Join former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara as he breaks down legal topics in the news and engages thoug
Samantha Bee is the host of Full Frontal, the weekly comedy show on TBS, and was a long-time corresp
Fareed Zakaria is the host of Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN, and a foreign affairs columnist for the Was
Max Boot was a senior policy advisor for three Republican presidential campaigns. He’s now a columni
Jane Mayer, Chief Washington Correspondent for the New Yorker, broke the story of Deborah Ramirez an
Friday morning, Preet sat down with Anne Milgram, former Attorney General of New Jersey, to discuss
Nicolle Wallace is the host of "Deadline: White House" on MSNBC, and advised George W. Bush and John
Sally Jenkins writes about sports for the Washington Post. She talks with Preet about Serena William
Ron Klain has worked on the confirmation or selection of eight Supreme Court Justices. He was chief
Jonathan Swan covers the White House for Axios. He talks with Preet about the latest leaks from the
Cyrus Habib is the Lieutenant Governor of Washington State. He lost his eyesight to cancer at age 8,
Joyce Vance was the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama during the Obama Administrati
John Carreyrou is the author of Bad Blood, a book about the rise and fall of healthcare startup Ther
Steve Schmidt was a top Republican strategist - until he left the party this June. He joins Preet to
In this special bonus episode, Preet and Katie Couric interview each other. Katie gets Preet's thoug
Bill Browder is a campaigner for justice in Russia. In Helsinki, Vladimir Putin asked for Bill to be
The first season of CAFE’s newest podcast, ReMade in America, wraps up this week. Here’s one last hi
Jeremy Bash was Chief of Staff at the CIA and the Department of Defense under President Obama. He jo
Nina Totenberg is NPR’s legendary Supreme Court reporter. She speaks with Preet about breaking the A
This week, Preet is a special guest on CAFE's other hit podcast, Remade In America, hosted by comedi
Vanita Gupta is president of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and worked in the