cover of episode Trump's Plan To DISMANTLE The Deep State + Biden & Dems Vow To "TRUMP PROOF" America! - SF489

Trump's Plan To DISMANTLE The Deep State + Biden & Dems Vow To "TRUMP PROOF" America! - SF489

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Stay Free with Russell Brand

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Russell Brand
Russell Brand: 本期节目讨论了特朗普瓦解深层政府的详细计划,以及拜登政府为防止特朗普再次当选所做的努力。他还评论了当前世界局势的变化,以及主流媒体和新媒体之间的冲突。Brand认为,人们厌倦了全球主义、公司主义和深层政府,并对生活成本和精英阶层的傲慢感到不满。他认为,新媒体的崛起可能导致旧媒体的消亡,并呼吁在社区层面实现最大程度的民主。他还讨论了对信息来源可靠性的质疑,以及对独立媒体的攻击。Brand认为,特朗普及其盟友可能会攻击深层政府,并结束不必要的战争。他认为,左翼和右翼的界限已经不再清晰,重要的是反对腐败的权力机构。 Donald Trump: 特朗普概述了他瓦解深层政府的计划,包括恢复总统撤换不称职官员的权力,清除国家安全和情报机构中的腐败分子,彻底改革FISA法院,成立真相与和解委员会,打击政府泄密者,使监察长办公室独立于其监督的部门,建立独立的审计系统来监督情报机构,将部分联邦机构迁出华盛顿,禁止联邦官员在他们监管的公司工作,以及推动宪法修正案对国会议员实行任期限制。 Joe Biden: 拜登在选举后发表讲话,祝贺特朗普胜选,并承诺确保权力和平过渡。他还赞扬了卡玛拉·哈里斯的竞选活动,并呼吁人们放下成见,互相尊重。

Deep Dive

The episode discusses Trump's plan to dismantle the deep state and the potential for change in America's political landscape.
  • Trump's detailed plan to dismantle the deep state.
  • Joe Biden's efforts to 'Trump-proof' America.
  • The rise of independent media and its impact on traditional media.

Shownotes Transcript


Hello there, you awakening wonders. Thanks for joining me today for Stay Free with Russell Brand. We are, of course, live, barely, in Miami. Let's know where you are and if, like me, you are experiencing a new world being born. That's not just hyperbole. We got evidence, like Joe Biden has suddenly become cogent. Trump has released plans to

to dismantle the deep state and Korean soldiers in Russia are, I'm afraid, in little circular self hoods, little, little Skeletrics tracks of flesh

Little Nasdaq gloops of self-abuse because they're in Russia and they've got access to pornography. There's a lot for us to discuss. We'll be talking about the imminent changes. We'll be talking about how the centrists and the globalists and the corporatists who may or may not know this yet have been unconsciously advocating for ideological systems that have mankind at their apex and are therefore defaming

necessarily through entropy going to become evil. We can unpack that a little later. We're going to be talking about all that. We'll be with you on YouTube for the first 15 minutes. Then we'll be exclusively streaming on Rumble where we can speak freely now and we could speak freely for the last four years. Thank the Lord because we were able to criticize the Biden and Kamala administration as they went from various fluxes and flexes of control and authoritarianism. If you're not on Awake and Wonder yet, because

Come and Awake and Wonder. Yesterday I had a fantastic conversation with Eric Metaxas about the significance of Christianity in politics and the necessity for Christian unity. But we talked about a lot more than that. We talked about how even though it is continually Trump that is portrayed by the legacy media as demonic,

Under analysis, an alternative and indeed contrary perspective becomes available. But let's just start with a little bit of lighthearted fun. Michael Cohen, former Trump lawyer who said he would leave the United States of America in the event of a Trump victory, you know, because Trump's Hitler and everything. And if he's like you believe that, like if I thought Hitler was in control.

I'm out. Like, I don't know what Hitler was like if you spent personal time with him one on one, you know, maybe he was super charming. But knowing what we know now, you would have to quickly depart. Here's Michael Cohen getting beautifully trolled for not leaving America when, you know, Hitlerian Trump assumes power. No problem. Wow. Genius you are. Can we stop with that? I appreciate it. I don't like the stupid turkeys.

All right, let's just knock that stupid shit off, please. All right, I did.

I think what I like is when the internet becomes childish. That is what I enjoy. I don't enjoy the mendacity. I don't enjoy it when the internet can be used by centralized powers to surveil, to censor, to organize campaigns of hatred, to bring down vocal opponents of their administration, maybe even their regime. But when you see this dumb stuff happening, it brings about a kind of mirth that I remember from when I was like 15, you know, dumb comedy.

I did. I said I was leaving. And then the following day, get that through your dumb heads. The following day, I turned around and I said that there's no chance. The turkey one, I can tell, particularly offends him. As soon as that turkey one's up, he's up on that camera. No, I must be able to prevent that. Don't be doing it. I think if you did it to me now, I'd be all right with it. But I think if I was saying something really like, look, I've got to address...

Look, you know, obviously it's very serious when people make allegations against you and I have to address that. I wouldn't like... That would be upsetting, man. That would be upsetting. There's no chance in the world that I'm leaving my country. Thank you very much. All right? I'm not leaving anywhere. You leave. This is my country. And I have every right...

Every single right within which to turn around. Also, it's so funny about the way that the turkey appears, isn't it? It's like, like it's the turkey itself is sort of participating, sort of all bit excited and erratic. Single right within which to turn around. Would we stop so we can? All right. Two seconds. I'm going to end up blocking the city. I say I can see it.

You should just do the speech. I have every right as Elvis Presley to say that I'm going to leave the country then not leave it. Do you know what it is? We take ourselves too seriously. We're all guilty of it sometimes. I do it. Sometimes I think I'm really important what I'm saying. I'm really spreading an important message. Then I realise we are in infinite space.

God is real. We are microscopic. We are vapor passing through eternity. Yet somehow through grace, we might align with principles divine. And if you know that, then life is glorious. This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice in it. Rejoice in it, Michael Cohen. I'm an idiot.

Ha ha ha! Okay, I'll be the gunslinger. I don't mind that being the old gold prospector. That's actually harmless fun. Oh, Michael Cohen there. Listen, let's not take life too seriously, man. None of us gets out of this alive.

Now, you'll be familiar, as I am, with the various nations on Earth when introduced to new sort of chemistry or indulgences of apparent civilization take a hit. Famously, the smallpox blankets for the Native American folks, even our brothers, the Irish across the water from my island, Britain, Galveston.

