cover of episode Making Sense of the Election and What It Means for the Court

Making Sense of the Election and What It Means for the Court

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Kate Shaw
Leah Littman
Leo Littman
Leo Littman和Kate Shaw:本次选举对最高法院的构成和未来走向具有重大影响,最高法院的判决受选举政治影响。他们讨论了选举结果对女性权利和堕胎相关法律的影响,以及对最高法院未来大法官任命的潜在影响。 Leah Littman:对选举结果感到悲伤和震惊,并分享了选举日后的感受和经历。她认为这次选举是《多布斯案》后的第一次总统选举,对女性权利的打击巨大,并对将选举失败归咎于单一因素的解释持批判态度。她认为多种因素导致了这一结果,包括通货膨胀、高房价、媒体环境变化以及共和党对民主党的负面宣传。她不认为现有的机构能够解决问题,但认为捍卫宪法核心价值观至关重要。她还分享了2004年大选后的经历,并认为即使面临挑战,仍然有希望。 Kate Shaw:对得克萨斯州女性因堕胎限制而死亡的案例感到震惊,并认为这是多数选民投票支持的结果。她对选举结果的分析有很多,但目前还无法完全理解。她对将选举失败归咎于特定群体表示反对,并强调努力争取进步的重要性。她虽然对未来感到担忧,但仍不愿放弃抵抗和希望。她还回答了听众关于州级堕胎保护措施与联邦堕胎禁令的关系以及诉讼可能性的问题。 Leah Littman:对州一级的堕胎相关公投结果进行了分析,认为尽管总统选举结果令人沮丧,但州一级的堕胎相关公投结果显示出希望。她还批评了那些认为推翻罗诉韦德案对民主党有利的人,并强调了人际关系的重要性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the hosts feel it was important to discuss their personal feelings about the election?

They wanted to acknowledge the emotional impact of the election, even though it wasn't their primary content, to avoid feeling disorienting and to connect with listeners who might share similar feelings.

How did the hosts describe their emotional state after the election results?

They described themselves as numb, surviving rather than thriving, and experiencing grief rather than anger.

What was the significance of the abortion ballot initiatives in the election?

Abortion initiatives passed in seven out of ten states, with strong support in states like Florida and Missouri, despite those states voting for Trump. This suggests a complex interplay of motivations among voters.

What concerns did the hosts express about the future of the Supreme Court under a second Trump administration?

They worried about potential retirements of Justices Thomas and Alito, leading to more conservative replacements, and the possibility of the court being depicted as more moderate if it occasionally stands up to Trump, minimizing its radicalism.

What was the main issue in the Voting Rights Act case added to the Supreme Court's docket?

The case involves whether it is unconstitutional for a state legislature to remedy a Voting Rights Act violation by drawing additional opportunity districts for minority voters, given the court's previous decisions on race-conscious laws.

How did the hosts suggest people should cope with the political climate after the election?

They suggested seeking comfort and support from friends and family, engaging in activities that provide energy, and not succumbing to nihilism while continuing to resist and support marginalized groups.

Kate and Leah share their personal experiences and feelings about the election results, reflecting on their emotional responses and the impact on their daily lives.
  • Kate and Leah express their emotional responses to the election results.
  • They discuss the numbness and grief they felt in the immediate aftermath.
  • Both hosts reflect on the importance of processing their feelings and the need for hope and action.

Shownotes Transcript

After processing the election and thinking through what it means for the future of the Supreme Court, Kate and Leah dig into a Voting Rights Act case newly added to SCOTUS’s docket. They also tackle this week’s cases on the False Claims Act, compensation for hospitals that treat low-income people, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and federal securities law.