cover of episode OH SH*T! Fauci’s ‘Secret Trips’ To The CIA EXPOSED By Rand Paul! - Stay Free #343

OH SH*T! Fauci’s ‘Secret Trips’ To The CIA EXPOSED By Rand Paul! - Stay Free #343

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Stay Free with Russell Brand

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Russell Brand
Russell Brand: 本期节目讨论了 Rand Paul 将调查 Fauci 在 COVID-19 疫情暴发前与 CIA 的秘密会面,美国正在考虑撤销对朱利安·阿桑奇的起诉,苏格兰的反仇恨犯罪法过于严厉,辉瑞公司对美国民众进行未经授权的监控,以及拜登政府少报了对乌克兰的战争支出。他还讨论了 1 月 6 日事件中 CIA 特工的参与,以及情报机构如何利用阴谋论来打击异见者。Brand 认为,美国政府利用 FISA 第 702 条款对美国公民进行未经授权的监控,并且这种行为是违法的。他还讨论了 FBI 如何利用诱捕、美人计和卑鄙手段来引诱、欺骗和利用对手,并压制异见。Brand 认为,美国政府正在将国内民众犯罪化,以压制异见。 Rand Paul: Paul 将调查 Fauci 在 COVID-19 疫情暴发前与 CIA 的秘密会面,并质疑武汉实验室泄漏理论。他认为,Fauci 的 NIH 实验室与武汉病毒研究所合作,在 2018 年提出了设计一种高传染性冠状病毒的方案,并且至少 15 个政府机构对此知情,但没有向公众披露。Paul 认为,Fauci 撒谎,并且美国人民应该得到答案。 Anthony Fauci: 根据节目内容,Fauci 被指控在 COVID-19 疫情暴发前与 CIA 秘密会面,并参与了与武汉病毒研究所合作的项目,该项目旨在设计一种高传染性冠状病毒。他还被指控在关于 COVID-19 起源的调查中撒谎,并试图掩盖病毒可能来自实验室的事实。 Julian Assange: 节目讨论了美国正在考虑撤销对 WikiLeaks 创始人朱利安·阿桑奇的间谍罪指控。Brand 认为,阿桑奇应该被释放,因为他唯一的罪行是揭露他人的罪行。 Edward Snowden: Snowden 认为,继续起诉阿桑奇造成的损害远远超过少数官员寻求报复所获得的任何满足感。 Alex Jones: 节目讨论了 Alex Jones 可能对 CIA 和 FBI 提起的诉讼。Brand 认为,即使他不喜欢 Alex Jones,也不希望 CIA 和 FBI 决定他们想让谁破产、谁被取消身份或被压制。Brand 认为,这种做法本身就是错误的。

Deep Dive

The episode discusses the potential release of Julian Assange and the reasons behind the U.S. considering dropping charges against him, including his role in exposing war crimes and the potential political motivations behind his prosecution.

Shownotes Transcript


Hello you awakening wonders there on Spotify, Apple, Stink Whistle,

gurgle dot or wherever you download your podcast these days to remain at least peripherally connected to some tendril of truth in a bewildering miasma of lies and propaganda we appreciate you and we love you you're part of our community so that's why we're very happy to give you an audio version of our live rumble show five days a week it's on Monday to Friday we decipher the latest news stories we break down current topics that the mainstream media should be covering and if they aren't

then we critique why they're not and what they are covering. Every week as well, right, we do brilliant conversations with people like Jordan Peterson, RFK, Tucker, Carlson, Sam Harris, Vandana Shiva, Gabor Mate. These things are already up and you can listen to them now. So remember, this is an audio version of our daily live show. To tune in live, go to forward slash Russell Brand. You'll find it easily and I hope that you will love it.

Now, please enjoy this episode of Stay Free with Russell Brand. Thanks. No, here's the fucking news.

Hello there, you Awakening Wonders. Thanks for joining us today for Stay Three. No, not Stay Three with Russell Brand. Stay Free. I've got to know the name of the actual show, haven't I? I mean, how can I be relied on? If you're watching us on YouTube, you Awakened Wonder, we'll be there for about 15, 20 minutes. You know how it goes these days because you've responded to our polls. Alphabet, Google, YouTube, those type of organizations are servants of the damned and the

You know what they're operating on. The assumption that legacy media has got to be promoted and the independent voices have got to be shut down. So it's with a heavy heart that I tell you. But for the first 20 minutes, we'll be there. But then we are on Rumble exclusively. Rumble. They've got too much principles to stream in Brazil. Rumble. Rumble.

They've said not viva la France, but au revoir France as long as you are censoring. And you are not going to want to miss today's stories because we're talking about Rand Paul investigating Fauci and his peculiar visits to deep state institutions and the origin story of a naughty little cold that had some pretty incredible PR. We'll be talking about Pfizer, not Pfizer with a P, but Pfizer with an F.

the organization in the United States of America that practices unwarranted surveillance on, well, you, if you're an American, but wherever you are in the world right now, we're going to want you to click the link in the description there on YouTube and join us on Rumble, where people are already speaking freely. I'm talking about Central Scrutonizer and 303 Monkey and Mark LG. They are speaking. I mean, their freedom of speech. I mean, if we weren't free speech,

That is the kind of speech I'd be curtailing. F Fauci, says Sabra Motovitz. Oh, or you could become an awakened wonder. And if you're an awakened wonder, you get an additional video every single week. Like we're looking at project paperclip. And I mean, look, I don't want to sound reductive and ridiculous, but...

Did you know about some of the Nazi investigations into deep occultist religions and into UFOs? We're looking at that stuff. So we do additional videos where we get, let's call it a little more esoteric because you believe and I believe that this is a time of necessary awakening. That's what's going on, right? We're starting to recognize that these problems are not going to be solved politically or within the rubric of materialistic rationalism. The ideas of the Enlightenment have burnt themselves right out and a new awakening is required.

And without you, without your consciousness, without your deliberate presence and participation, we are all doomed. You see, we stand on the precipice of Armageddon in every single direction, whether it's because of genocide or ongoing slaughters and wars everywhere, or the inability of ordinary people across the world to have any impact on the institutions that govern their countries. We have to make changes. And I say the

The signs are around us everywhere. One raven, Mike Tyson for president. Why not? Who's going to stop him? Jake Paul. The signs are around us everywhere. Whether it's the total eclipse or even more extraordinarily, the testicular eclipse. Nothing I can say. Testicular eclipse of the heart. NASA is also in the municipality of Durango. Torreón, Monclova.

How's that happened? Who's loading their clips? I reckon someone's left our team, gone and joined Mediodia. It's bad graphics, Jack's gotten himself a job over there in Mexico. Malographic, Jack! What have you done?

I mean, how can you not know that that's an image of... I like it because it's really undermined that eclipse. That, I think, takes the heat out of Trump's rather magnificent meme of his face like that. I spoke to my wife about it when I got home. She goes, it's brilliant on so many levels. It's like he's owning his silhouette. He's owning the fact that he sort of creates that kind of glow with his much maligned orange eyes.

uh, dermacological hue right there. Hey, did you see, um, you know how we sometimes feel like the OLEM globalists love one another? You know, you get that idea. Like when you see Justin Trudeau, uh, the Canadian neoliberal tyrant and Rishi Sunak, the inept globalist that runs our country, sort of fawning and excited about war, war,

Vladimir Zelensky, they're creaming in their knickknacks because he occasionally wears khaki like a real man. Well, have a look at Lula of Brazil and Macron. I mean, what do these images suggest to you? What's happening?