I think they get messed up more on alcohol because of some sort of glitch in genetics. Well, now Korean soldiers fighting alongside Russians, officially making this a world war now between Russia and Korea and NATO.

are getting totally hooked up and giddy on pornography. Let's have a look at that story. They're getting access to that. And I think because of Elon Musk's Starlink, people all over the world, like sort of little tribes that have been revering nature for millennia, are now like, oh my God, I can look at that. Oh, that's disgusting. Let me scroll that back. Oh my God, you can see him doing it in different colors.

Extraordinary really. Extraordinary isn't it to think such things might not be permissible? Extraordinary isn't it to re-examine the notion of sin? Avering, avoiding and coming away from a predetermined path that you may willingly walk but if you leave there could be consequences. Stop that! No, don't you, no, don't you dare, don't you dare put Topachiko on my head when I'm making an important point about theology. In this brave new world,

Biden is cogent. Trump is bringing down the deep state. The view are in an apoplexy of confusion. And is it possible that Alex Jones could be the press secretary? Even if you are like Jen Psaki, even if you are Joe Scarborough, who's apparently finally beginning to understand what this has all been about, you would embrace that. If you watch us on YouTube, we'll be there for another 10 minutes or so. Like,

Alex Jones as press secretary, who among us would not be amused, especially with you sort of muscular Alex Jones every morning. He would be good at that. Let me explain why this could actually be a good idea. The dead corporate dinosaur media has not been very powerful for a long time, but now they're absolutely toxic and they have no power.

Everything they do blows up in their face. And so, yes, it would be good to have someone like me to treat the corporate media with the disrespect they deserve to explain their propagandists, their fake news, their dinosaur media. They have all most no viewers and they're liars.

I would do a great job doing that. Trump would do a great job doing that. Elon Musk would do a great job. Candace Owens would do a fabulous job. And I think, not to just troll them, but to let them know what a joke they are, it would be great to have me in there for, say, a month. I wouldn't want to do it longer than that. I like doing my daily show. I don't want to be in D.C.

Before he had a month to be the press secretary of the White House. That is a reference to a joke from Brass Eye for two people, specifically two people. Hey, wouldn't that be amazing? Wouldn't it be amazing? But here, in a sense, it's kind of...

there's a preposterousness about it on one hand right but on the other hand what do you think are the credentials of jen saki karen john pl whoever was the press secretary for the white house what do you think of the credentials for um who's the woman that does all the stuff out there in ukraine you know all of those various deep state apparatus people and stay with us because we're going to talk about how donald trump says he's going to dismantle that what are their credentials like in for

a minute reflect do you think they're better than you do you think they're better than you have you bought into their gaslighting do you think you are dirty disgusting racist misogynist appalling have you bought into what they've been telling you he's damn right bang right about the legacy media don't have no power no more thank you heavenly father he's damn right but why not have other people why not have alex jones for a month candice irons for a month why not have people like you know um that like dislike the government as press secretary for a month why not why not embrace the idea that

This is not the end. This is not the kingdom of heaven. This is not as good as it gets. We can improve. We can evolve. We can change. We can develop. We can design new systems. We can become more and more like our creator when we submit to heavenly will. We could start creating glorious kingdoms here on earth in preparation for his return. Now, many people say that's impossible because we are fallen and because we are broken. But I reckon we can make the world a better place and perhaps a

Jolly good place to start is Press Secretary Alex Jones bundling in there. Because remember, Alex Jones isn't always in that mood. Like, you know, we've had Alex on a couple of times. I'd want Alex Jones to go... Like, sort of like...

He seemed like when he's like a superhero that's trying to will himself into the transformed state, you know, like sort of like, like he could pop himself in a sort of some sort of human erection. That's what I'm saying. E. Duncan, 16. Russell Brand needs a cabinet position. I accept. Except, baby, I accept. Was there more? She.

And then you could have Candace Owens in for a month. You could have, you know, there's so many other, hell, maybe Joe Rogan would come to it for a week. And I'm telling you, this would be something that would turn out, like Candace Owens said, being bigger than Game of Thrones.

Yeah, I mean, I'd watch it. Suddenly I'm watching that. Rotating, hey, why not? Let's start experimenting with new systems of government, because what we're learning is that the legacy media, as many of us have long suspected, are, yes, malfeasant, nefarious, deceptive, duplicitous tools of the establishment, propaganda machines, modern-day Goebbels. Do you think Goebbels thought he was evil? Do you think...

And now the will of Hitler. No, it's like, right, come on, we've got to do this thing. We're making a difference. That's what they felt. And surely Joe Scarborough, who I'm not comparing to Goebbels, I'm simply saying when you're conveying and amplifying propaganda, you are ultimately in the service of principles that are malign. And he has been doing that when advocating for vaccinations, for example, when giving Anthony Fauci a platform to softballing Anthony Fauci, giving him like such a fluffy platform.

puffy interview, I'm surprised they didn't disappear in a cloud of Johnson & Johnson's baby powder and you want to look into what's in that stuff. Here he is acknowledging that perhaps the cost of groceries and people's everyday lives are a significant factor when it comes to the way they view politics

and their nation. Not everyone who likes Trump is like, now I can get off on some real racism, misogyny. No, maybe people are like, I don't think this is how I want to live. I don't think I like this country anymore. I don't think I like the haughty, supercilious, condemnatory criticisms of metropolitan elites talking down to me in a professional media class, condemning people, pretending that they know some secret, pretending that they've got values, acting like they're gods.

acting like they got the right to judge, acting like they got the right to condemn. Well, surely now judgment day is upon them. Here it comes, Joe. Here it comes. Joe's waking up to the fact that a lot of Americans ain't...

and are actually concerned about things like not having a global war and that their food has become too bloody expensive. I want to talk about economy for a second. A few weeks ago, three weeks ago, somebody who was going to be voting for Kamala Harris came up to me and said, oh my God, Trump's going to win. I go, why is that? He goes, I just, I went to the grocery store, butter's over $3. I kind of laughed and I said, I said,

Well, that's kind of reductive, isn't it? Said it to myself. To him, I smiled and I said, good point. But it actually, everything we're hearing after the election is... I'm just saying, the seven. What's that? The seven dollars. What's that? Butter is seven dollars? Yeah. What? Is it framed in gold? Yeah, we're getting butter. Anyway...

