cover of episode Pastor Jeff Solwold: The Role of the Pastor – the Person, the Position, the Practice

Pastor Jeff Solwold: The Role of the Pastor – the Person, the Position, the Practice

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Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Today, Mary Danielsen talks with Pastor Jeff Solwold of Calvary Chapel of Madison). Jeff’s teaching ministry, Upward Call, is a thorough, edifying systematic look at the Scriptures with fresh and encouraging insights to help the listener draw ever closer to the Saviour. Today we look at the role of the pastor, the definition of which is all too often taken from a file drawer job description, or – heaven forbid – an example gleaned from a YouTube channel focused on modern day methodology, often devoid of the Holy Spirit. We understand from Acts 20:28,”Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” In other words, give attention to and devote thought to, leading like a shepherd – those God has put in your charge, because this flock of yours was purchased with the blood of Jesus. A sobering charge from Paul that pop culture pastors among us should, well, give heed to.


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