Last week, Macron was trying to pose as Raging Bull. Did you see those images of him in black and white? Do you see the way he's trying to make French people work right into the way to the grave? Do you see the way they're ignoring French people unifying, whether it's around agriculture or the Gilets Jaunes yellow vest protest? Well, look what happens to him when he meets Lula. I didn't know even that that's what Lula was like. He's...

utterly enamored, isn't it? I mean, I like it when you meet someone and you kind of are into them, but there's a lot of grasping and I don't like the way that Lula's shirt's untucked like that. You better tuck that back in. Tuck it hard. If you are watching us on YouTube, we'll be there for about another 10 minutes and then we're going to be exclusively on Rumble and we're going to be talking about Pfizer. That's the unwarranted surveillance of American people. And

Could this be a significant day for Julian Assange or is it just another little bit of manipulation because they're talking about dropping charges against Julian Assange and I pray that's true. I pray that Julian Assange walks free from Belmarsh prison after five years without a trial for publishing information, the exposed war crimes and embarrassed in particular that

Certainly an individual within the Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton. Them people have got some power. Bad things happen to their enemies. There's no doubt about that. Let's have a look at the new measures against hatred in Scotland. I love the Scottish people. They're some of the best people in Britain, some of the best damn people in the world. But they've gone a bit far with this. And this is obviously not the Scottish people. It's the Scottish government.

globalists again. Hate crime complaints to Scottish police set to outnumber total for all other offences. So a crime that didn't exist a couple of weeks ago is now the number one crime. Pulling the strings asked me in the Rumble chat, any news on why Obama went to number 10 in Europe? I don't know. What do you guys think it was about? What do you guys think it's about? I've heard people say that it was connected to some of the Victoria Nuland stuff in Ukraine. I've heard a lot of theories, man. But we like to verify and corroborate. You think I'm

not aware of some of the crazy occultist theories out there? You think I'm not aware of the idea that perhaps we're being captured, maligned and manipulated by interdimensional beings? Perhaps it's possible. But let's make sure here we stay present. We've got some fantastic guests coming up. If you are an Awake and Wonder, by the way, you could have joined me just now for a conversation with Roseanne Barr that was absolutely fantastic. We'll be streaming it on Rumble in the coming days. But if you were a member of the

If I say fat bastard and squalling, will I be arrested? I think you should be. That upset me, that character. And man, I love Mike Myers and I love Austin Powers. Although maybe I shouldn't have used his life as a kind of reference point because, hey, it's not worked out well. Hey, so become an awakened wonder

You can join us for Conversations Live and you get an additional video every single week. And there's no hate crime in that. Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House and current, I would say, purveyor of conspiracy theories, is still trying to convince us that Russia gates a real thing. And when words and evidence fail, why not simply move your hands about aggressively? If you ain't got facts, you've always got hands. So that's...

Who benefits from it? Donald Trump. Who benefits over there? And it's Donald Trump over there with the fist in. Who benefits? Yeah. And then it's Donald Trump over there with the fist in. Grow up. Benefits from Donald Trump. Putin.

There's, in my view, a connection there. In my view, a connection. Who benefits from Donald Trump? Putin. I'll tell you who don't like Donald Trump. The establishment ain't crazy about it. OJ Simpson died. Breaking news. Trish McLeod. Is that true? When are we going to tell me, gal? When are we going to tell me about the juice? When are we going to tell me about the juice?

Oh man, well he's a human being. He's a human being. Well, God rest his eternal soul. May the infinite grace of our Lord and the limitless mercy and forgiveness be his home now. Who are any of us to judge in these crazy times?

Hey, we've got a lot coming up. We're going to be talking about Rand Paul investigating Fauci and in particular, Fauci's potential knowledge of the origins of COVID and whether or not that information was concealed. Let's find out. We'll be talking about Pfizer and their surveillance of American people using loopholes. They're peeping down your loopholes, don't you know? And also, we're going to be talking about Julian Assange. We, in fact, did a

poll a little earlier. Let me show you that. We asked you, today marks five years of Julian Assange being jailed without trial and I've put without there in caps to really land my point. Biden said he's considering releasing him. Why? Is it because he should have never should have been in jail for exposing war crimes in the first place? Is it B, because it's election year and he needs votes or is it because he misheard the question? You'll get the option C when you see the footage in a second. A lot of you obviously think

That he's ready to use Julian Assange to appeal to young voters, young voters that are turning away from Biden and the Democrats in their droves because of his stance in Middle Eastern conflicts and in particular, the arming of the people.

of Israel. Let's have a look for a moment. We're going to cover a couple of little light things and we're going to get into some more heavy stuff. Well, not necessarily heavy. The whole world's heavy, isn't it? Let's get into, but this is lovely. This is Rogan explaining Tucker Carlson going on Kill Tony. These are two of the biggest voices in the independent media space. I guess you've got to say the biggest, right? Rogan, the OG, starred it all. Tucker Carlson, who's

showing that legacy media is over and independent media is the future. Let's have a look at this. It's nice. It's just nice to see Joe Rogan excitedly telling a story. Have a look. Tucker Carlson to kill Tony last night. Tucker Carlson had no idea. How did you set it up? That's how I set it up. I'm hanging out with Tucker. We're talking about the club. He's like, I think it's amazing what you've done here. I go, you want to come to the club? Kill Tony's on tonight. Does he have any idea what you're talking about? No idea. He goes, how much can comedians make doing comedy?

So I say, "Kill Tony sold out Madison Square Garden two nights in a row." - Twice. - In an hour. He goes, "What?" I go, "Really?" I go, "I'm gonna take you to Kill Tony right now." So in the middle of the show, the show's already going on, I text him, "I'm coming over with Tucker Carlson." He goes, "Jump on stage." I go, "Fuck yeah." Tucker doesn't know this. So I'm in the backstage, right behind the curtain. I go, "This is the crowd."

And you hear him out there. He goes, this is amazing. I go, we're going to go on stage right now. He's like, what? And so Tony goes, my two favorite people just dropped by, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson. We go to the curtain. Holy shit. Everybody goes nuts. It was hilarious. Wow. Kim Patterson goes, my grandma hates you. What's up, folks? What's up?

Let's go. Cam Patterson and Tucker Carlson high-fiving. Yeah, it's crazy. My grandma hates you, nigga.

What's mad about that is like a few seconds before it, Tucker Carlson was just standing by the curtain not knowing he was about to go on stage. It must have been a really alarming moment there. Extraordinary, astonishing on the day that OJ Simpson passes over to the one court that cannot be bought or distracted or denied or biased by the complexity of American racial politics at that time.

We bring you stories of ongoing injustice. In particular, Julian Assange has been incarcerated without trial for five years today. We'll be talking about that later. We will be talking about Pfizer, not the pharmaceutical company who do nothing but help people and have no interest in profit. No, Pfizer, the surveillance organization that do nothing but help people by unwarranted spying. And we'll be talking about Rand Paul's investigation or determination to investigate Pfizer.

Anthony Fauci. Meanwhile, do you think that presidential elections are just a kind of beauty pageant? I've heard it said before, just a popularity contest where people aren't able to embrace the complexity of the policies or even recognize that, in a sense, a uniparty will continue to dominate the institutions of government regardless of what you do with your vote.

You know, sometimes we're shown old Aviator Joe licking an ice cream, sniffing a little bonce. And now here's Donald Trump ordering a lot of milkshakes in a way that seems to me, at least, to be rather convivial. I have 30 milkshakes and also some chicken. I'm going to take care of the customers. Thank you.

Is business good? Making a lot of money? Everyone's getting rich, right? Absolutely. Thank you very much. Look at the way you're holding. You like each other, right?

Pretty sweet, pretty sweet moment right there. Coming up, we've got Rand Paul's investigation into Anthony Fauci, and we've also got our own investigation into Pfizer and their surveillance. Today may be the day in your mind that the juice died, but it's also the day that Julian Assange has spent

five years in Belmarsh. If you don't know much about our country, you won't know that Belmarsh is a maximum security prison. It's the most serious version of prison. Julian Assange, who's never had a trial, who's never been proven to have committed any crime, has been...

Five years banged up in the most serious conditions imaginable. I think he's in a cell over 23 hours a day. It has been adjudicated that his conditions amount to torture. And many people think that if he were ever extradited to the United States, his safety could not be guaranteed. Let's have a look at the story that the U.S. are considering dropping their prosecution of Assange.

After more than a decade in detention, there's hope on the horizon for controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. US President Joe Biden says he's considering a request from Australia to drop espionage charges against him. Do you have a response to Australia's request that you end Julian Assange's prosecution? Signs of possible progress welcomed by the country's Prime Minister.