Okay, well, yeah, okay. Anyway, my point is this, Willie. The rent is too damn high, and this guy was saying the cost of butter is way damn too high. And so I thought it was a bit reductive. It ended up being just the point that if you look at the cost of groceries, if you look at the cost of gas, if you look at the cost of food,

Not grass, Joe. That's not how it works. Gas. If you look at the cost of things compared to four... Plants here in the rumble chat. Kerrygold is very expensive, but it's a damn fine Irish butter. Cost of things compared to four years ago, it was a very simple answer for working class Americans. Things just cost too much. Yeah. Yeah, no question about it.

I'm glad to hear that in the wake of the disaster for globalist corporatists, statists, that they're now willing to think, as they perhaps could have done it in around 2015-16, hey, maybe all these people are not actually evil. Maybe we can't trust the legacy media. Before you believe something, just ask yourself this, where did I get that information from? Where did I get that information from?

If the answer is I got it from the newspapers, the legacy media told me, right, okay, you can't rely on them, but it's not your fault that you believe them. You were trained to believe them. And even now, as you become like a viral cell conveying their beliefs, that's not your fault. Thankfully, we have one vaccine that can be relied on to work. This is it. Stay with us. If you're watching us on YouTube, we'll be with you for another couple of minutes before we exclude

exclusively are available on rumble our free speech platform uh let me know is uh jt on the chat right now uh yeah he's there jay check it out baby oh justin's doing it well i was jt uh he should be doing it

Okay, so let's have a look. Let's have a look at this. One of the significant changes is even Putin is saying that the old world order is over. To a certain extent, the moment of truth is coming. The previous world order is irreversibly becoming a thing of the past. One could say has become a thing of the past. And the shaping of the new world order has become this scene of uncompromising

uncompromising fight. Uncompromising first and foremost for the reason that it's not even the battle for power or geopolitical influence.

It's a clash of the very principles that would be the foundation for the relation of the countries at the next historical stage. And its outcome will define whether all of us jointly can build a world that would allow everyone to develop and to solve the outstanding contradictions based on mutual respect of cultures and civilization without coercion and use of force.

Wow. The world is changing fast, rapidly, improving. Dave is free to for free. Three hundred dollars. Love the show. Keep up the work. Thank you very much. That's very kind donation. We've got all sorts of causes that we're getting right back involved in. Let me tell you that it's going magnificently well. OK, now let's have a let's enjoy for a moment. Legacy Media's ongoing meltdown. Starting with the view. Do you know who's racist? Latinos. They're not quite.

White, white are they, but they're not fully brown or black and they are not doing what the establishment's telling them to do and therefore, racist. And finally, we talk a lot about these different demographics and these assumptions of where they're going to go. Latinos in Texas, a district that's 97% Latino, went 75 percentage points for Donald Trump. Why? Misogyny. No, it's on the border. It's a border crisis.

mean sexist on their doorstep so so and they were begging people to care about it for years we need to take some lessons that's what that was the lessons are not knock knock who's there oh my gosh it's whoopee hmm someone in the chat there affection they are brown you're right they are browns they can't be racist but they can be sexist you can be a brown sexist and

They must be because there can't be any other reason that they are voting against this centralizing, nihilistic, corrupt system of cruelty and condemnation. Let's have a look at Morning Joe condemning Hispanic voters precisely for being racist. Democrats need to be mature and they need to be honest and they need to say, yes, there is there's misogyny.

But it's not just misogyny from white men. It's misogyny from Hispanic men. Right. It's misogyny. If it is a kind of unconscious misogyny that's somehow biological or sociologically inculcated in ways so insidious it's impossible to avoid or regulate, then what's Joe Scarborough saying that he...

hasn't got that kind of misogyny. That is the kind of courtiness. But no one's better than anybody else. No one's better than anyone else. And that is now an important part of their position about protecting vulnerable minorities and stuff. And so when you see him sat there, I am essentially better than you. Here's some stuff that I think. ...from black men, things we've all been talking about, who do not want a woman leading them. Might be race issues with Hispanics.

We do not want to. I don't think I just you know what? I don't think people care. I don't think people care. Why don't you let me know what you think, though, in the comments and the chat. We're going to leave you if you watch us on YouTube. And we've got so much more to talk about. We're going to be talking about, of course, Trump's claim that he's going to dismantle the deep state. But it's not.

Only a claim, it's a plan. Let me know if you think it's going to work. And man, I'm going to be wanting to talk to Mike Benz about that. One of the questions I keep getting in the Rumble chat is, do you think that Kennedy and Trump are going to come together and confront NATO? That's from BreedTos. Will they go after the new NATO boss, Mark Root? I'm not sure about the spelling of that, but I think that the relationship with NATO is about to change. I think the world's about to change. But that's, you know, that's what you guys think as well. So if you're watching on YouTube, click the link in the description. Get into our free stream. On Run.

where this conversation will continue. Let's continue now with Joe Scarborough's haughty condemnation of everyone, basically everyone. With Hispanics. They don't want a black woman as president of the United States. You know, the Democratic Party, I've always found, when you're sitting around talking, they love to just sort of balkanize everybody into these separate groups and say, oh, my God, that's what...

He's just saying, as we know, black men are misogynists and Latino men, males aged between eight and 34, they are misogynistic from their kneecaps to their chins, whereas the older Latino man has blots of misogyny all around his muzzle. They're

doing that they're balkanizing into demographics that's one of the things i thought elon musk said did you guys see this on rogan he said the very thing that they keep accusing trump of doing is what they are doing you know maybe that's why that kind of nazi idea comes up a lot because when we say nazi what do we mean probably we mean genocide and probably we mean mass centralized control do you think that's what we mean by nazis you know the uniforms were let's face it out of context horrific

So the problems must be the genocide, the bellicosity, the endless wars, the dominion, the deception, claiming that their ideology was derived from a religious theology and that it was righteous and absolute control. Now, are you not seeing some people, Naomi Klein, Naomi, excuse me, Wolfe, when she was on this show, made precisely that claim, Naomi Wolfe.

Jewish woman said that she believed that during the pandemic period, a kind of genocide was exacted. And in her book, The Pfizer Papers, she brought together various pieces of research that demonstrate that. In fact, we should post that link to that because she does great work, Naomi.

