Ian Bremmer
Joanne Freeman
Joyce Vance
Preet Bharara
Preet Bharara:对选举结果感到震惊和难以置信,但决定避免过度抱怨和负面情绪,转而思考如何应对新的政治局面。承认特朗普的胜利是决定性的,并体现在民意调查、参议院席位以及在某些人口群体中的支持率上。认为这次选举代表着美国政党格局和选民偏好的重大转变,需要认真对待。对特朗普再次当选感到担忧,并认为民主党在竞选中描绘的负面景象可能反而促进了特朗普的成功。现在需要关注特朗普再次当选的可能性,而不是仅仅停留在假设的可能性上。 Joyce Vance:作为在政治上属于少数派的进步人士,她认为应该与政治观点不同的人合作,为共同利益努力。接受选举结果,并希望新总统能够成功执政,因为这关系到国家和个人的福祉。即使在政治观点存在分歧的情况下,也应该致力于通过建设性对话和合作来解决问题。认为民主党在这次选举中失败,并需要反思其策略和方法。民主党需要认识到,掌控流行文化并非成功的途径,而应该关注权力掌控。民主党在权力运用方面存在不足,例如在联邦法官任命方面。特朗普再次当选后,其权力不受制约,这令人担忧。特朗普再次当选后,其面临的刑事案件的进展将受到影响。特朗普再次当选后,其面临的联邦刑事案件很可能不会继续进行。特朗普再次当选后,佐治亚州的案件进展将受到影响。特朗普可能会利用司法部长的权力来阻止对其的起诉。 Joanne Freeman:学生们对选举结果感到恐惧和担忧,并对民主的未来感到不确定。一位女学生表达了对自身权益受到威胁的担忧。学生们对一些选举结果感到困惑,例如在州宪法中投票保护堕胎权的同时却投票给共和党候选人。对特朗普再次当选感到悲观,并认为白人、男性和异性恋群体与其他群体的处境不同。认为共和党和民主党都在经历转型,其未来形态难以预测。特朗普的言行可能会加剧政治暴力。与2016年相比,此次选举后反对特朗普的人群凝聚力更强。政治重组后,一些政治人物可能会失去政治归属,需要适应新的政治格局。许多“反特朗普”的共和党人最终会选择与特朗普合作。民主党需要重新审视其核心价值观和策略。民主党内部存在代沟,这影响了其整体形象和策略。 Ian Bremmer:无论谁当选总统,都应该支持其成功,并避免国家陷入困境。即使对选举结果不满意,也应该努力促使新总统成功执政,避免国家陷入困境。美国代表性民主的有效性和民众对其的信任度受到了挑战。特朗普缺乏问责制,对行政权力的制约不足,这使得美国的政治制度稳定性堪忧。特朗普的竞选策略有效地针对不同人群,从而赢得了他们的支持。特朗普能够随意发表言论,而他的支持者也相信他的言论。全球范围内的选举结果显示,现任领导人普遍失利,而特朗普的胜利并非意外。哈里斯在竞选中的表现未能展现出与拜登的不同之处,这可能是她失败的原因之一。特朗普再次当选对美国及其盟友的国际关系带来影响。普京对特朗普再次当选感到满意,并认为这有利于俄罗斯在乌克兰的军事行动。担心算法操纵正在影响公民行为,并可能加剧社会分裂。担心特朗普的再次当政会让缺乏经验的人掌握权力,从而对国家和世界造成危害。民主党在一些社会问题上的立场与美国民众的实际情况脱节。民主党在一些社会问题上的立场与美国民众的实际情况脱节,这导致他们成为攻击目标。民主党在移民问题上的立场与美国民众的实际情况脱节。美国总统选举更注重竞选能力而非执政能力。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Ian Bremmer write a tweet expressing his acceptance of the election outcome?

He wanted to convey his commitment to constructive engagement and not holding onto anger or despondency, emphasizing the importance of living with the democratic process's results.

How did students at Yale react to the election results?

Students were scared and personal, with some feeling their voices didn't matter. They were confused about voting patterns, such as supporting abortion rights while voting Republican, and sought to understand the political landscape.

What lesson does Joyce Vance suggest Democrats should learn from the election?

Democrats need to understand why people voted for Trump and how the party failed to meet their needs. They should focus on seizing power effectively rather than just cultural influence.

What concerns does Ian Bremmer have about the international reaction to Trump's re-election?

European leaders are most concerned about Trump's potential to disrupt international cooperation, while allies in Asia and the Middle East are more resigned to dealing with his policies.

How does Joyce Vance expect the legal cases against Trump to proceed after his re-election?

She anticipates that Trump will use his control over the Justice Department to end federal cases against him, and state cases like the one in Georgia may be effectively suspended due to his presidential powers.

What does Joanne Freeman suggest about the future of political violence in the U.S. under Trump?

She believes Trump's rhetoric validates violent actions, creating a different climate where such behavior is more acceptable, though she also sees a potential for a stronger sense of community among those who oppose him.

What criticism does Ian Bremmer offer regarding the Democratic Party's approach to certain issues?

He criticizes the party for focusing too much on issues like transgender rights and political correctness, which alienated many voters and made them easy targets for Republican attacks.

What does Joyce Vance predict about Trump's use of the pardon power?

She expects Trump to abuse the pardon power broadly, potentially pardoning those involved in the January 6th Capitol storming and setting a precedent for encouraging misconduct among his associates.

The panel discusses the election results and immediate reactions, focusing on Donald Trump's decisive victory and the popular vote.
  • Donald Trump's decisive victory in the 2024 presidential election.
  • Republicans claiming control of the Senate and the tight House race.
  • Trump's broad consensus and mandate in his mind.

Shownotes Transcript

Donald Trump is returning to the White House. The day after the election, Preet is joined by former US Attorney Joyce Vance, historian Joanne Freeman, and political scientist Ian Bremmer to discuss what happened on election night, and how the next four years could reshape America.

For show notes and a transcript of the episode head to:   

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