It's concerning. Who asked that question? And what is that situation? How come Joe Biden does interviews while walking down a sort of external veranda corridor place? Such a serious subject. What's all wrapped up in Assange? The reason there's so much energy in it is because it's about the power of the media, the ability of the media to perform a function, awakening people to the true actions of their nations in their name abroad.

the great power of the military-industrial complex, the corruption of numerous figures within the political establishment, and the ability of the powerful to determine who should be jailed, who should be killed, who should be unpersoned. And look at how the legacy media lap it up and pass it on.

the legacy media that were willing to partner with Julian Assange when he was a golden boy now do not correctly cover or righteously stand up acknowledging in fact that if he can be put in prison without trial anybody can be put in prison without trial let's see what uh

Our man Alex Jones has got to say on the subject. And Jones, indeed, has commented further on the sting operation that revealed that he himself has been subject to CIA activity. And there's a list of other interesting names. I'm sure you're aware of it. Arva-

public figures and media operatives, you know, in the independent media space that have been tracked, surveilled and maybe even unfairly treated by the CIA. Certainly it seems Alex Jones has been. We'll be talking about that in a little more detail later. Here's Jones's post on our man Assange.

Biden might actually do something good. Not pardoning Assange was one of Trump's greatest failures. What do you lot think? Do you think? Didn't it, in a sense, make you feel like that means that it's hard to see Trump as the anti-establishment figure that many of you want him to be if he didn't release or pardon Assange? Has he ever said publicly, that dude should be free? How does that affect you? What do you guys think about that in particular? Here's Snowden's tweet on the very same day.

matter. At this point the harm to US influence caused by continuing to persecute Assange far outweighs any lingering satisfaction to be derived by the handful of bureaucrats still thirsting for revenge. I wonder what Snowden means by that? Who do you think he means? Does he mean Hillary? Who is he referring to there? Even those who despise him should accept that it's time to let it go. I almost can't imagine Julian Assange being free. You know what's interesting is because we know Stella Assange, his wife and the leader of the campaign for his freedom,

I know that she's like, obviously a wife and a mother. And like, I've met Julian Assange's children. And because of the gravitas of what Julian Assange has been involved in, it's sometimes important, I think, to remember, this is like a normal man, like who's got like young children that's been in prison for five years and serious jail, not some sort of Mickey Mouse jail where you get to go and do a job out in the community. He's like doing what they might call in our country, serious bird prison.

Proper time, not right. Julian Assange should be free, should never have been jailed. His only crime was to expose the crimes of others and look at how the legacy media and the establishment turned on him. Truly, truly demonic.

Of course, this is a problem that is being legitimized and undergirded by an ever-changing world. You'll be aware, because we talked about it yesterday, of what's happening with regard to censorship and media control, in particular social media control, in the great nation of Brazil. Let us know if you're watching this in Brazil. We'll know you can't because Rumble walked out of there a few months ago preempting this. In fact, you could say that Rumble and X have taken a serious stand. X are still operating out of there. They're getting a lot of heat.

Rumble stood by their principles as they have done many times now. And I'm certainly thankful for that and got the hell out of there. If Assange is freed, is this a turning point? Or do you think that with these hate laws in Ireland, with Brazil passing this legislation, certainly Elon thinks it's serious, that things are more fretful than ever? Yes or no in the chat or Y or N? Let me know. Let me know.

I think the people of Brazil ought to know that there is an abuse of judicial power to an extreme degree that we've not seen in any country on earth. I have never seen anything of this magnitude. So it's insane. And the elected representatives of the people of Brazil, that's who should be in charge. And the judiciary is there to execute upon the law, but not to make the law.

But they are making the law. And I think it's an outrage. People should be extremely upset. So, like, this has got to stop. They have threatened to cut off X entirely from Brazil. They've also threatened to arrest our employees. And they have applied a $20,000 a day fine. This is just what the threats that have been made are.

I don't know if these threats will come to pass or not. But judging by what has happened to others, I think these threats are real. I don't know. I think this is like really judicial authority going far beyond judicial authority to executive authority. So that's, you know,

I just think it's just totally, absolutely improper. I mean, the law is violating the law. It's crazy. People in the chat saying we need a Rumble browser and we need a Rumble browser right now. There's already a Rumble cloud available that you could be using for your business. Let's post a link to that in the description to keep our friends, our allies and partners over at Rumble safe.

Kicking over, ticking over nicely. Yeah, Rumble browser. Someone copyright that idea. Of course, the ability to control public speech is increasingly vital as unpopular wars are waged around the world. They're costing even more money than has been publicly acknowledged. The Biden administration has

Ukraine spending by $14 billion. That's recently been admitted. The report said the White House Office of Management and Budget previously estimated the U.S. had spent $111 billion on the war...

for over a year, a group of members of Congress pressed the OMB, that's the Office of Management and Budget, to figure out the real number and recently found there was $125 billion, $14 billion more than the White House had previously claimed. In the context of $125 billion, you think $14 billion, never mind, it's not that much.

What is it with the war machine and their inability to count money? Like the Pentagon won't ever do an audit. The Biden administration has undercounted their Ukraine spending by $14 billion. If you tried that kind of accountancy in your own life with your own taxes, you'd be in a lot of trouble.

That is why you need help when it comes to your taxes because you will not get the same support that they're getting and that's why I'm here to tell you that the Tax Network could help you. For example, if you're struggling with back taxes or unfiled returns, the IRS is escalating collections. 20,000 new agents sending over 5 million collection letters. They care about your money. They care about your accuracy. You better believe it. The best defense is the Tax Network USA. Have a look at the link right now.

Don't let the IRS take advantage of you. How can we trust any of these government agencies anymore? Why are we handing over this money for ever more wars? Wouldn't you like to decentralize power? Wouldn't you like a manifesto that says, do you know what? You will run your own communities. We're going to minimize expenditure. We're going to have minimum spending on all municipality. All of it will be democratically decided as locally as possible. But until that happens, you need the 14 years plus experience of tax,

Tax Network USA. They've been saving clients over a billion dollars in back taxes. Whether it's your tax issue, their expertise is your advantage. Specializing in IRS negotiation, aiming to significantly reduce your debt. Tax Network USA don't just negotiate, they protect assets from IRS seizures and manage yearly returns for ongoing compliance. Licensed to help with all state tax issues, regardless of where you live in the US. Clock is ticking. Seize control of your financial future right now. Contact Tax Network, excuse me, contact Tax

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give them a little shout. Now, if you're watching us on YouTube, you're going to have to join the Awaken Wonders in a second. I'm going to finish off this story about the Biden administration losing $14 billion of your money down the back of the sofa. That was your taxes. That's where that stuff came from. Absolutely bloody and insane and crazy, isn't it? When you think about it. And later, we've got so much more for you. We'll be talking about

the revelations from a CIA officer that there were indeed CIA representatives in the crowd on January 6th and that numerous public figures have been spied upon

And for all we know, subject to all sorts of deep state skullduggery. We'll be bringing you that story a little later, as well as more on how Pfizer, that's with an F, not a P, have been engaging in unwarranted surveillance on American citizens. How did you like Florida, Russell, says Flower Power.

I loved it. I love that state. I love the people. I think it's beautiful there. I absolutely, unequivocally love that place. I love that state. And thanks for the compliments on the shirt, by the way. Biden is seeking another $60 billion to fuel the proxy war, even though Ukraine has no chance of beating the Russians on the battlefield. The new aid would bring total US spending on the conflict to $185 billion.

Astonishing stuff, huh? Meanwhile, the conflict is likely to continue to escalate because German troops have been deployed in border nation Lithuania for the first time since World War II. And we all remember that as a joyful time for Europe. They'll begin deploying troops there on Monday. Now, we've been talking about this Pfizer thing for a moment. Let's have a look at what that story is essentially about.

centers around unwarranted surveillance of American citizens. Trump says that Pfizer have been spying on him. Do you know about Pfizer? Do you know how that place is run? It's a crazy little organization. Let's learn more about it now. But first, let's have a look at this mainstream media report. And before we get into some hard, hard facts.

