cover of episode Securing the Vote (with Marc Elias)

Securing the Vote (with Marc Elias)

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Stay Tuned with Preet

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Joyce Vance
Marc Elias
Joyce Vance: 本期节目讨论了美国各地法院收到的创纪录数量的与投票和选举相关的案件,并介绍了Marc Elias作为美国最著名的选举律师之一,他参与了多个总统竞选活动的选举法律顾问工作,专注于潜在的计票、选举后诉讼以及挑战全国各地的选民压制法律。 Marc Elias: 2020年大选后,特朗普及其盟友提起超过60起诉讼,几乎全部败诉。这表明,特朗普可能会再次提起大量毫无根据的诉讼。特朗普将法庭视为打击商业对手的工具,并将其复制到竞选活动中,利用选举诉讼来恐吓对手。共和党和特朗普可能会提起大量毫无根据的诉讼,试图混淆视听。我们需要预料到选举之夜不会知道谁赢了,以及特朗普会立即对选举结果撒谎。特朗普会利用诉讼程序来掩盖真相,而不是寻求真相。特朗普比以往任何时候都更加绝望,可能会采取更过分的行为。 Marc Elias: 重要的是,美国民众也需要了解特朗普的策略,以防其损害选民对选举的信心。特朗普过去四年一直在诋毁选举,并建立了一个否认2020年选举结果的运动,因此选民对选举的信心已经受到损害。我们需要确保人们获得事实信息,了解挑战,并明白我们已经为这些挑战做好了准备。提起诉讼并不意味着一定会胜诉。共和党全国委员会正在挑战密西西比州的一项法律条款,该条款允许在选举日邮戳并在选举后五天内收到的邮寄选票被计算在内。共和党全国委员会在2020年大选前支持邮寄投票,但由于特朗普的反对,他们改变了立场。共和党无法反驳特朗普对邮寄投票的言论,因此只能重复他的谎言。共和党对邮寄投票的反对并非出于真心,而是因为他们无法反驳特朗普。

Deep Dive

Marc Elias discusses Donald Trump's history of using lawsuits, how he may continue this pattern post-election, and the potential implications of his actions. Elias emphasizes the importance of being prepared for Trump's likely false claims about the election outcome and his potential for escalating disruptive tactics.
  • Trump filed over 60 lawsuits after the 2020 election, losing all but one.
  • Trump's approach to litigation mirrors his business practices, using it to intimidate opponents.
  • Trump may be more desperate in 2024 than he was in 2020, potentially leading to more extreme actions.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey folks, Joyce Vance here. This election season has seen a record-breaking number of voting and election-related cases filed in courts across the country.

and it's just getting started. That's why I'm thrilled that Mark Elias is joining me on today's episode of the Cafe Insider Podcast while Preet is out. Mark is one of the nation's foremost election attorneys. He's served as election counsel on multiple presidential campaigns, including the Kamala Harris campaign, where he's focusing on potential recounts, post-election litigation, and challenging voter suppression laws across the country. Today, Mark joins me to unpack the election lawsuits that may shape this year's election.

If you're a member of Cafe Insider, head over to the Insider feed or click the link in the show notes of this podcast to listen to the full analysis. Stay tuned, listeners. Remain here for an excerpt from our conversation. To become a member of Cafe Insider, head to slash insider. You can try the membership for just $1 for one month. That's slash insider. Now onto the show.

Interesting. You point out that most of these cases being brought pre-election are by the Republican Party or associated interests. Do you think that holds up in the post-election? Who do you think will be filing cases then? Well, look, I mean, certainly after 2020, we saw Donald Trump and his allies file more than 60 lawsuits, and they lost all but one of them. So history suggests that, you know, Donald Trump, when he was a businessman, he idolized Trump.

lawyers who brought large numbers of frivolous lawsuits and use the court system as a way to bludgeon his business opponents. And he has certainly replicated that as a candidate where he views, you know, you may remember in 2016, he brought defamation claims to try to intimidate people. And he has used election litigation in the same way. So if you if you ask me, what do I think the post-election looks like? I suspect we will see, again, a large number of largely frivolous lawsuits

that won't go anywhere, but which will cloud things by the Republicans and by Donald Trump. So you've seen that playbook before, especially in 2020, when Trump and his party tried to steal the election.

