Did you know there are 4 research-based habits you can incorporate into your life to help you live feeling more balanced and with less stress? Join us today as Dr. Michael Olpin shares what these four habits are and why they are so important to living a more happy and whole life.
Research has shown if you do at least 4 habits consistently you will get your body and mind in the state of balance.
You don’t change a behavior overnight, but over the course of 9-weeks Dr. Olpin sees these behaviors changing his students. So, in his Mind, Body Wellness class he invites the students to participate in a Behavioral Contract where they promise to incorporate at least the 4 key habits into their lives during that semester. After reporting on in weekly, they find their lives are much more balanced and they are able to handle their stress better.
1.Exercise: this is one of the best things for us! The physiological effects of exercise are huge! This is the MVP of wellness.
2.Nutrition: there are lots of diets, but Dr. Olpin recommends thinking about what our ancestors ate and focus on that. Eat as natural as possible. Try to stay away from sugars, liquid oils & processed foods.
**3.Managing Stress: **There are two approaches to managing stress.
4.Get Enough Sleep: Studies show that if you don’t get enough sleep you will start hallucinating (showing the importance of dreaming). Sleep in a place as dark and quiet as possible. Also getting rid of screen time as early as possible before bed can impact sleep.
*Bonus: How to Think in Peace-Promoting Ways
Incorporate one of these habits into your life today and see if you can add all four in your life over the next month.
If you missed Dr. Olpin’s personal story in last week’s episode as well as his meditation you can do anywhere to calm your stress response, be sure to check out last week’s episode here: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/podcasts/dr-michael-olpin-how-to-easily-decrease-your-stress-today)
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You can find the transcription of today's episode here: https://www.tamarakanderson.com/podcasts/dr-michael-olpin-4-habits-to-ensure-a-more-balanced-less-stressful-life