We want delays, obviously. Kill FISA was the order that came from former President Donald Trump from his Truth Social account Wednesday as a fierce debate in Congress rages on with how to proceed with Section 702. President Trump used the intel from this program to kill terrorists and

We have to kill the abuses so that we can do both of those things and continue, and that's what this bill does. Trump charged that Pfizer was used in a... You're terrorists now. You're terrorists. Unless you've got two choices, obedience and compliance...

or you are a terrorist. Notice the constant criminalization and vilification of ordinary people. An obvious and notable moment was the basket of deplorables symptom. That was a moment when we knew, ah, they hate ordinary working people. Course that's what it is. That's why all political parties offer you no real alternatives, that you're represented by a bureaucratic management class of godless demons that want to steer you towards death.

They loathe ordinary people. ...used to spy on his campaign, although it was a different section. 702 of FISA is meant to be used as a tool to collect intel on foreigners overseas, but loopholes allow agencies like the FBI to search the data for info on Americans,

a major red flag for privacy advocates. The debate has paired up some strange bipartisan bedfellows in Congress. Republican hardliners Andy Biggs and Matt Gaetz put out a joint statement with progressive Democrats Jerry Nadler and Pramila Jayapal earlier this year calling for a vote on requiring warrants to use 702. House Speaker Mike Johnson is trying to assure his members and maybe the former president that the tool is a vital part of national security

and that the House can pass reforms to end abuses of power. These reforms would actually kill the abuses that allowed President Trump's campaign to be spied on. FISA is set to expire on April 19th, and Speaker Johnson warned his members that if the House did nothing, the Senate would likely look to pass an extension with no reforms.

OK, let's have a look at this in a little more detail, because you get the impression that this 702 bill is used judiciously in order to what? Protect ordinary American people. But it seems to me that is just another tool of the state being deployed to control free speech, to monitor and surveil free people without their consent. Unlawful.

warranted surveillance. In a minute, we'll be talking about the revelation that the deep state have been observing online pundits and media orators, in particular, Alex Jones, his intention to sue the CIA. But let's cover this first.

Although American political and media establishment will not say so, it's well known that Pfizer Section 702 was passed in 2008 to provide a legal fig leaf for secret US intelligence and FBI surveillance of the electronic communications of people both inside and outside the

The country. This secret spying activity, which compels the cooperation of communication service providers and Internet and social media platforms in a conspiracy against fundamental constitutional rights, was exposed in detail for the first time by, drumroll please, Edward Snowden in 2013, who's currently in exile in Russia. And obviously, as you know, Assange was vital in Edward Snowden's

What, are we going to say the word escape? It kind of seems like an appropriate word. And also exposed similarly embarrassing secrets through WikiLeaks. And today is five years since he's been in Belmarsh prison, astonishingly.

The Biden administration official gave a sketchy description of the procedures of FISA law, including the functioning of the secret foreign intelligence surveillance court. One of the things that's sketchy is that it's not only being used to spy on inverted commas foreigners, it's being used to spy on Americans also. I mean, I feel like Donald Trump is American.

the court FISC in its annual and its annual comprehensive review of the program. FIC almost never denies a request for warrantless surveillance. After nearly 40 years of its existence, the court approved 99.998% of the applications, effectively making it a rubber stamp for the intelligence agencies. You don't even, any court, there's only actually one.

like 0.002% of applications was in the applications that they turned down. That's negligible. You don't often tell me a time you've seen a statistic like that. COVID deaths for healthy young people is an extraordinary statistic. In 2020 and early 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation misused the Section 702 database over 278,000 times.

I don't know. These statistics don't seem good, do they, for the old Pfizer? Firstly, that court needs to be shut down. That's bloody pointless. And the agency itself is utterly corrupt. 278. They still found ways of misusing it, even though they get rubber stamped, it seems, at the first time of asking. Those performing the surveillance have routinely violated the procedures of the Pfizer law and continue to carry out queries...

and electronic spying on US citizens claiming that such crimes were an inadvertent mistake. We just inadvertently made a mistake 278,000 times. I guess I'm unlucky. If you're watching us on YouTube, we're going to leave you now. Start the clock. We've got all sorts coming up. We're going to be... We've got a fantastic investigation into Alex Jones' potential legal action against the CIA. When you watch this, you feel like Alex Jones has got a case, man. And of course, we'll be talking about Rand Paul's investigation into...

into Anthony Fauci as we promised you. So if you're watching us on YouTube right now, click the link in the description and consider becoming an Awakened Wonder. Hey man, we all wear pretty crazy sweatshirts over here. Have you seen this little beauty? We also do an additional video per week for all you Awakened Wonders. Click that link, baby. Okay, so listen, you get 25% off this this month, by the way. So go to the link in the description right now. Get yourself one of these little crow hoodies.

Isn't that gorgeous? You could become a gilet jaune in France in that hoodie. You could protest against almost anything. Every single penny we make, we use to help mentally ill people get well. Drug addicts get into treatment. So, you know, I don't know. Is that a good thing? Russell, you are not American. You should be pissed off at the CIA Spain on any of us. Yeah, that's true. I am pissed off. The spying is the bad part. And then it says, jeebus Christ. Then second chart says, I can't wear yellow. Well, have a look.

it comes in a variety of colors. Let's have a look at that variety of colors that are demonstrated in that graphic. Alex isn't a bad guy. Well, let's have a look right now at Alex Jones's action against the CIA. Let's look at that in some detail because we've done like the CIA, Alex Jones, CIA, the video that we've made about Alex Jones. Thank you. Go to the hero video, the hero video of Alex Jones, the intro to that. Thank you very much.

Thanks a lot. Because this is interesting. There was that sting. I'm sure you guys have seen the sting. A CIA and former FBI officer admits to an undercover journalist that FBI agents did attend the January 6th protest and explains how intelligence agencies disempower political opponents. Has the deep state's history of entrapment now widened to target anyone with a big enough dissenting view? Essentially, is the deep state not there to

protect you, but they're to persecute and control you. How many times have you heard about crazy FBI operations where they say, hey, do you know what would be a great idea? Why don't you do some terrorism? Terrorism? Yeah, do some terrorism. Okay, I suppose I could do some terrorist. You're under arrest. What for? Terrorism. Here's the news. No, here's the effing news.

No, here's the fucking news. A former FBI and current CIA official has admitted to an undercover journalist that they did have agents on January 6th and they do use deep state skullduggery to bring down dissenters. So is Alex Jones right to sue the CIA and FBI? And is it time to admit that the government are the baddies?

An undercover official has admitted to an undercover journalist that exactly the kind of techniques that are dismissed as conspiracy theory are routinely deployed by the FBI and CIA. And we shouldn't be surprised anyway, should we? Because we know what the CIA did when it came to like a figure like Martin Luther King. They would go to any lengths to destroy that guy, lying about him, tracking him, trying to bring him down, as they would with any dissenter. The trouble is that dissenting voices now don't

fit to the kind of paradigm that people my age believe they will. Like, it's not Malcolm X. Now it's figures like Alex Jones that are being tracked and pursued and shut down and controlled by the FBI and the CIA. So what do we do if we are anti-establishment? What do we do if we believe that the government

are taking liberties, spying on us, controlling us, using the legacy media to control public space, using dirty tricks to shut down dissenters. What do we do when we realise that power uses the same dirty tricks that it always has, but the aesthetics have strangely shifted? Let's get into this story about the revolutionaries

that indeed the FBI, as they have done for many years, use sting operations, honeypot traps, and dirty tricks to inveigle, beguile, and utilize opponents and shut down dissent. And the fact that Alex Jones now is one of the figures that the deep state fear most. This is a FBI agent, a CIA boss. He's a contract manager over large contract operations. That's a boss. That's like a mini section chief.

saying all of this and admitting all of this like it's no big deal. He needs to be subpoenaed by Congress. I am planning to launch a lawsuit against the CIA and the FBI. We have to bring all this out. So what Alex Jones is talking about, as I'm sure you're aware, is a sting operation where an FBI official has admitted the kind of dirty tricks and deep cover activity that many of us in this space have long suspected and indeed

known has gone on. So what do we do once we know that the deep state are deploying illegal tactics and techniques in order to shut down dissent? Let's get into it. An official with the Central Intelligence Agency told an undercover journalist that members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation were in attendance at the

protests at the US Capitol on January the 6th, 2021 and also highlighted methods that intelligence agencies use to disempower political opponents. Your reaction to the phrase January 6th will be different depending on what your political perspective is. But I think all of us now should recognise that there were deep state officials and operatives within that crowd. Loads of people have been talking about that

let me know in the comments for a long, long while that there was CIA there, there were FBI there, there were Capitol Police there, that there were weird decisions made to lay off police forces and all kinds of stuff that if you're familiar with what was once known as the conspiracy theory realm, but is now known essentially as the conspiracy fact territory, is the kind of techniques that have long taken place. So whether you're not

you think of the January 6 protesters as MAGA lunatics and face-painted shamanic madmen. Well, the truth of the situation is that the deep state revolved in observing them and potentially amplifying that protest and creating what have subsequently become known as anything between riots and insurrections. How does that fit? If the same agencies that were trying to destroy Martin Luther King are now trying to destroy Donald Trump, what does that...

