Sommerfeld Lecture Series (ASC)

Every semester the Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics invites a distinguished theoreti


Total: 51

Life on Earth is wonderfully diverse, with a multitude of life forms, structures and evolutionary me

Advances in light sources and time resolved spectroscopy have made it possible to excite specific at

This talk will present an overview of recent progress towards a solution of one of the grand-challen

Superconductivity, the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with no resistance whatso

A combination of ideas originating from Condensed Matter physics, Supersymmetric Field Theory, and A

Global symmetries and gauge symmetries have played a crucial role in physics. The idea of duality de

In recent decades, physicists and astronomers have discovered two beautiful Standard Models, one for

Two of the most amazing ideas in physics are the holographic principle and quantum error correction.

Aside from enabling revolutionary future technologies, quantum information science is providing powe

The quantum laws governing atoms and other tiny objects seem to defy common sense, and information e

One hundred years ago, D’Arcy Thompson – a nineteenth century polymath, working at the turn of the t

When we think about evolution, it is typically in the context of natural history, seeking an explana

Our understanding of simple solids, is firmly grounded on the Fermi liquid concept and powerful comp

Strongly correlated metals exhibit anomalous transport properties which have puzzled condensed matte

Superconductivity is a state of matter where electrons can flow without resistance and where magneti

The Principle of Least Action is both profound and practical. Since its first formulation by Maupert

The theory of phase transitions splits between abrupt transitions (nucleation and growth, critical d

“With four parameters I can fit an elephant; with five I can make it wag its tail.” Systems biology

A piece of paper or candy wrapper crackles when it is crumpled. A magnet crackles when you change it

Does the world embody beautiful ideas? Pythagoras and Plato intuited that it should, Newton and Maxw