And so that's the sort of genocide side of it. Now, absolute control. We don't need me to explain to you that during the last few years, we've increasingly seen attempts to legitimize control. Now, I reckon big government isn't the only threat we face as a people, as a kind, as a species, as spiritual beings. Of course, global warming.

Corporatism also is a threat. What do you think are the most powerful NAEs on earth? You'd have to say there are governmental agencies on this planet and in your country rather that are super powerful and influential but you'd have to include the influence of big tech, of Google alphabet. These are big fierce...

fearsome entities. These are the things that need to be opposed. And how do we do that together? Well, I think it's a lot more likely now than it would have been under this lacrimose, near-sobbing cavalcade of entertainment entities that are just bereft now that we're not getting Kamala Harris as president. Maybe Tulsi Gabbard will be president next. Wouldn't that be good? Wouldn't you be into that? I mean, now that we're picking jobs for people arbitrarily. Let's have a look

at CNN blaming, oh no, this is good. This is talking about how campaigning works now. There's no question that to a degree, this was a war between old media and new media and new media won.

Like it or not, legacy media and old style Hollywood stars and musicians were lining up behind Kamala Harris. And you could see right through her to them because there was so little there. But when it come to new media, it was a done deal. We had Vance Trump.

and Musk on Rogan in quick succession. And I think that that was significant. Now we are in a new media era. My concern would be as a sort of, I'm not American, you know, that countries like the UK are going to go all out attacking independent media figures. They're going to concoct whatever they want.

They can to bring down any independent voices that might be challenging. And Lord knows we have to challenge their voices. They're going to go full throttle now because they don't want anything like Trump happening in the UK. They don't want popular figures standing in political positions, support in opposition, standing up against global corporatism. Remember, in the British leadership, in Keir Starmer in particular, you have a WEF background.

leader. You have a stooge in office. You have someone who on day one, we're going to keep funding this war. We're going to keep funding this war. Tell me what else to do. Tell me what else to do, Klaus. They don't want to be brought down. These CIA carve out politicians are terrified. Now, with these changes, there's going to be some genuine, serious opposition. And you can almost hear the sound of guts dropping all

around the world as the potential for populism, which might not be like Trump's form of populism. That might be more like what's coming out of Bobby Kennedy or what came out of Sanders even. Jeremy Corbyn. Who knows? Who knows what inflections different nations may come up with to oppose globalism. But surely that's the thing they fear most. And that is why you can't trust legacy media. And that's why you can't trust any of the instruments of

power that are utilised, have been utilised to try to stop the re-election of Donald Trump and will be similarly deployed against any opponent of their systems. But thankfully, there is one thing more powerful than them. And you know what that is, don't you? It is, well, there are sublime divine powers that are expressed through each of us.

And thankfully the technology that they would use to kowtow control and break us can equally be used to oppose them. That's why it's so funny to me to hear people saying like Alex Jones could be press secretary. Who knows what kind of people you're going to see coming forward. This is going to be an amazing time. They must be absolutely terrified because

Peace is breaking out and the war against legacy media has been won when it comes to the Trump campaign. Let's see what happens around the world and let's have a look at how CNN undertake an autopsy on their own dismal demise. Here's how we got beat. We got beat because the Republicans and conservatives built a different media system.

That had to do with online, had to do with podcasts, had to do with with streaming platforms. And they were spending their money there. We were laughing at them and knocking on doors in Philadelphia, Detroit. There's no Trump people. They're not dropping literature. They're not dropping, dropping, knocking on doors. Well, in fact, it was it was laughing like, oh, Elon Musk and Charlie Kirk. Their packs don't know what they're doing. We were making we were making fun of Donald Trump for having thrown away his ground game and doing some weird stuff online. We thought that they were were idiots.

It turned out we were the idiots. We woke up in a body bag because while we were knocking on doors, they were making these phones into 24 hour a day political weapons for themselves. And so we got outflanked, outplayed, outbeat by people who told us the whole time that they knew what they were doing. One thing that I've heard you say that I completely agree. Pretty good acknowledgement. Too little, too late, but you can bet.

that now they won't be in the position to surveil and censor in the way that they've been planning to, using mostly the idea of hate speech and misinformation. They'll be looking at campaigning more intelligently. So you'll see more populist figures, I imagine, arise in the centre-left. But the

problem's going to be the crippling hypocrisy. All of us are hypocrites to a degree because we're all fallen, flawed and broken. But there's nothing quite like the hypocrisy of people that continually claim that they're there only to help you. We just want to help you. But how much is butter again? These people will find it difficult to resonate on that frequency because there is something they are concealing that is most, most dark and malfeasant. And with now the ascent of

and supremacy of independent media continuing to rise, what vessels and vassals will they deploy to oppose this message? Let me know in the comments and the chat. This could be the end, the death of legacy media. There could be no more CNN, no more MSNBC,

more BBC. They're particularly vulnerable because they are a taxpayer model. Imagine if there was a popular movement in the UK for people to just stop paying their licence fees. Imagine if people turned on centralised moguls or started to legislate against the owners of these conglomerates that sit behind MSNBC and CNN. What would happen then? It will crumble. It will be decimated. And who will grieve? Who

will grieve but for the liberal professional class that have claimed to be supported and helping. Now my position is this, with the recapture of the institutions of democracy there are a million ways that America and the world might be run. One principle I'd be keen to convey to you for what little it's worth, two cents is about what I'd offer you, subsidiarity, maximum democracy for each community, each individual, true republicanism where the public is

is in charge of their institutions of government, where to the smallest denomination we are able to run our communities, knowing that we are all surrendering to a higher force that is not of humankind and therefore can't be corrupted by humankind. But that's just what I think. Let me know what you think in the comments and chat. We've got so much more to come, even on the subject of the fall of legacy media. But stay with us now for a message from our sponsors.

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Whoa, this is an exciting show today. I feel pretty brilliant about it. You enjoying yourself, guys? In the chat, you having a good time? Flower power? Digit no hippie and affection there, our wake and wonders. Did you enjoy the conversation with Eric Matexis? Pretty good stuff. I learned quite a lot during that conversation. Now, a few seconds before, when we were talking about the

Online media wars, old media versus new media. New media is surely victorious. I, for a moment, pondered the possibility of new figures emerging politically that might carry the populist baton for alternatives to nativism and nativist policy and politics, i.e. the movements that are rising in France, Hungary, my country, the UK, Ireland, and obviously with the victory of Donald Trump, your country, the United States of America.