FBI Director Christopher Wray previously stated in a congressional hearing concerning January 6th that he was not sure there were undercover agents on the scene, doubling down in an answer to Representative Andy Briggs, Republican Arizona, and saying, "...I do not believe that there were undercover agents on the scene."

But now we're all beginning to suspect that whether it's the New York Times reporting on CIA bases within Ukraine or indeed the reporting on January 6th and the way that event has subsequently been utilised, that agencies like the FBI and CIA have no

particular alliance or allegiance when it comes to the cultural ephemera of our time they will shut down dissent wherever the interests of the powerful are impacted so in the 1960s Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were a pain in the ass to the interests of the powerful based on what we're learning now who are

are a pain in the ass to the interests of the powerful right now. Let me know in the chat. Let me know in the comments. Let's have a look at some moments from that sting operation together and see if this fits in with the lineage, the long line of FBI and CIA operatives organizing, amplifying, and in many cases, downright creating operations and events that they could then oppose in order to either introduce legislation or shut down dissent.

As long as the Bureau is able to progress far enough to be able to put pro-lifers in jail whenever they want. Yeah. He's not very focused, is he? Like, he's in the middle of a sting operation, he's staring at his phone, he's just about to reveal important and very sensitive and disruptive information. And isn't he also supposed to be a date? Isn't that what the sting is? Stop looking at your phone! If this was a real date, this would be disgusting behaviour. You think that's on the agenda? We can... We can... You can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do. How? Just let them up.

You create the situation to where they have no choice but to act on their impulse. And once they act on that impulse, then we call that entrapment. It's a fine line. I like this guy's body language, don't you? You set them up so they have no choice but to act on their impulse. It's a fine line. I think we all know that the CIA and the FBI do stuff like that. We know that they were at January 6th. You can imagine that any social movement, God, going right back to Charles Manson and all that crazy stuff,

potentially has the involvement of deep state organizations. But to see it explained in this sort of easy, sort of slightly camp grandmother lexicon sort of takes the pressure off a bit, doesn't it? Okay, so what the FBI do is they get Martin Luther King to have a number of affairs and at the right moment, they execute him. So what they did with Malcolm X is they had one of the people that was connected with the Nation of Islam shoot him one day. Oh, history of the deep state sounds almost quite sweet when you put it that way. Thanks. Yeah, the Bureau of Practice and Troutment and a lot.

We get really close. Not officially? No. We get as close as we can. That's like the deep state for children. We get as close as we can. We get as close as we can to it without doing it. So they can entrap some of these pro-lifers into doing things that they don't do. Depending, yeah. We call it a nudge. A nudge. A nudge. Mmm. Sometimes you just gotta give them a quick little... Just to see what happens, right? And how does that happen?

You put a post out there or you have some fake profile, say something that triggers, that we know is going to trigger. Brilliant, isn't it? Because we now know that there are misinformation and disinformation, malinformation units, sometimes funded by state-sponsored media organizations like the BBC or private megacorporations that take all their money from pharma. They're saying, we have to help you with disinformation and misinformation. Here we have it straight from the horse's adorable mouth. That is standard prac.

this to put out disinformation and misinformation posts. We know that all the time. What about that poor dude that just went to prison for seven months for shit posting about Hillary Clinton? We now know that the deep state does that stuff all the time and even without the testimony of this guy, which of course, if you are an advocate for the political party at the moment, they're currently in ascendance or in success or in office. Let's just keep it simple and say, oh,

you can't trust this guy. He's just an independent employee. Well, Edward Snowden was an independent employee working for the NSA as a contractor and he revealed that. So we have to recognise that information like this has to be taken seriously, even if it's initially utilised to be especially useful, say, when it comes to the framing of January 6th or issues that you might

regard as of the right. What we're interested in on this channel is how the deep state and the legacy media will present you with a version of reality that they've pre-tuned, manipulated and downright set up in order to prevent you as an individual having any freedom or power or agency over your own life or your community using whatever means necessary, which is something Malcolm X said. Although, if necessary, we could trick that little guy. Sometimes you like to fuse and just wait for it to follow, right? Like a railing, like a...

So when a rally happens, sometimes the bureau behind it? Yeah, sometimes. Gone up a few octaves there. He knows January 6th. Yeah, sometimes. Also, the guy doing the sting, he's really overplaying it. Oh, like a rally. Oh, tell me more. It's like a call and response Broadway show at this point. Tell me.

Who would be like a big influencer that you're after? You. Like a... I don't know, like a... I don't even know these names. Like a Fox News person, or like a Tucker Carlson, or like... Oh, I'm sure he's a... Right. You always want the biggest and loudest. Like that, what was his name? The one that said the Sandy Hook didn't happen. Alex Jones. Yeah, so we were after him.

You are? Are you still at that? Why? Because he's broke. He got found guilty and had to pay like a hundred million dollars. That's interesting to hear that the deep state in conjunction with legacy media and shadowy agencies and organizations participate in mass media takedowns against public dissenting figures. So why were you after him? We're not anymore. Just to get the money for him? Yeah.

Was that court case used? Was that the CNN case? It sure was. That's amazing. I mean, that's what's commonly regarded and referred to now as lawfare, where you entrench people in legal situations that are time-consuming and costly and difficult to contend with. That's happened to Alex Jones. It's happening continually to Trump. And they'll attempt to do it to any dissenting voice. Unless you're going on the internet saying, do you know what?

we should all do be compliant and obedient take the shot wear the mask do as you're told support ukraine unless you're doing that if you're trying to introduce any note of complexity any idea that centralized power is bad you can't trust legacy media anymore you can't trust the deep state sooner or later they'll come for you in fact if they don't come for you it means that what you're doing isn't having any impact but we were looking at all of his followers

So even though it's technically not our, well not the agency definitely, but the Bureau for instance, it's not our purview, it's a civil matter. But since they got all this access to his stuff and it's there, what can we go find?

And did you find anything? I can't tell you. Oh, we did. Suddenly he remembers his professional obligations this deep into the day. What this shows you is categorically and indefatigably and undeniably the Deep State are involved in operations that...

Stretch the law to the very limit. If not, downright break it. And if that's what we know for certain, what can we infer from it? As we continually say on this channel, what do you think those classified files are full of? Information that would make you excited whenever you hear, oh, we're not going to release the information about the Pfizer trials for 75 years. Do you imagine that's good news in there? We're not even going to release the JFK

files for another 50 years. What do you imagine is in there? Let's put it plainly once more. If you knew what they do, you would become disobedient. So the next natural step is become disobedient anyway. At least become cynical, skeptical, non-trusting, disobedient, willing to look for alternatives, willing to be awake. Because you can assume now from what this guy's admitted that they're involved in everything.

anything that could potentially create dissent or disobedience or non-compliance. It's not a bug, it's a feature. It's the way in which they have to work. What do you imagine the CIA and the FBI and other comparable organizations in your nation are set up for? Continue the system, whether that's the state or corporate power and its globalist ends can continue uninterrupted. That's its function. You are the problem. So with Alex Jones. Cover another

I wonder what's happened between those two dates. Don't think I didn't notice there was an outfit change there. Okay, could you tell me some more stuff about your job? Well, maybe. What are you doing later? I think we both know what we're doing later. You were watching him long before anything ended up happening. Probably. It wasn't my office, but I mean, we would have been well aware of what he was doing. And the goal with him was what? Just to bankrupt him? Oh,

- Well, pretty much. - So that's a lot of these cases, they're kind of encouraged by the FBI? - Yeah, like, there's nothing federally, federal law we can do. But civilly, we can go at 'em that way. Chop his legs off. - And they did? - Yeah. - So the FBI was happy? - We didn't care, we were like, "Oh."

