cover of episode SMW 037: How Jesus Christs Atonement is Helping One Young Woman Heal from Pornography Addiction || Ashlee Ayre

SMW 037: How Jesus Christs Atonement is Helping One Young Woman Heal from Pornography Addiction || Ashlee Ayre

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Spiritually Minded Women Podcast

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Ashlee Ayre is a 20 year old woman who loves acting and playing the piano. She comes from a large family and also became addicted to pornography at age 11 starting with looking up pictures and words in a dictionary she found in her home. In the interview, Ashlee discusses her experiences with quitting pornography several times in her teen years but never really experiencing healing until she turned to the Savior. She shares how we can change the discussion about pornography in the church from shame to emphasizing the beauty of repentance through Christ’s atonement instead. Ashlee acknowledges that the single greatest thing that has helped has been knowing her divine worth as an “amazing daughter of God.”

Journal Questions The Life Help section of the church’s Gospel Library app is a great resource when you need guidance and help with challenges. The section for pornography provides ways you can help yourself, your spouse, your child or others. Open up the Gospel Library app on your phone and click on the Life Help button. Explore the topics you feel guided to to help yourself and those around you.   Ashlee shared that a major shift happened in her healing when she started to understand her worth. President Nelson was once asked how to help those struggling with pornography and his response was “Teach them their identity and their purpose.” President Nelson’s counsel can apply to any personal challenge. How can you learn more about your identity and purpose? How can you help those you serve such as your children or youth you know understand their worth and purpose?   Satan wants us to feel shame and keep the things we are struggling with to ourselves. But as Ashlee shared, when we are humble and open up, we can get the help we need. Sharing also helps us get out of darkness and shame and step into the light and love of Jesus Christ and the repentance His atonement offers. Is there something you are keeping inside that feels dark and shameful? Who could you share it with to let the Savior’s light in to your journey? Pray for guidance to know how to share your struggle.

Episode Links Follow Ashlee on Instagram (She is open to questions via DM): @ashleeayre Find the quote I referenced from President Nelson in Elder Tad R. Callister’s BYU Devotional, Our Identity and Our Destiny Visit the Life Help section on the Gospel Library App Join the Spiritually Minded Women email list: Follow Spiritually Minded Women on Instagram: @spirituallymindedwomen Watch the podcast on YouTube: Spiritually Minded Women channel

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