But actually, what's likely is they will try to, perhaps in their last 75 days before they're unceremoniously booted out of office, look to find ways to impose regulation or control. Do you think that's possible? Here they are, bemoaning their inability to censor and claiming that they should be able to. One thing that I think stands out also, we can't have this conversation, a little bit to your point, Dana, is that maybe it's not so much Democrats...

policies or messaging or the words that they use specifically, but there is an entire right-wing media ecosystem. It doesn't exist on the left. It does not exist in the center or mainstream. And people are getting their information in very different ways now. It actually does exist on the left. They're just not very good. I've seen some of them. Like on YouTube, they get supported by the algorithm in ways that we get attacked here. That's why it's so important if you are watching this on YouTube to subscribe.

to rumble, where we can speak freely, where there is no algorithm, where we're able to talk about whatever we want to talk about openly. Look in the chat, people in there give me a hard time. Look in the Awake and Wonder chat, people talking about important theological issues. YouTube will amplify centrist, globalist, corporatist, they know not what they do, in their advocacy for further authoritarianism. You know, the govern me harder, daddy crew. Make me wear a mask. Make

me take my medication, make us march to war for a thousand different nations, take our taxes, curtail and control us, never thinking or reflecting for a moment that we don't need no big daddy state. We need maximum.

democracy, maximum subsidiarity, maximal control over our communities. Who's out there advocating for that? Let me know. Different ways now. And Donald Trump and Republicans and Elon Musk and Joe Rogan know exactly how to reach Americans where they are, regardless of age and demographic.

It's really interesting that because Joe Rogan as well is not like a media strategist. Joe Rogan, if you go and watch his old podcast, is doing what he did in podcast number 100, 500, 1000. He's doing the same thing.

that he's doing right now. Open conversations with people that he's genuinely interested in. It's not become like, aha, this is what will work, this is what will work. And that played a big role in this because of the fact of whether it was disinformation, misinformation, or different propaganda that they were feeding to the American public that made them feel the way they did. And the American public felt as though that they were being heard by Donald Trump. Plants heal with

with what I would call comment of the day. Without double standards, they would have no standards. Heard by Donald Trump. I think in a normal country, we would say, hold on a second, maybe we need to have a different set of regulations for social media platforms now that it's big. Maybe we need to have less money in the system. But that conversation is not happening yet. Someone in the chat said, are you wearing Joseph Technicolor dream coat? Not only that, Technicolor graffiti-covered

in honor of South Miami bottoms as well. There's so much Technicolor, a little, uh, we would cry out for block black and whites and monotones. All right, okay, let's see how, uh, Glenn Greenwald responded to all of this. "These people," speaking about that CNN clip, "are the most self-deluded, pompous, and ignorant on the planet and fully deserve all the hatred and distrust they've earned. They're going to sit there and pretend there's no pro-dem part of the media.

The way the riot has everyone knows they are it and in fact, you know as someone pointed out in the comments They just said we lost. What does that tell you this piece? That's the kind of partisanship that's evident and obvious. Here's Elon Musk Saying that the difference was a Trump going on podcast Let me know in the comments and chat if you can even begin to oppose that made a big difference that

President Trump and soon-to-be Vice President Vance went on lengthy podcasts. Yes. I think this really makes a difference because, you know, people look at like Joe Rogan's podcast, which is great, and Lex Friedman's and the All In podcast. And, you know, to a reasonable-minded, smart person who's not like hardcore one way or the other, they just listen to someone talk for a few hours and that's how they...

decide whether you're a good person, whether they like you. This is why I actually posted on X the

Nothing would do more damage to Kamala's campaign than going on Joe Rogan because she'd run out of non sequiturs after about 45 minutes. You can't hide in three hours. Yeah, like hour two and three would be a complete melted puddle of nonsense. So it would just be absolute game over. That's why I shouldn't go on. But on the hand, Trump, he's there and there's no talking points. He's just being a normal person. He's having a conversation and doing three hours of Rogan, no problem. What do you think?

It's a different world now that we are living in. And perhaps the Trump-Vance-Magger model isn't the only iteration of that. Patriotism, nativism, America first, non-interventionism, republicanism, maximum power for each of the states and communities within those states. Is that what's being advocated for? Let me know in the comments and chat. I'm a visitor in your country. Personally, for me, as long as each of us individually are in alignment with principles derived from somewhere uneducated,

other than the mind of man, fallen, sinful and broken. We're in with a chance of building systems and societies that are a better reflection of our higher nature and not being mired and trapped in the darkness that it appears that global corporatism seems set to trap us in, using curiously and literally ironically the false Luciferian light of rationale, of apparent logic, but apparent

logic that leads to nihilism, meaninglessness, epicureanism and the redundant and ridiculous pursuit of pleasure. But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat. Remember, you can become an Awaken Wonder and join us once a week for Break Bread where we take communion, chat about Christianity, invite new audiences and questions and opposition. Which is your, who's your favourite atheist? Who would you like to have on there? You want Ricky Gervais, don't you? Of course you want Ricky Gervais. Of course he's everyone's favourite atheist. Get him! Get him!

Get him on in the holy name of the Lord. Let's reach out to him. Hey, we make this in conjunction with our partners. Now, Grand Canyon University is an explicitly Christian university. I'll be going there to speak soon. If you want to study either online or in person, if you're interested in theology, but also a whole raft of subjects, there's a link being posted right now in the Awaken Wonder chat.

and in the Rumble chat and in the YouTube chat if you're watching this there that shows you how to subscribe. Here's their message now. Grand Canyon University, a private Christian university in Phoenix, believe that we are endowed by our creator to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness from the constitution. A Christian university, eh? GCU believe in equal opportunities

and equip everyone to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing, creating, as they believe, a ripple effect of transformation. Whether your pursuit involves a bachelor's, a master's, or a doctoral degree, GCU's online and on-campus learning environments are designed to help you achieve your unique goals. Why don't you learn a bit more? With over 340 academic programs as of March 2024, GCU provide you with a path to fulfill your dreams, the pursuit to serve others,

is yours. Let it flourish. Wow. It's a very profound goal, isn't it? Because everything we do is about self and this is about service. Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University. Private, Christian, affordable education. Visit forward slash Russell. That's visit forward slash Russell. Two S's, two L's. Give it a try. Thanks.

