Sticky Notes: The Classical Music Podcast

Sticky Notes is a classical music podcast for everyone, whether you are just getting interested in c


Total: 254

Last week we covered moments 1-15 in my top 25 favorite moments in classical music, going all the wa

What MAKES a moment in a piece of classical music? Sometimes it’s the result of careful pacing from

From 1825-1827, Mendelssohn wrote 3 of his most beloved and most played works: his Midsummer Night’s

I left you last week after Part 1 of Mahler’s 5th symphony, dazed and defeated.  There seems to be n

There is a thread of musical theory called Schenkerian analysis, based on the work of Heinrich Schen

I’m not sure there’s ever been a composer who changed as much throughout his or her life as Arnold S

Have you ever wondered what exactly goes on behind the scenes putting together an opera? Have you ev

Clara Schumann, without a doubt, was one of the greatest pianists of all time.  Schumann’s playing d

Stefan Dohr is one of the greatest french horn players in the world today. He has been the Principal

Brahms Symphony No. 1


Brahms was only 20 years old when Robert Schumann wrote his famous Neue Bahnen(New Paths) article th

Debussy String Quartet


Just one year before Debussy wrote his legendary Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, he completed an

Martin Fröst very well may be the greatest living clarinetist. His brilliant sound, feats of virtuos

By as early as 1909, composers like Mahler knew that tonality was reaching its breaking point, and c

The most famous thing about Igor Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring is the riot that took place at its prem

Stravinsky: Petrouchka


If you listened to my show last week about Stravinsky’s ballet The Firebird, you know that Stravinsk

Stravinsky: The Firebird


In 1906, the impresario Sergei Diaghilev created a sensation in Paris with an exhibition of Russian

Pavel Haas, Symphony


This February, I have the great honor of joining the Indianapolis Symphony for the North American pr

Vivaldi, The Four Seasons


Ask a non-classical music fan to name a piece of classical music. If they don’t say Beethoven 5, or

You might be thinking, "Why on earth would anyone want to devote an entire podcast to etudes?" For m

Schubert Cello Quintet


In the late summer or early autumn of 1828, Schubert completed an extraordinary work, his String Qui