goat sucker, not cobra sucker. That's right. And if you're already frustrated a minute and a half in because you don't know what these words mean, we are talking about the probably urban legend of the cryptid, which is an animal that doesn't exist.

but has a great legend around it of the chupacabra, a.k.a. the goat sucker. Yeah. There's a reason that they call it a goat sucker, too, and it's pretty straightforward. Yeah. I mean, one of the telltale signs of the chupacabra, if they have come by your farm in the middle of the night, is you will wake up to dead farm animals that have been drained of their blood.

Usually with puncture wounds in their neck. That's right. And often there's a lot of them and some chupacabra sightings or attacks, I guess. Hundreds of different animals around the farm, sometimes domestic pets, sometimes wild animals in the area, are found dead all at once.

The thing is, this chupacabra, which is a cryptid, we should say, no one's ever actually seen one. And all of the sightings and evidence that has been collected can be easily explained away by science. It's not that big. And from what I can tell, people seem to believe there's just one. Did you get that impression? Like there's a chupacabra, like there's a Loch Ness monster.

Not that chupacabras are a different species or race of something to where there's multiple ones. Did you – that's the impression that I have. I'm not sure I got that impression, but I'm not sure that I'm right about that impression. Can't you just say, yeah, Josh, you're right. Way to go. Is that so hard for me? Yeah.

Well, should we describe what this thing looks like since you brought that up? Yeah, because imagine what we're about to talk about, killing 100 goats the way that we said they do in a night. Yeah. I've seen as short as three feet tall, but generally about four and a half to five, five and a half feet tall. Oval-shaped head, glowing eyes, like sort of alien-shaped eyes.

which, you know, put a pin in that because that'll come back. Long, sharp spines, usually from the back of its head down to the tailbone. A strong, a stinky odor. A lot of people say it is sort of like a sulfur smell. Some people say it doesn't smell at all. And then the skin can either be like...

or like a frog's, or it can be what's been described as like a fuzzy lizard with like little prickly hairs and scales. Fuzzy wuzzy wizard. But here's a key, walks on two legs for the most part, which is one of the creepy parts. Yeah, yes. So there's a, do you want to take a break now and come back and talk about this? Like what people think it is or the origin of it or what? Yeah, let's do it. Okay. This is not scripted, everybody.

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And now, part two of Chupacabra. Very nice. So you talked about the origins. I've seen mentions of this all the way back to the 1950s in Arizona. It seems like it really picked up steam in the 90s, probably as the Internet picked up steam. And it looks like Puerto Rico, even though it's been found in a lot of countries, supposedly, mainly in South America, but there's a lot of stories about

Yeah, apparently her description kind of set the tone for the basis or set the basis, I guess. For the tone? Yeah.

Yeah, of other descriptions and sightings to come. That's right. Very similar to Betty and Barney Hill. She was the Betty and Barney Hill of Chupacabra sightings. That's right. She was both of them. Okay.

So, yeah, Puerto Rico is a hotspot of chupacabra sightings. Apparently, in just one year, in one area alone, there was several hundred livestock fatalities that were attributed to the chupacabra. And I mean...

And just this one town, just hundreds of livestock dying in one year alone is very bizarre and strange. So you can kind of guess that if everybody's aware of the chupacabra already, they might be like, I think this is the chupacabra at work. Yeah, for sure. If you've been online and you've seen pictures of like chupacabra washed up on the beach or

There are quite a few of those, and most of them have been thoroughly debunked and proven to be – it's usually like a dog with mange who had rotted such that their skin receded and it ended up looking really, really weird. Yeah.

Those aren't chupacabra. In fact, there are no chupacabra. But there have been some sightings in the past couple of years that I did look up on YouTube that aren't compelling that like where I was like, oh, my God, it's totally real. But it was enough to where I was like, what in the world is that?

Yes. In particular, there's one from 2022 where the Amarillo Zoo in Texas found an image or like a short snippet of some creature inside its perimeter fence. Yes, that's key. At like 1 and 30 in the morning. Yeah, walking around. Yeah.