He's just madly in his skillet of dinner and revealing that the FBI and CIA went out of their way to bankrupt Alex Jones. Now, in all likelihood, your reaction to this will be contingent on whether or not you like Alex Jones. I like Alex Jones, but I think that even if I didn't like Alex Jones, I wouldn't

want the CIA and the FBI deciding who they want bankrupted or unpersoned or shut down. And I wouldn't want similar things happening in other nations because the determining factor is not whether or not the person being attacked aligns with your political views at the moment. It's the ability of the state and deep state agencies to deploy these practices whenever they want to. Next time, maybe it will be Van Jones. Maybe it'll be someone that

you happen to like, but the fact is that the practice itself is wrong.

Do you know agents that were there? Really? What's the agency do? Blah, blah, blah. I kind of like that guy. People that are determined to condemn January 6th, people that don't like Donald Trump, people that don't like Alex Jones will look at that and say, oh, you can't rely on that guy. I happen to think he's adorable.

But the fact is, is that we've known for a long time that the FBI and CIA do stuff like this. After 9-11, they went out of their way to entrap many Muslim people, accusing them of being involved in terrorist plots. In the UK, we're no better. In the 70s and 80s, if you were Irish, you were likely to go to jail.

for some period of time. The issue is who's regarded as an opponent? Who's regarded as a terrorist? Who's regarded as a dissenting voice? And what is the power of the deep state in conjunction with the media and the judiciary to shut those people down and even imprison them as they have in some cases?

Let's have a look. Last July, three men convicted in a post 9-11 terrorism sting were freed from prison by a judge who deemed their lengthy sentences unduly harsh and unjust and decried the FBI's role in radicalizing them in a plot to blow up New York synagogues and shoot down National Guard planes. Onto Williams, David Williams and LeGuerre Payen.

three of the men known as the Newburgh Four, were hapless, easily manipulated and penurious petty criminals caught up for more than a decade in a scheme driven by overzealous FBI agents and a dodgy informant. US District Judge Colleen McMahon said in her ruling, this is quite a famous story of free men who clearly had been involved in some criminal activity, ultimately manipulated into an orchestrated plot by the FBI in order to simply arrest them. Whatever that

is and you can question and view the morality of it according to your own metrics but it's certainly not an investigation is it it's not the fbi we're just doing an investigation that suggests something's happening and we're going to investigate it that's nothing is happening and we're going to create it the real lead conspirator was the united states mcmahon wrote in granting the men's request for compassionate release effective in three months she said it was heinous of the men to agree to participate in what she called the government's made for tv movie not even box office stuff

This is not Mission Impossible 6. This is that first Mission Impossible, which was a bit weird looking. But the judge added, the sentence was the product of a fictitious plot to do things that these men had never remotely contemplated and that were never going to happen. Prosecutors said the defendants had spent months scouting targets and securing what they thought were explosives and a surface-to-air missile, aiming to shoot down planes at the Air National Guard base in Newburgh, New York, and blow up

synagogues in Riverdale, a heavily Jewish part of the Bronx. They were arrested there after allegedly planting bombs that were in fact packed with inert explosives supplied by the FBI. I sometimes wonder if you can map this onto broader analyses of reality that we're all participating in a kind of rigged game, locked onto social media, curtailed and controlled by ordinary legacy media outlets,

fed opinions, fed reality, chained to jobs and belief systems that mean that even if we don't transgress or participate in anything as obnoxious and extraordinary as an FBI sting, our reality is being marshalled and controlled in so many ways now that we're essentially in a simulation. Even if you don't want to get fully into the kind of matrix synthetic reality philosophy, your reality is curated and controlled. Your choice is almost pre-made. Choice is an illusion created between those with power.

And so is without. In 2011, The Guardian reported: "The FBI is running a sting operation across America targeting to a large extent the Muslim community by luring people into fake terror plots." It's something they do all the time. So really, all we're hearing that witness say is: "You know that thing that we used to do to Muslim folk? Well, now we do it to alt-right or right-wing pundits. You know what we used to do to Muslims or civil rights activists in the 60s? Well,

Now we do that to dissenting right-wing voices. So you see, all that's really shifted in the many cultural fluctuations is that the establishment has deployed cultural issues to legitimize the persecution of different groups. Different groups are now being targeted and persecuted. Maybe those type of groups always were persecuted. Who knows? But the fact

The fact is that the CIA and the FBI have long created these kind of operations and they create them still. So remember, wherever you stand on the political spectrum, it shouldn't matter if it's like gay activists or right-wing activists or Muslim activists, feminists or whatever. You should say, I don't want the state doing that. The state shouldn't be involved in that. I don't want to fund that. We can't continue to bring you this glorious, potentially life-changing content without the support of our content. That's why I've got to ask you, are you going cold turkey? There's a better way to break bad habits. Few.

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That's try F U M dot com. Use the code Russell Brand. Save an additional 10 percent off your order today. And plus, they'll know we sent you that makes us look good. Let's get back to our content without delay. The FBI Bureau sent informants to trawl through Muslim communities, hang out in mosques and community centers and talk of radical Islam in order to identify possible targets sympathetic to such ideals. If suitable suspects are identified, FBI agents then run a sting, often creating a fake terror podcast.

plot in which it helps supply weapons and targets. As reported by The Intercept in 2015, informant-led sting operations are central to the FBI's counterterrorism program. Of 508 defendants prosecuted in federal terrorism-related cases in the decade after 9-11, 243

were involved with an FBI informant, while 158 were targets of sting operations. Of those cases, an informant or FBI undercover operative led 49 defendants in their terrorism plots. Bloody hell. So in 10% of them, the FBI were actually in charge. In half of them, the FBI were there. That means that at least 50% of the terrorism that you're scared of is the FBI. And that's what we know about. Imagine what you don't know about. Imagine the stuff where they haven't left a trail of breadcrumbs.

crumbs everywhere like lunatics. Half of the stuff you're believing in is created by the legacy media. The other half is set up by the deep state. We're basically living in a simulation. In these cases, the FBI says paid informants and undercover agents are foiling attacks before they occur. But the evidence suggests, and a recent Human Rights Watch report on the subject illustrates, that the FBI isn't always nabbing would-be terrorists so much as setting up mentally ill or economically desperate people to commit crimes they could never have accomplished on their own. Yeah, that's

sounds a little more like it or potentially the four guys in Moscow that have just been arrested for that attack when you look at them and how that whole thing's playing out you can't assume anything anymore the reason they want to shut down indeed Alex Jones or me or Joe Rogan or anybody is because we ask these questions continually and there's no doubt

that occasionally channels like this one make mistakes. But the deep state and the establishment aren't interested in that. What they're interested in is being able to control reality, be able to control reality in order to preserve the system. Since the September 11th attacks, the US government has prosecuted over 800 people on terrorism charges.

Many included a similarly troubling mix of judicial and law enforcement bias. The people who ended up in the crosshairs were often not serious threats, but rather those susceptible to the tactics employed by the authorities. Ramsey Cassam, a City University of New York School of Law professor said,

when you look across these cases and see an over-representation of suspects who were mentally deficient, marginalized or otherwise vulnerable being the target of these sting operations. And it raises questions about the reality of the terrorist threat that was depicted by the FBI. Yes, you have to look at that entire time in a new light because what seemed like a raft of terrorist threats across the nation now it seems was at least 50% a deep state operation. You might be a person who at that point was very pro-America,

and patriotic and therefore assumed that there were terrorists everywhere. But now, if you're patriotic and pro-America, it's you they're targeting. Instead of hardened terrorists, the war on terror as it was waged at home often went after people who posed no real threat to the United States.