Hey there, my friends in the Rumble stream. Thanks for all the compliments about my wife's house coat. Let's now make some decisions together. Firstly, right, we're going to cover Trump on the deep state. Certainly we're covering that. That's what we've titled around. That's what our show is about today is about Trump's speech on the deep state. I'll be referencing the things I've learned from people like Schellenberger and Mike Benz on this subject. Let me know who you think's good on that subject now. And then I'm going to give you a choice between one, two and three.

One, do you want to see how Joe Biden is so sharp all of a sudden? Two, do you want to see Scott Jennings delivering a reality check to CNN? Or three,

Or three, do you want to see Rachel Maddow saying Americans just voted to end multiracial pluralistic society? So one, Biden now super sharp. Two, Scott Jennings reality check to CNN. Or three, Maddow saying Americans just voted to end our multiracial. The first one to like, I don't know, 20. And we'll be guessing a bit. Will you watch out for us, Justin? Just give us a good idea of the rhythm and we'll do it. But first, before we do that, we're doing our main story now.

today what has the trump era really been about well if you listen to legacy media it's primarily about hatred if you listen to trump himself it's about making america great again but there's a general more vague sense around trump particularly now that bobby kennedy is part of the movement and

particularly even people like me who have nothing to do with your political system, are commentating and thinking about how it might affect countries in Europe, like my own, the United Kingdom. What we're sensing is that people are sick and tired of globalism and that nationalism is a response to that. And it needn't be racist or exclusive. It could be one nation under God where we're all equal, equally valuable and have the right to pursue happiness, although we don't have a constitution in my country, not yet.

Also, one thing it means for sure is that people are sick and tired of corporations having too much power and the deep state facilitating that power. Politicians that talk a good fight when it comes to caring about people and then get super rich while in office. Politicians like in my country that have weird relationships, even with the authoritarian state through their judiciary, like our current prime minister, or whether it's people like Rishi Sunak, the previous prime minister from another country who was heavily connected to Madrasa.

Or whether it's people like Joe Biden, whose business dealings look increasingly suspicious, or Kamala Harris, who herself was another legislator, regulator, bureaucrats and buccaneer pirate global corporatist. The world is saying no. Now, there's no question that Donald Trump of The Apprentice is a tycoon. But with this new group around him, including Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy and Tulsi Gabbard and, of course, Bobby Kennedy, isn't it likely?

that an attack on the deep state and the dismantling of broken and corrupt government apparatus is at least part of the way that he's going to preside over your country, America. And don't we want to see that around the world as well as an end to unnecessary wars? Let me know what you think about that in the comments in the chat as we together enjoy Trump's speech on the dismantling of the deep state. Is such a thing possible? What are they saying now? The HQ of the FBI and CIA. What do they think?

What are they thinking now at NATO? What are they thinking now at all these bureaucratic organisations that are able to exploit the atrophying and collapsing institutions of democracy that have been propped up on propaganda for the last, well, you let me know in the comments and chat how long we've been being lied to. But now at least it appears there is an opportunity for change. It might not appear like Trump in every country.

Maybe that's not the best way for it to appear in every country. But one thing is for certain, people are sick and tired of globalism, corporatism and the deep state. Here's Trump saying that he's going to dismantle it. Let me find that. It's here, baby. Here's my plan to dismantle the deep state and reclaim our democracy from Washington corruption. Once and for all, and corruption it is.

First, I will immediately reissue my 2020 executive order restoring the president's authority to remove rogue bureaucrats. And I will wield that power very aggressively. Second, we will clean out. Well, like it's the way he says stuff very aggressively. I will wield that power very aggressively.

Because when you like wield means sort of literally hold and obviously we'll know aggressively means but it's someone governing sort of aggressively sort of smashing stuff over with a mop. Clean out all of the corrupt actors in our national security and intelligence apparatus and there are plenty of them.

The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left's political enemies, which they're doing now at a level that nobody can believe even possible. Third, we will totally reform FISA courts, which are so corrupt that the judges seemingly do not care when they are lied to

warrant applications. So many judges have seen so many applications that they know were wrong, or at least they must have known. I love it because, you know, can you...

It's a game I like to do when I watch Trump speak is I like to watch when I think he's coming off teleprompter, you know, like coming from a time where the opponent politicians are hollow and do need teleprompters continually. With Trump, when he's doing something like this, which is off the teleprompter, you can see little asides, ad libs.

and rifts. And it's sort of when it gets amusing, I went and talked about Pfizer there. We've done so many stories, haven't we, on Pfizer? It doesn't mean Pfizer, of course, the pharmaceutical company. It means the sort of court systems that issue warrants. And I think in like 99.9% of times they issue these warrants in order to facilitate deep state spying on ordinary citizens. Did you hear yesterday Rachel Maddow decrying and lamenting the loss of the Five Eyes? The Five Eyes are

nations to anyone who's looked at the work and sacrifices of Edward Snowden are like a something out of Revelations, some multi-headed Hydra beast thing where we're all being spied on by other countries and exchanging intelligence in conjunction with them so domestic populations end up getting spied on.

People like Julian Assange. Now, there's a shout for press secretary. I saw that in the comments. It wasn't my idea. The kind of heroes America will be embracing. I know he's Australian, but Snowden, man, that's a true hero. Someone who put themselves in danger in order to expose information that was beneficial to ordinary Americans. Or Julian Assange, who's an unusual dude, like a lot of those kind of tech people are when you meet them and get to know them. They're an unusual type of people. But he's heroic. He works.

was willing to spend time in custody because of what he believed in. Don't forget that all these things have been happening. Don't let them sort of tell you while they're sort of nibbling their pens on CNN behind some podium that what they were trying to do was help you. For example, Keir Starmer, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, he could have at any point while in opposition gone, should we get Julian Assange out of Belmarsh? He didn't.

Why? Is it because of those meetings he had with the CIA? Meetings that he is known to have had? You tell me in the comments and chat. Who can you trust? Is it the voices that are emerging out of independent media that seem to be stronger, that peculiarly get attacked in conjunction by the media in the state? Let me know what you think about that. Let me know why you think that's happening. Let me know what you think their agenda is. And let me know, most importantly, do you think it's possible for a figure even like Trump

to attack the deep state. Now, when he was on Rogan, one of my favorite bits was when he talks about John Bolton, you know, famous John Bolton. He might look like Colonel Sanders, but he will turn the world into Kentucky Fried Chicken with his belligerent policies. He never met a war that he didn't want to have. And Trump talked about how he employed the wrong people. Well, is he going to do that this time with Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk and Bobby Kennedy? And how

How can you sort of lament and sob at the loss of such a hollowed out and empty shell of shills in government when these extraordinary and unusual individuals who are, for me, saying the right things are about to enter into office?

