Stats + Stories

Statistics need Stories to give them meaning. Stories need Statistics to give them credibility. Ever


Total: 382

Nick Thieme (@FurrierTranform) is a research fellow at University of California Hastings Institute f

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham) is Chief Scientist at RStudio, a member of the R Foundation, and Adj

Kathyrn Miles ( @Kathryn_Miles ) is a journalist, Writer-in-residence at Green Mountain College and

Andreas V. Georgiou is an economist with specializations in Monetary Theory and Stabilization Policy

Luke Bornn (@LukeBornn) is currently Vice President, Strategy and Analytics for the Sacramento Kings

Diane Coyle. Diane is founder of Enlightenment Economics , and Bennett Professor of Public Policy at

Ty Tashiro (@tytashiro) is an author and relationship expert. He wrote Awkward: The Science of Why W

Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar is a senior statistician and Director of the Statistics Advisory Center at RAN

Gary King (@kinggary) is the Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor and Director of the Inst

Kerrie Mengersen (@KerrieMengersen) is Distinguished Professor at the Queensland University of Techn

Peter Guttorp (@pgseattle) is a Professor at the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo, Norway, and Pro

Rebecca Goldin ( @rebegol ) is a professor of mathematics George Mason University and the Director o

Davina P. Durgana (@DavinaDurgana) is Assistant Professor and Senior Practitioner Faculty at SIT Gra

Ty Tashiro (@tytashiro) is an author and relationship expert. He wrote Awkward: The Science of Why W

Nick Thieme (@FurrierTranform) is a research fellow at University of California Hastings Institute f

David Banks is a statistician at Duke University. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Associa

Glenn Platt ​(@glennplatt) is the C. Michael Armstrong Professor of Network Technology & Management

David Banks is a statistician at Duke University. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Associa

Linda J. Young is Chief Mathematical Statistician and Director of Research and Development of USDA's

Linda J. Young is Chief Mathematical Statistician and Director of Research and Development of USDA's