Yeah, that's actually Minority Report stuff, isn't it? Here we go again. Look, I'm not with the ACLU on this, Jeff.

But let's not kid ourselves. We are arresting individuals who have broken the law. But they will. Like once you're saying, well, look, that person was willing to participate in a plot, but that's an odd moral and philosophical game. Would you sleep with this person if you believe they want you to sleep with them? Would you pick up this money that's been left on the floor? Well, maybe if you're poor or vulnerable or desperate, that's not the same as a malevolent bad act.

going out of their way to create havoc and chaos. And where it seems like we are now is the ongoing criminalization of the domestic population in order to shut down the threat that just ordinary patriots now represent in America, hell-bent on centralized power. FBI agents are rated and scored by their ability to recruit informants as well as how prolific those informants are, Kat.

Kasim said. Even if they didn't join law enforcement to do knock and talks or surveil people at mosques, they discover that if they don't fulfil that tasking, their career prospects might be hampered. In addition to sowing paranoia and mistrust in communities across the country, the heavy use of informants led to an abundance

The years after 9-11 saw a shift away from the more traditional role of informants as the passive eyes and ears of the federal government inside an organized criminal syndicate towards something far more central, actionable.

In fact,

essence what we have here is evidence that the CIA and FBI and presumably agencies whose names we don't even know frequently participate in the creation of dynamics that allow the persecution prosecution and criminalization of indeed entire populations at certain points and this is not entirely new it's just the ability to practice it at

scale is new. In the 1970s in our country, if you had an Irish accent, you were in real jeopardy. In the 60s in the United States of America, if you were a participant in the movement for civil rights or voting rights or the ability to freely communicate or travel on public transport, you were targeted by the CIA and FBI. And now, if you're Alex Jones, with theories and ideas, many of which are accurate, some of which are not accurate, like anybody who's postulating and speculating, you are a target. Or even if you are an ordinary American who had

doubts about the way your country is going, about increased central authority, increased censorship, increased anti-protest laws, new abilities using AI to monitor and control entire populations, you are now a terrorist. What this story shows us is that unless you happen to be one of those people who by convenience or design agrees with the current agenda of the powerful, you are potentially a terrorist. Are we all basically terrorists now? But that's just what I think. Let me know what you think in the chat. See you in a second.

No, here's the fucking news.

Well, you awakened wonder, yeah? Why not enjoy a simple sip of black tea, which fights away COVID, we now know, or potentially does. Certainly it's more effective than some of the measures that, shall we say, were rather more aggressively marketed. We've got some excellent comments from you. And of course, we're doing, I saw a comment in the stream there, like, when are you going to cover this Fauci story? And then you said, and this is a direct quote, I want to see him hung. Now, we're not moving directly to lynching. Our movement is lynching.

primarily a spiritual one, but the principle of justice is significant. So we'll be covering that story in a few seconds because, of course, Rand Paul has vowed to investigate Fauci. Clever invective, the CIA is fabulous. That's sarcasm. Blue Nose Bob, 874, how's it going? Where's all the Alex Jones doubters at now? Coria 626, why is it always...

Why is it always Grindr dates? It does seem that our gay brothers are particularly susceptible to these stings. I don't know why that is, but the latest one, that one that ends into the sort of Federal Reserve, it seems maybe a heterosexual date. So I don't know, man. I don't know why it is. We'll answer that in a second after I've had a sip of this delicious fentanyl. No, it's just water. It's just water. Mm.

Okay. Hey, listen, we're going to do some additional content over for our Awakened Wonders. We've got some brilliant stuff about fish taking cocaine now. I don't know what's going on in the world. That sounds like an Alex Jones parody, doesn't it? Bad dog, bad dog. I'm in charge, I'm in charge. Now!

Here's the story we've all been waiting for. $13 for the mug. I think that is what it costs. Post the link. You can have it. Okay. No, it's not saying that O'Keefe is gay, Roxanne. But O'Keefe did pretend to be gay, didn't he, when he did that sting? And he did, I would call it a 1960s impression of a gay person. Like, okay, right now, hey, what's going on there over at Pfizer, by the way?

Like a lot of the journalists, I don't think their acting is good enough. But there you go. It's who am I to judge? Let's get into it. So Rand Paul vows to probe Anthony Fauci's secret trips to the CIA before COVID-19. Let's get into this story.

Rand Paul says he will investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci's secret trips before COVID. Top Republican, who is of course Rand Paul, wants to investigate the off-the-books visits to the spy agency that questioned the Wuhan lab leak theory. Senator Rand Paul says he will continue his probe into the origins of COVID-19 by investigating Dr. Anthony Fauci's secret off-the-books trips to the spy agency that questioned the Wuhan lab leak theory.

the CIA. It's weird, isn't it, to have an off-the-book trip to the CIA. What was Anthony Fauci doing? Isn't his agency supposed to be concerned primarily with the health of the American people? That's it. It's not meant to be endorsing certain products. It's not meant to be telling you to, under no circumstances, try other medications. It's not meant to be funding peculiar dual-purpose research. There's some

unusual stuff. Think now of the catalogue of unusual events, peculiar and inconvenient facts that are accumulating around this issue. Whether it's the pledges that were made about vaccine efficacy versus the reality of it, whether it's the claims that were made about the severity of COVID-19 versus the reality of that, the expenditure and extraordinary profits made by the pharmaceutical industry and adverse events and even excess deaths. It's an extraordinary story and we've got to go on telling it. Achoo!

The irony is I'm absolutely ridden with COVID right now. Paul disclosed that Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIAID, was friendly with the CIA, which is notably one of the few federal agencies that still has not clearly established COVID-19 origins. We have another whistleblower from the CIA that says that the scientific committee that was commissioned to look into the origins of the virus was unconfirmed.

actually voted six to one that it came from the lab and that they were overruled by superiors at the CIA. The agency's reversal and its secretive means with Fauci are suspicious, Paul said. I don't know if you guys saw...

ran paul when he came on our show but he's a brilliant communicator and i think that he's one of the people in the senate who we can rely on i know some of you have questions and some of you have doubts and it's good to be circumspect about all political figures and maybe even all figures in the public eye but when it comes to this issue ram paul from the beginning has been consistent

Here's a post he made. Newly obtained documents confirm yet again that Fauci lied about COVID. Fauci's NIH lab was a partner with Wuhan on a proposal to engineer a highly transmissible coronavirus in 2018. But he wasn't alone. 15 government agencies knew about it and said nothing. Americans deserve answers. Well, if you're American or if you're a citizen or subject or a member of our species, if you're living on our planet, you were affected personally.

by the COVID pandemic. We live in a perpetual state of amnesia now where we forget the information of just a few hours ago, where the internet is regularly scrubbed of vital content and important information. And we're invited to live in this extraordinary, endless present where we're supposed to go, oh, well, yeah, no, it doesn't matter. If Anthony Fauci...

partnered a laboratory that was involved in the engineering of a highly transmissible coronavirus. Obviously, the implication is that he participated in the creation of the lab, excuse me, the creation of the pathogen that ultimately leaked and then was

oddly and extraordinarily put in charge of the response to it. Weren't you thinking at the time, when the Wuhan lab leak theory was still up for question, and in some extraordinary corners people are still debating whether or not that is indeed a verifiable or justifiable, valid theory, the idea that the very people that caused this problem were in charge of solving this problem, the very people that caused this problem were

were profiting as a result of this problem and were in charge of the solution, the social measures, the ideological response. It's astonishing. It's an astonishing fact to have to contend with. 15 agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology were trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19. This is astonishing. This is by rample.

My investigation has recently discovered government officials from 15 federal agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19. These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID-19 like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. Shouldn't that have been the first thing any of us were told? Day one, before they even said you might want to wear a mask or stand six feet away from people, an idea that just...

appeared out of the ether, apparently, or before they banned spore, or before they imposed mandate in vaccines. Shouldn't they say, we should probably tell you that in all likelihood, we caused this. Isn't that an extraordinary piece of information? Isn't that vital? Doesn't that tell you everything you know about the establishment and the way that power operates in 2024 and clearly has done for, well, at least since 2018?

