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Trump Nominations & Recess Appointments

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Stay Tuned with Preet

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Joyce Vance
Preet Bharara
Preet Bharara:特朗普重返白宫可能意味着其刑事诉讼的终结。他正在进行内阁成员和其他高级职位的提名。司法部指控一名伊朗男子密谋暗杀特朗普。人事安排决定政策,任命胜任和品德良好的人才至关重要。未来几周,我们将密切关注特朗普的任名以及他希望这些任命的方式。特朗普正在讨论绕过正常的任命程序,这令人惊讶。共和党控制参议院,理论上应该能够通过他的提名。特朗普在推特上呼吁共和党参议员同意休会任命,以加快其提名人的确认过程。特朗普的推特显示,他希望绕过参议院的正常确认程序,并得到了马斯克和斯科特的支持。特朗普在拥有参议院多数席位的情况下,为何还要讨论休会任命,令人费解。特朗普此举具有明显的虚伪性,因为他曾在2020年选举后确认法官。根据总统过渡中心的数据,绝大多数总统的提名人都会很快得到确认。克林顿和布什政府的内阁提名人确认速度很快,而特朗普政府的确认速度较慢。特朗普政府提名人确认速度慢的原因是过渡领导层的变动、候选人甄选和审查的延迟以及一些提名人的财务状况复杂等。尽管面临诸多问题,特朗普政府的15位部长中有14位最终获得确认。特朗普曾对许多被其任命的官员进行过负面评价。特朗普应该能够轻松地让他的提名人获得确认,因为他控制着参议院。特朗普已经提名了一些人,但尚未公布国防部和司法部的提名人选。我们需要谨慎对待特朗普的行动,避免过早下结论。特朗普的举动是否意在削弱参议院的作用,甚至试图推翻宪法秩序?我们是否应该对特朗普的举动过度批评? Joyce Vance:特朗普拥有足够的参议院选票,因此休会任命似乎没有必要。参议院休会以及这在新的政府中意味着什么,目前尚不清楚,因此很难判断特朗普的意图。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Trump considering recess appointments despite having a Republican majority in the Senate?

Trump aims to bypass the confirmation process, which he perceives as slow and potentially obstructive, to quickly fill key positions. He tweeted that recess appointments are essential for timely confirmations, suggesting a desire to expedite the process regardless of the Senate's majority composition.

What is the historical precedent for cabinet nominees receiving pre-inauguration hearings?

Historically, 95% of cabinet nominees have received pre-inauguration hearings, with most confirmed very quickly. For instance, Clinton's nominees were confirmed in less than a day on average, and Bush's in less than two days.

How did Trump's first-term nominations compare to previous administrations in terms of confirmation speed?

Trump's nominees took an average of nearly 24 days each to confirm, longer than previous administrations due to late start, paperwork delays, and complex financial portfolios of nominees.

What are the potential implications of Trump's push for recess appointments on the constitutional role of the Senate?

Trump's strategy could undermine the Senate's constitutional role in advising and consenting on nominees, potentially eviscerating its co-equal status and historic role in the government.

What are some of the key positions Trump has started to fill in his second term?

Trump has nominated Kristi Noem for the Department of Homeland Security and Lee Zeldin for the EPA. However, key positions like Department of Defense and Justice Department are yet to be announced.

Trump's return to the White House brings challenges in nominations and criminal prosecutions. He faces delays in the federal election interference case and is making new cabinet appointments.
  • Trump's return likely marks the end of his criminal prosecutions.
  • Delays in the federal election interference case and sentencing in Manhattan.
  • Trump is nominating members of his cabinet and other high-profile positions.
  • The Department of Justice charged an Iranian man for plotting to assassinate Trump.

Shownotes Transcript

What are recess appointments? And with Republicans controlling the Senate, will President-elect Trump’s nominees face any hurdles in their confirmation process?

In an excerpt from a new episode of the CAFE Insider podcast, Preet Bharara and Joyce Vance discuss Trump’s ongoing nominations of cabinet members and other high-profile positions. Despite Republicans controlling the Senate, Trump has called on candidates vying to replace Republican leader Mitch McConnell to permit his nominees to take office without confirmation votes using the recess appointments power.

In the full episode, Preet and Joyce discuss:

– How Trump’s return to the White House will likely mark the end of his criminal prosecutions, with the federal election interference case and sentencing in Manhattan already facing new delays; 

– The expected reinstatement of Trump’s “Schedule F” executive order, which would reclassify many federal staff members as at-will employees; and

– The charges filed by the Department of Justice against an Iranian man for allegedly plotting to assassinate Trump.

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