Story Grid Writing Podcast

Helping you become a better writer. Join Shawn Coyne, author of Story Grid and a top editor for 30+


Total: 292

The Final Episode


This will be the final episode of the Story Grid Podcast for the foreseeable future. Tim gives some

Access the full Story Grid analysis of Crazy Rich Asians at can wri

Access the full Story Grid analysis of Crazy Rich Asians at can wri

Access the full Story Grid analysis of Crazy Rich Asians at can wri

Access the full Story Grid analysis of Crazy Rich Asians at can wri

Access the full Story Grid analysis of John Wick at is the final in

Access the full Story Grid analysis of John Wick at is the third in

Access the full Story Grid analysis of John Wick at is the second in

Access the full Story Grid analysis of John Wick at is the first in

We're down to line edits on Tim's iteration of the masterwork Eye Witness by Ed McBain.Shawn, Daniel

Now that Tim has had a breakthrough on his iteration of EYE WITNESS by Ed McBain, we're getting down

Does Tim Actually Get It Right? How to Nail the Narrative DeviceOn Tim's 10th draft, he finally make

In this impromptu episode, Tim and Danielle discuss the ongoing problems with the work on the Ed McB

Shawn takes a crack at rewriting Tim's scene to help him understand what he's missing on the Narrati

There are lots of insights in this week's episode of the podcast.We look at the emotional connection

Nobody is innocent in your story. Everyone is hiding something.You must adjust these levels correctl

Who is the Hero, Victim, and Perpetrator in your story?What are the relationships between each of th

Figuring out your Story Theme is the key to unlocking the entire roadmap of your story.Scott Mann is

How do you ground your characters in a reality that your reader will believe even though you are mak

Who is telling your story? Who are they telling it to? Why are they telling it?This is the Narrative