cover of episode SCOTUS’s Endless Beef with the EPA

SCOTUS’s Endless Beef with the EPA

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Strict Scrutiny

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Melissa Murray, Kate Shaw和Leah Lippman讨论了最高法院十月会议期间审理的案件,重点关注一起关于《清洁水法》的案件,该案涉及旧金山市和环保署之间的争议。她们分析了案件中的法律问题,包括环保署在许可证条件中需要多具体,以及保守派法官对环保署和旧金山市的立场。她们还讨论了其他案件,包括一起关于移民签证司法审查的案件,一起关于《反敲诈勒索法》下的损害赔偿的案件,以及一起关于退伍军人福利的案件。此外,她们还讨论了其他法院的案例,包括第六巡回法院驳回肯尼迪要求将他从密歇根州选票上除名的请求,内布拉斯加州最高法院否决了内布拉斯加州官员剥夺数万名有前科人员投票权的努力,佛罗里达州的一家地方法院发布了临时限制令,阻止佛罗里达州官员威胁那些播放支持生殖权的广告的电视台,佐治亚州的一家法院阻止了一项有争议的新规,以及田纳西州的一家法院裁定,根据田纳西州的堕胎限制法被拒绝堕胎的几名妇女应该能够获得堕胎。最后,她们还悼念了莉莉·莱德贝特,她因最高法院以她名字命名的案件而成为女权主义偶像。 她们详细分析了每一起案件的法律论点、法官的提问以及可能的判决结果。她们还对案件的政治背景和社会影响进行了评论,并表达了对法院某些判决的担忧。

Deep Dive

The hosts recap the Supreme Court's October session, focusing on the environmental case City and County of San Francisco v. Environmental Protection Agency.
  • The Supreme Court's October session included a major environmental case.
  • The case involved the City and County of San Francisco against the EPA.
  • The hosts discuss the implications of this case for environmental protection.

Shownotes Transcript

Melissa, Kate, and Leah recap October at the Supreme Court, diving into the sewage-infested waters of City and County of San Francisco v. Environmental Protection Agency. What did clean water ever do to Brett Kavanaugh? Also recapped: cases about the judicial review of immigration visas and veterans benefits. Finally, the hosts finish off with a peek at what’s going on in state courts around the country.