You know, among the reasons that they failed were a lot of the lawsuits, frankly, that you brought and successfully litigated, losing only one if memory serves. What did you learn from 2020 that's informing how you're approaching this election? Yeah, so I think a couple of things. The first is that we need to expect, not just the lawyers, but every listener, we need to expect that

that we won't know on election night who won, right? The ballots won't all be counted. But we also need to expect that Donald Trump will lie almost immediately, as he does in seemingly every interview and every debate, that he will lie almost immediately about the outcome of the election. Yeah. Do you have like a betting line on how early you think he'll call it? Will it be 9.30, 10 o'clock, 10.15? Oh, I think it'll be in the 9 o'clock hour, you know, sometime between 9 and 10. Yeah.

So that's one thing we learned, right, is that is that he will use the litigation process as a way to not try to bring forward truth, but rather obfuscate the truth. The second is something that, Joyce, you've talked a lot about and which, you know, I think we need to keep in the back of our mind, which is that there's there's really no limit to how far Donald Trump will go. I mean, in 2020, he brought these lawsuits. They failed. Then he ultimately instigated a violent insurrection in the nation's capital.

He is more desperate now than he was then. So I don't expect that he will be any more successful. I don't think that his lawyers will be more successful, but he may be more desperate. He may be willing to do even more outrageous things than he was willing to do four years ago. Yeah. Can we underscore a point that you're making here that I think is really important and that we don't talk about enough recently?

which is that it's not just up to the lawyers to understand what the Trump playbook looks like. It's really important for Americans across the country to understand what they're seeing. You know, otherwise people go up and down with every small drama, and it really has the prospect of eroding voter confidence in the election. Do you worry about that at all? And what do you think we should all be doing to guard against that?

Look, I think in some ways, I worry about it, but I think in some ways that ship has sailed. I mean, Donald Trump has spent the last four years bad-mouthing elections. He has spent the last four years building an entire movement around him of people who have denied the outcome of the 2020 election and who traffic in wild conspiracies about the 2024 election even before it takes place. So, you know, that is what the other side is going to bring to the table. What we all need to bring to the table is truth and fact

and good information. And, you know, that is why, you know, the work you do in this podcast is so important and that Preet does, because we have to make sure people get the facts. And while they understand what the challenges will be, they also understand that we are prepared for those challenges and that

Ultimately, you can file a lawsuit for whatever the cost of the filing fee, but it doesn't mean you're going to win the case. That is what Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee seem to be learning over and over again. Well, let's do some of that work right now and help people get to the truth on these issues, because there are a lot of cases going on pre-election in multiple states. Let's talk about some of our favorites, starting with Mississippi. That's the case that's now at the Fifth Circuit, and it's been sitting there a couple of weeks since oral arguments.

where the RNC is challenging a provision in Mississippi law that permits counting of mail-in ballots so long as they are postmarked by Election Day and received within five days of the election. Why does the RNC have so much beef with mail-in voting? You know, this is probably one of the places where I think the mainstream media has missed this.

what's actually going on. The fact is that the Republican National Committee prior to the 2020 election loved mail-in voting. In fact, Susie Wiles, who's one of the campaign managers for Donald Trump, built the Republican Party of Florida around mail-in voting. What happened, unfortunately, was in 2020, Donald Trump got it in his head one night, I guess, at a rally, that he hated mail-in voting and he didn't want it. And so rather than the Republican Party standing up to him

they started mouthing his lies and his disinformation. And so every time you see Republican operatives and professionals try to say a good word about mail-in voting or, for that matter, early voting in person, Donald Trump can be on script for about a day.

before he reverts back to trashing it and lying about it. So there is no genuine beef with mail-in voting. There is Donald Trump's deranged brain about mail-in voting and a Republican Party that feels unable to contradict him. So they have to repeat the same lies that he tells.

I hope you found our discussion informative. To listen to the full episode, head over to slash insider to become a member. You'll be supporting our work and getting exclusive access to full weekly podcast episodes of Insider and bonus material from Stay Tuned.

Thank you.

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