cover of episode Covering Kamala Harris (with Marisa Lagos)

Covering Kamala Harris (with Marisa Lagos)

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Elie Honig
Marisa Lagos
Elie Honig: 评估一位领导大型检察官办公室的官员的职业生涯非常复杂。由于案件数量庞大,任何人都可以挑选极端案例来歪曲其记录。因此,对卡玛拉·哈里斯的评价需要全面考虑其职业生涯的方方面面,而不能仅仅基于个别案例。 Marisa Lagos: 卡玛拉·哈里斯作为检察官的立场介于进步主义者和强硬派之间。她寻求在现有系统内推动变革,并努力平衡不同观点,包括改革倡导者和一线检察官的意见。她的职业生涯始终体现了这种务实的中间立场。她实施了诸如“重回正轨”之类的项目,为初犯提供服务,帮助他们避免重犯。同时,她并没有完全摒弃传统的执法方法,而是寻求在两者之间取得平衡。她最初的政治生涯就体现了这种平衡,在2004年的竞选中,她选择了一个中间立场,既不同于极左的进步派检察官,也不同于极右的强硬派。 Marisa Lagos: 理解卡玛拉·哈里斯的刑事司法改革立场,需要考虑当时的政治背景。当时的改革压力并非完全来自左翼,也来自对高昂监狱成本和过度监禁的担忧,这在当时得到了两党支持。例如,格罗弗·诺奎斯特和科赫兄弟等右翼人士也支持减少监禁的倡议。当时的加州监狱人满为患,最高法院甚至下令减少监狱人口。因此,卡玛拉·哈里斯在当时的背景下所做的选择,需要结合当时的政治和社会压力来理解,而不能简单地用今天的标准来衡量。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

How progressive was Kamala Harris as a prosecutor on a scale of 1 to 10?

Kamala Harris was a four to six on a scale of one to ten, indicating she was middle of the road. She was not as progressive as Larry Krasner in Philadelphia but also not as tough as a Texas sheriff.

Why did Kamala Harris choose to work within the system as a prosecutor?

Harris believed that working within the system was the most effective way to make change, influenced by her background and her time at a historically Black university.

What were some of the smart on crime initiatives Kamala Harris implemented?

Harris implemented programs like Back on Track, which offered first-time offenders a suite of services to avoid felony convictions if they completed the program. She also brought in reform-minded individuals to work on these initiatives.

How did Kamala Harris balance her approach to criminal justice?

Harris balanced her approach by embracing smart on crime initiatives while also listening to her line prosecutors and maintaining a tough stance when necessary. She ran as a moderate in her first race for district attorney, positioning herself between a progressive and a tough-on-crime candidate.

What external factors influenced the criminal justice reforms during Kamala Harris's tenure?

External factors included the overpopulation of California's prisons, which led to Supreme Court intervention, and support from right-wing figures like Grover Norquist and the Koch brothers, who argued for rethinking the use of resources in the criminal justice system.

Marisa Lagos and Elie Honig discuss Kamala Harris's prosecutorial background and her position on a scale of progressiveness, comparing her to other prosecutors.
  • Kamala Harris's prosecutorial record is described as middle-of-the-road, varying from a four to a six on a scale of one to ten.
  • Harris implemented 'smart on crime' initiatives like Back on Track, which aimed to reform first-time offenders.
  • Harris's approach was influenced by her belief in working within the system to effect change, balancing reform with necessary toughness.

Shownotes Transcript

On a scale of 1-10, how progressive is Kamala Harris? In this excerpt of CAFE Insider, CAFE Contributor Elie Honig speaks with political journalist Marisa Lagos about Kamala Harris’s prosecutorial background and how it has informed her current policies.  

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