Government officials representing at least 15 federal agencies were briefed on a project proposed by Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This project, the Diffuse Project, proposed to insert a furin cleavage site into a coronavirus to create a novel chimeric virus that would have been shockingly similar to the COVID-19 virus. So there is evidence...

hard evidence that an identifiable factor that was present in coronavirus was visible and observable in a proposal that preceded COVID-19. So it's like if I was to say, oh, I'm going to create a car that's green and the steering wheels in the middle rather than to the side, and then there was a whole bunch of these cars mysteriously appeared, you'd say, is this based on these designs? And you'd

be right to make such an inquiry. In my mind, that's based on that Simpsons episode where Homer is allowed to invent a car. I don't know why that's the image that came to me.

What is this? X-Factor?

This is extraordinary. What does this mean? It means that at least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pandemic that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar, if not identical, to COVID-19. Now, that's the kind of thing that at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic would have been regarded as hysteria. If you'd have said that, you'd have been marched out

of your home, you would have been called a heretic and a lunatic. This was at a time when people were celebrating Anthony Fauci like he was a tiny little garden ornament version of Elvis Presley. He was adjacent to a secular saint. Oh, look at this guy, the way he stands up to Donald Trump. Did he just laugh into his head? Is it right to find this guy sexy?

is it right to find this guy criminal? Seems like a more germane inquiry now. Disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn us that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been pitching this research. Why not? Not one of these agencies warned anyone that this Chinese lab had already put together plans to create such a virus. Can you tell me in a chat right now, because I'm a little confused, can you tell me how such a thing has been able to occur? Why

is this information reaching us now when we're all somewhat fatigued and weary of the story? Probably as a result of certain medical interventions if not the disease itself. So do you see that, well, you know when people talk about long COVID and say, oh, that's probably long COVID. Are you sure it's long COVID? Are you sure it's not an adverse injury or a result of having taken the medication? It don't matter because obviously

Either way, this was done to you by the pharmaceutical industry and their state-appointed agents and various agencies that you, by the way, to top it all off, actually fund. This is a crime against humanity. It's hard to find a parallel to.

Not surprising to some of us, Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIAID, was not only briefed on Wuhan's desire to create this virus, NIAID was actually listed as a participant in the initial diffuse project. Fauci's Rocky Mountain Lab...

which is an annoying thing to call it. Yo, Adrian, I did it. What did you do? I did some very dangerous and irresponsible dual-purpose research, and as a matter of fact, that's one of the reasons I speak like this. You know, imagine that with the rocky voice and, you know, people.

be a better joke, was named as a partner alongside the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the proposal. These documents also reveal that a scientist whose lab has received millions of dollars from EcoHealth Alliance was also part of the original plan to create these chimeric coronaviruses. This researcher, Ian Lipkin,

also later became one of the authors of Proximal Origins, a journal paper commissioned by Fauci and the National Institutes of Health head Francis Collins to throw shade on anyone arguing that the virus might have come from the lab. Yet Ian Lipkin never revealed to the public the defused proposal.

He wrote an article saying, this simply could not have come from a laboratory. This has come from some dirty, stinking little wet market. It could have come from anywhere, but I guess it comes from a wet market. You've seen what they're eating in there. This guy was abreast of the situation a year in advance of it. Know what? You seriously think that all these people whose jobs it is to analyze viruses, to fund research, that are actual scientists themselves, think, bloody hell, this coronavirus, enough.

reminds me of that research that we funded, patented and sanctioned a while back. What's going on? That's inconceivable corruption. This is worse than anything that happened like Iran Contra in the 80s or any crazy stuff with Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. This would bring down governments. This would bring down the establishment. This is

cause enough to never ever trust them again. Thank God you're awakened. Thank God you are no longer a dupe to these villains, these serpent-like individuals. Heavenly Father, please forgive them, and I don't want to condemn anybody here, but my God, this is staggering, isn't it?

Millions of people died from COVID-19. We now know that over 15 government agencies, as well as the investigators, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Ian Lipkin, and scientists at NIAID's Rocky Mountain Lab, all knew of the Wuhan Institute of Virology's desire to create a coronavirus with a furin cleavage site, a virus pre-adapted for human transition. What they never knew is that the point would come where people like you and me, people that maybe didn't even finish education, would now recognize what a furin cleavage site is.

because I know that you think childish things, don't you? When you hear the phrase, if you're in cleavage sight, well, grow up right now because you're going to have to grow up because you're going to have to have enough about you, enough awareness to go, hang on a minute. So what you're saying is that a microscopic level, this is biologically identifiable as the type of virus that ultimately took the world by storm, like Beatlemania in a cough.

and meant that no one could go out of their houses or support their football team or go to their grandmother's funeral or turn up at schools or see babies be born because, and then they tried to present themselves as heroes. Don't worry, I'm Anthony Fauci. Like he was all sexy and everything. We've got this vaccine. Have you trialled that vaccine correctly? Stop asking questions. I am science. I'm so much science that I can both create pandemics and solve the pandemics. I am.

I am everything. He's like a transformer. He's like, is it Optimus Prime or Megatron? I don't know which one's the baddie out of Transformers, but he would be both of them anyway, wouldn't he? Scientist in disguise. Anthony Fauci, scientist in disguise.

What do you feel about this? Are you not outraged?

Are you not now willing to become disobedient? Are you not willing to spread the good news of your own awakening like the coronavirus itself to ensure that everyone in the world receives this wisdom, to ensure that everyone in the world becomes protected from this globalist establishment conspiracy in real time?

playing out across the planet. Are you not now willing to oppose them? I know you are. Thank you for the ongoing inspiration. Thank you for participating in this adventure with us because, you know, this is the time to awaken. We have no choice.

Start looking for new alliances, not new enemies. Start looking for ways to oppose. Start looking for ways to reach out to people you previously would have regarded in enmity. Because if we don't unify fast, we're in a lot of trouble if this is what passes for good science these days. But hey, that's just what I think.

Guys, we're going to do a little bit more content over on Locals, our Awaken Wonder community, where we do an additional video every single week. This week, Nazi UFOs. And that's not as crazy as it sounds because it turns out that they did do Nazi UFOs, all right? So there you go. Deal with it. Live with it. We'll be getting into that on our extra additional video. Also, Roseanne Barr,

and Dr. Nels are going to be on the show next week. Roseanne Barr did a live conversation. How did you guys at the Awaken Wonders feel about it? Was you there, Blessed O'Bird? Was you there, D-Day99? Were you there, our brothers and sisters, our fellow revolutionaries like Love in Action? How many of you guys are going to click this link? The Nazis were not aliens, Frank Dick. Don't be childish. Click the link in the description. Get on over here. We're going to talk about fish on cocaine. Hey, we've got to have fun sometime. Those...

fish on cocaine you know they'd be like they'd be like i'm gonna do some really bad jokes about fish on cocaine in a minute and you are gonna bloody well like it okay so join us over there right now uh hey if you're not an awakened wonder yet you should become one because look at this recipe this list of fantastic things that you receive if you use the code god is great you get a month

for free for God's sake and let's put that in our first 15 that God is great things it reminds me to say that there's a special offer which I think is the biggest driver of it because we need you actually to support this movement because we are under attack from the establishment and we require your support it's absolutely vital it's absolutely necessary even

now our enemies gather the dark hearted serpents that they are and we must oppose them and the only way we can oppose them is through true unity that's why we do a meditation every week we do a weekly book club we're doing mere Christianity which has a surprising number of spelling errors in it we do additional conversations after the show

which is what we're doing right after this one. And I want to welcome Grinzilla, St. William, Reverend Jack, and so many more other new members like Trandani, Ifeorenza1. So guys, I hope you've enjoyed the show. I hope that you will join us by clicking the link in the description to see us talk about fish taking cocaine and why the hell not. Everyone's got to have a little bit of fun, ain't they? A little bit of cocaine down the old gills, car nurture. Join us tomorrow, not for more of the same, but for more of the different. Until then, if you can, stay free. ♪

Here's the fucking news.