And it looks very much like a werewolf, if you ask me. It's got the big, massive back and shoulders with up around its ears, essentially. The way it's holding its arms and fingers make it... It looks a lot to me like somebody was dressed up like a werewolf and got into the Amarillo Zoo on purpose. Yeah. Okay, fair enough. But it's been chalked up as a chupacabra sighting. That's right. There was another one from 2023 in Bolivia. Yeah.

And this one also coincided with a bunch of livestock death, supposedly drained of their blood. This is drone footage, so it's much higher, but it's near Oru City. And you definitely see like a shadowy figure kind of moving through the field. And...

I mean, it's hard. It's not as kind of clear, clearly werewolfy looking as the other one. But again, it was just another recent thing. And, you know, both of these could be people screwing around with people. Could be. Dressing up like what they think a chupacabra looks like.

Exactly. So, I mean, chupacabra, it's a fairly, you can tell, it's a fairly recent phenomenon. I mean, the 90s really are when it started to take off and definitely its heyday, but it has found itself cemented into popular culture, not just in Latin America, but in the southwestern United States, too. Yeah.

There's been sightings apparently in everywhere from Arizona to New Mexico, all over the southwestern United States over the years. And apparently the earliest newspaper account of it dates back to the 50s in Arizona, which I found very interesting. Yeah, that's right. And I said to put a pin in the fact that some people say they have glowing alien-like eyes. That's because some people think, you know, there are, of course, theories on what could be going on here, right?

Some people do think that it's a visitor from outer space or maybe a pet from a visitor from outer space, like ET was left behind.

just like this chupacabra was, or that it is like NASA was breeding like alien things with human things. And this was one of those that got out supposedly. Sure, as they do. There's a veterinarian who believes that it was a genetically modified vampire bat. Because I remember it supposedly is a blood sucker, a goat sucker in particular. Yeah.

I believe because of the fact that this was biggest in the 90s, I think that whole left behind alien pet was folklore directly influenced by porno for pyros. A hundred percent.

Oh, from the pet song? Yeah, from We'll Make Great Pets. I love that song. Yeah, it's a great song, but I guarantee somebody added that to the folklore from that song. Oh, so it was a future human that was kept as a pet? No, no. Just the concept that aliens even have pets. That's why I'm linking it to you. Gotcha. Could have been a future human. That's the thing. Everybody's just throwing anything that can stick at the wall at the

at the whole chupacabra phenomenon. Again, it's fairly recent enough that it hasn't taken full solid shape still, it seems like to me. You can say, oh, it's a genetically modified vampire bat or whatever. The best explanation I've seen, you kind of already touched on, about carcasses washed up on the beach being dogs having mange. Coyotes get mange too, and coyotes tend to kill livestock. Walk around on two legs. Yeah.

Yeah. If they're from the circus, yes. Yeah, yeah. The telltale sign to me, though, is that part of mange is the hair on the back between the shoulders usually remains patchy. Ah, the spikes. It's a patch of hair. Yes. Hence the spikes of spines down, well, the spine.

and the fact that they lose their hair so they look really weird. And apparently just about every single carcass that's ever turned up and has been attributed or chalked up as chupacabra, any autopsies reveal it's an animal with mange. Well done, my friend. Thank you. Well done to you too, Charles. I just want to say one more thing. I had tickets to see that Porno for Pyro's reunion tour last year. You were one of ten. Got canceled. Yeah.

Yeah, because they couldn't sell enough tickets, right? That's what I heard. That's really surprising. Yeah, but Jane's Addiction is on tour again, and I love those guys. I just want to publicly say give credit to Casey Niccoli for her work.

Oh, is she the one who was erased from their, yeah. Their history, basically. Great call out. Yeah. Go read up about that because she's talking about it now and it's not cool at all.

I also want to give a shout out. If this kind of stuff is up your alley or floats your boat or floats your alley or whatever, go check out this site, The Anomalist. It's an aggregator of different weird stories, including cryptids and UFOs and all that stuff from around the Internet. It's great. Check out The Anomalist. Fun. Yeah. Since Chuck said fun, that means Short Stuff Friends is out.

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