Georgiana: 美国投票有明确的资格要求,必须是美国公民且年满18岁。不同州的登记投票方式略有不同,有些州允许当天登记,有些州需要提前登记。美国有三种类型的选举:总统选举(每四年一次)、中期选举(每两年一次)以及地方选举(每年可能都有)。投票方式主要有三种:选举日当天亲自投票、提前亲自投票和邮寄投票。亲自投票时,需要根据所在州的情况查看是否需要携带身份证件。投票流程包括:收到选票、标记选择、提交选票。一些重要的投票相关词汇包括:选票 (ballot),投票站 (polling place),缺席投票 (absentee ballot),候选人 (candidate)。 Hannah: 第一次在美国投票的经历充满紧张和自豪感。在投票站排队时,周围的人们分享着共同参与重要事件的感受。一位年长者给予鼓励,让她感到安心。投票过程让她深刻体会到自己拥有表达声音和参与社会的机会,选票不仅仅是一张纸,更是她参与社会变革的工具。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the basic requirements to vote in the United States?

To vote in the U.S., you must be a U.S. citizen, be 18 years old or older, and register to vote. Some states allow same-day registration, while others require registration ahead of time.

What are the three main ways to vote in the U.S.?

The three main ways to vote are: in person on election day at a polling place, early in person before election day, and by mail, which may require requesting a ballot.

What types of elections are held in the U.S.?

The U.S. holds presidential elections every four years, midterm elections every two years (halfway through a president's term), and local elections annually for positions like mayor or city council.

What is an absentee ballot and when is it used?

An absentee ballot is a ballot that is mailed in, often used when a voter is out of town or unable to vote in person.

What is the significance of the 'I Voted' sticker?

The 'I Voted' sticker is a way to celebrate and show participation in the voting process, symbolizing civic engagement and pride.

What is the role of a polling place in the voting process?

A polling place is the designated location where voters go to cast their ballots in person on election day.

This chapter explains the voting process in the USA, including who is eligible to vote, different types of elections, and the three main ways to cast a vote: in person, early in person, and by mail. It also defines key vocabulary related to voting.
  • Requirements to vote in the US: US citizenship and 18 years of age or older
  • Three ways to vote: in person on election day, early in person, and by mail
  • Key vocabulary: ballot, polling place, absentee ballot, candidate

Shownotes Transcript

This week, we had elections in the U.S., which is a great time to discuss voting! I’ll explain how voting works in the USA —who can vote, how to do it, and some useful words. If voting seems confusing, don’t worry—I’ll make it simple. Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :) Get the transcript on my website: