Sports Motivation Podcast

Take control of your sports career and start DOMINATING your competition. The "I'm Not You" Sports D


Total: 1101

There are many things we are never taught, and this lack of knowledge can (and often does) lead to c

In this epsiode I share some powerful strategies for dealing with grief, depression and all varietie

In this epsidoe I share some powerful and practical things to consider before any athlete gets marri

In this epsiodes I give a complete breakdown on how athletes should approach dating, relationships a

In this epsiode I break down practical steps to start building an authenitc confidence and stop cari

The "Game 7" Lifestyle


This a thorough breakdown of a mentality that will alter the way you look at competition, success an

How to be cold as ICE


How do you develop the poise under pressure that the most elite performers have? How do you get your

You can never have too much confidence, and in this episode I share some actionable tips for how to

In this episode, I break down some practical and game changing advice from Wallace D Wattles, author

It's a great feeling to be locked in and motivated, and doing all you need in order to accomplish yo

A Pattern of Control


Domination is about control. In this epsiode I break down the steps to develop a pattern of control.

In this epsiode I break down some wisodom from Larry June about when to know when to DELETE someone

Am I doing too much?


Have you ever been going so hard, you begin to wonder if you're doing too much? Thoughts come up of.

How should you handle getting frustrated with your training?  What should you do when your training

In this epsidoe I break down a bar from Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power, which encourages us to tre

Enjoy this brutal wake up call from legendary entreprenuer Felix Dennis, on the dangers of looking f

There's noting worse than being locked in and on point for months and weeks, only to lose momentum o

In this episode I share powerful insight from Kobe Bryant on leadership, and lay out a practical fra

These 5 habits will turn you into the ultimate competitor. Click here to learn about mindset coachin

This is a powerful method I created in respose to recently being overwhelmed by what felt like an ab