What is it? What is it that they're believing in? What is it that they have been told? Let's have a look at some more of Trump's dismantle the deep state rhetoric.

We will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on deep state spying, censorship, and corruption. And there are plenty of them. Fifth, we will launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the fake news to deliberately weave false narratives and to subvert information.

Pg23 says we need Bongino. There's got to be a job for Bongino. Anyone else from the Bongino army in the chat right now? Alex Jones, press secretary, Bongino head of the secret service. What kind of glorious new America are we awakening to? Our government and our democracy. When possible, we will press criminal charges

Sixth, we will make every inspector general's office independent and physically separated from the departments they oversee so they do not become the protectors of the deep state.

Seventh, I will ask Congress to establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people or that they are not spying on someone's campaign like they spied on my campaign.

Eighth, we will continue the effort launched by the Trump administration to move parts of the sprawling federal bureaucracy to new locations outside the Washington swamp. Just as I moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado, as many as 100,000 government positions could be moved out

and I mean immediately, of Washington to places filled with patriots who love America. I like that. I cut you off too because then he just goes, and they really do love America. Like you're going to move government departments in parts of America where everyone's right, patriotic and stuff, and they won't be just environmentally sucked into globalism. Who love America, and they really do love America.

Ninth, I will work to ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and that they regulate. So they deal with these companies and they regulate these companies and then they want to take jobs from these companies. Doesn't work that way.

Doesn't work that way. That's how it is. It doesn't say it doesn't work that way on the teleprompter. That's what you want, isn't it? You don't want the FDA governing pharmaceutical companies, then people leaving the FDA to go and work at Pfizer or Moderna. Or like in my country, the UK, at the end of the pandemic period, people from the government that would be going like, yeah, you guys might need to take some vaccines. Taking up jobs at Moderna, that's got to end. I don't mean this in a bad way because I don't know Joy Reid, but what does Joy Reid have against that? This

Listen, I don't fully understand it. I suppose I should understand it because there was a time when he come down the escalator and I was like, Trump can't be president. That guy's mad. And I didn't like it when he said those things about Mexicans coming across the border. But now, you know, I still feel like he's not perfectly human being like you or I will be at one with an incredible resilience and ability for connecting with people. But what I care more about.

are people saying that sort of stuff i'm gonna dismantle the deep state we are not going to allow people to work for the fda or the nih or the cdc then go get jobs at pharma but hopefully you'll end the royalties bobby kennedy's going to be in there did you read bobby kennedy's book on anti-fauci anti-fauci must be oh man anti-fauci if anyone's going to move to another country it's found that way such a

Public display cannot go on. And it's taking place all the time. Public display. That's not the problem with it. It's not like this. It's taking place all the time, like with big pharma. Finally, I will push a constitutional amendment to oppose term limits on members of Congress. This is how I will shatter the deep state and restore government that is controlled by the people and for the people. Thank you very much.

Whoa, what a broadcast. Shadow the deep state. Do you feel then that right? What's happening right now? I remember when George W. Bush won after Clinton. A story that stayed with me for some reason is that the former Clinton administrators and staffers took all of the W's out of

you know, because he was known as George W. Bush. And me then, I'd have been much more democratically inclined and I'd have been sucked into all the propaganda. And I use the word suck deliberately. They suggested that Bill Clinton was going to be some sort of new JFK and it was going to be a new Camelot America. And it was going to be a fantastic, brave new world for all of us. Well, I wonder what's going on right now in the corridors of power. Is it going to be like that Wolf of Wall Street clip that's going to burn everything, burn everything off?

We've been taking money off of Pfizer. Oh no, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin have been telling us to continue wars. We've not been thinking straight. Why can't the Pentagon pass an audit? What has been going on? How are they going to prepare? Let me know in the comments and chat.

Do you believe that this is really going to happen? Is this empty hollow rhetoric and campaign talk or do you think Trump is going to dismantle the deep state? Do you think Trump 2024 is going to be different and better and improve from Trump 2016? Do you think it's significant that he has these new allies and that a significant number of people that supported Trump this time will be the kind of people that supported Bobby Kennedy? Do you think that this movement could catch on across the world and you might see resurgent new movements?

over the world. Look, the categories of left and right, they don't make sense anymore. It's anti the institutions of power that have become corrupt, including the judiciary and the media, which shouldn't even be a part of the government, but basically is, versus people are like, hang on, you lot are trying to replace God and tyrannize everyone. You're lying.

You're telling us we're evil the whole time. It's disgusting. It's gone out of control. Well, now it seems there is some significant pushback, but that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and chat. If you're watching this on YouTube, turn on the notification bell and subscribe. Subscribe, actually. It's really important that you subscribe. And subscribe over here on Rumble and get involved in the chat like Plants Hill and Audio Brown and Damien Ma, UFO, and John Willie and Dion X and Roxian, Flower Power, all these guys. Get involved in the chat. Become an Awaken One.

under as well and join us for our weekly conversations, break bread, where we talk about a lot of important stuff. Now, we asked you, what do you want to see? And you answered us clearly. I want to see a coherent, cogent Joe Biden. Just a little while ago, the request to see a coherent, cogent Joe Biden would have been akin to putting men on the moon. Did those moon landings really happen? Hey, Buzz Aldrin endorsed Trump. You know,

Biden couldn't open his mouth without accusing people of being garbage when attempting to redress Tony Hinchcliffe's jokes. Joe Biden couldn't make his way through a debate. Joe Biden was wearing MAGA hats. Joe Biden now, like many politicians when they're unplugged from the corrupt mainframe, seems to have resumed some kind of coherence, cognizance and even humanity. Now, I've not seen this yet, but I'm told by Gareth, who produces the show, that Joe Biden now sounds sort of

Coherent, compassionate, loquacious, eloquent, even like Oscar Wilde holding court. Brilliant bomb moths and epigrams spilling from the lips of Joe Biden, where once was bad saliva. So what's happened to old sleepy Joe? Is it the machine itself is some corrupt Luciferian matrix that when you're plugged into it, you turn either demented or evil?

And the minute you're free, you become like a twinkly-eyed old grandpop again. The man who bought down corn pop again. And indeed, a person that might have been a better candidate than Kamala. Let's have a look at the newly awakened Joe Biden. Can't wait to see it. It's good to see you all. Particularly good to see my granddaughter sitting in the front row here. Stop it. Hi, Finn. How are you, honey? For over 200 years...

Right, some of you say, is it the tall Biden? Is it because you think that there are multiple stooges? I mean, I suppose it's not impossible. Do you really think that? Do you really think that? That it's like there are multiple Bidens? America's carried out the greatest experiment in self-government in the history of the world. That's not hyperbole, that's a fact. We're the people. The people vote and choose their own leaders and they do it. Yeah, I mean, hyperbole, that's a fact.

He's never said anything like that for a while, has he? I nearly was just watching the comments, I was watching what you lot were saying, but he just went, "That's not hyperbole, that's a fact." Like, he didn't say anything like that in the debate. - They're our own leaders and they do it peacefully. - He actually sounds like he's on less-- I mean, I don't know if he was on drugs, but-- Oh, you think he is on drugs, better one. Centralizer saying, "Adderall," or one word-- - And we're in a democracy, the will of the people always prevails. Yesterday, I spoke with President-elect Trump

to congratulate him on his victory. And I assured him that I'd direct my entire administration to work with his team to ensure a peaceful and orderly transition. That's their passive-aggressive thing, isn't it? That peaceful transfer of power. Unlike January the 6th. Transition. That's what the American people deserve. Yesterday, I also spoke with Vice President Harris.

This is a law conversation. I went on a bike ride. I did a lot of stuff. I ate an ice cream successfully. I wore aviator shades. I answered some questions coherently. I fought corn pop on a lawn by a bathing pool. It was a busy day. I told Hunter, shut up or buck up. Come on, kid, one day at a time. It was a busy and brilliant day. I took a shower alone. She's been a partner and a public servant.

She ran an inspiring campaign and everyone got to see something that I learned early on to respect so much. Her character. She has a backbone like a ramrod. She has great character, true character. She gave her whole heart and effort and she and her entire team should be proud of the campaign they ran. You know, the struggle for the soul of America since our very founding has always been an ongoing debate and still vital today.

I know for some people, it's a time for victory, to state the obvious. For others, it's a time of loss. Campaigns are contests of competing visions. The country chooses one or the other. We accept the choice the country made. That's actually a really good analysis. It's a competition of competing visions. That's what a campaign is. That's what we've been saying.

He's now like the Jim Carrey SNL version of him, sort of like an elder that's sort of wise and a bit world-weary and has gone through a lot in life. I'm really confused by politics. The country made. I've said many times, you can't love your country only when you win. You can't love your neighbor only when you agree. Something I hope we can do no matter who you voted for.

They see each other not as adversaries, but as fellow Americans. Bring down the temperature. I also hope we can lay to rest the question about the integrity of the American electoral system. Yeah, well, you know, let's have a look at them 20 million additional votes in 2020. The American electoral system. It is honest, it is fair, and it is transparent. And it can be trusted. Win or lose. I also hope we can restore the respect

for all our election workers who busted their necks and took risks at the outset. We should thank them. Thank them for staffing voting sites, counting the votes, protecting the very integrity of the election. Many of them are volunteers who do it simply out of love for their country. And as they did, as they did their duty as citizens, I will do my duty as president. I'll fulfill my oath and I will honor the Constitution. On January 20th,

We'll have a peaceful transfer of power here in America. To all our incredible staff, supporters, cabinet members, all the people who have been hanging out with me for the last 40 years, God love you, as my mother would say. What's going on?

I think that's a FX extreme for him. They've put Elon's Neuralink in him. Yeah, he sounds like... I don't think that would have been tolerable. I'm not talking about visions. I'm not talking about the way that the institutions are interconnected and enmeshed with corporatism and globalist groups, whether those are corporate and economic commercial or deep state bureaucratic. Those things, I'm sure, would be the same. But just on the level of just a person talking, that's a person who might sort of be like,

We would lean in and go, yeah, that's a good point. That's a good point. It's weird, isn't it? I don't actually understand. God love you, as my mother would say. Thank you so much. You put so much. See you next in the Rumble Chat. Low dosage of meth. So much into the past four years. I know it's a difficult time.

You're amazing. Well, there you go. See, perhaps there is hope for all of us. Perhaps this is an opportunity for us to compassionately look at one another as a company. I'm saying this Joe Biden is suggesting as members of the same human family or in your case, fellow Americans.

Americans, maybe this is an opportunity for people that voted against Donald Trump to recognize the significance of the fact that in Bobby Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard, there's someone further to the left than their preferred candidate on many significant issues. When I say left here, I mean anti-corporate.

anti-commercial domination, anti the domination of Pfizer, anti-war. And I know that no one is perfect. That's part of our condition. And indeed, while there does need to be a spiritual component to the undergirding of any political system, if it's to have any real value, because elsewise, it is born of humankind, is born of the human mind. And once you've seen Joe Biden, they're talking quite sanguinly and nicely about the campaign and

quite gently and reasonably perhaps it is an opportunity for us to recognize that there is cause for hope in your country America and cause for hope across

across the world. And perhaps we could think for a moment what we each can do personally to create those conditions. I suppose if you are a liberal person and you see a truck, a good old ram longhorn passing by with American flags and the word Trump emblazoned upon it, you can think there's a human just like me. And if you are a MAGA Trump supporter, as MSNBC would portray you, sort of barbecuing, towel gating, and you

and you see someone with blue hair looking a little hurt about the way things have gone you can recognize them too as a fellow american and maybe we can as is suggested in scripture judge not one another but love each other

with all of our hearts, as Joe Biden seems to be suggesting. But that's just what I think. Why don't you let me know what you think in the comments and the chat. That's all we have time for this week. We will be back on Monday with another show, assuming that the world is still in, please, Lord, roughly the same shape by then. Remember.

Become an Awaken Wonder. You can join us live for break bread. Remember, we put additional content on locals for our Awaken Wonder community continually. Remember, you can follow us on X and Facebook and Instagram and all of those places. But where you will hear us speaking most freely and most happily is on Rumble. Consider having Rumble Premium as a way to frictionlessly enjoy that experience. Pavlov Games, Buddy 1205, Karma Line and Wildberry, Semhill, Eve, Kven, Roverts. Thanks very much for joining us.

See you next week, not for more of the same, but for more of the different. Until then, if you can, stay free.