cover of episode What Makes You an Introvert or Extrovert? & Why Things Smell

What Makes You an Introvert or Extrovert? & Why Things Smell

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Something You Should Know

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ann-Sophie Barwich
Holly Gerth
Mike Carruthers
Mike Carruthers:探讨了人们对内向性格的误解,以及内向和外向的本质区别。文章指出,内向并非缺陷,而是与生俱来的性格特征,内向者拥有独特的优势,例如洞察力、反应能力和建立有意义的关系的能力。 Holly Gerth:详细解释了内向和外向的定义,强调两者并非非此即彼,而是一个连续谱。她指出内向者并非不善社交,只是对外部刺激的耐受度较低,更倾向于在低刺激的环境中获得能量。她还澄清了内向与害羞的区别,并指出内向者在创造力和领导力方面也具有独特的优势。她认为,社会应该更包容地看待内向者,并帮助他们发挥自身优势。 Holly Gerth:进一步解释了内向者对刺激的偏好,以及他们如何体验快乐。她指出,内向者和外向者体验快乐的方式不同,内向者的快乐是平静和满足,而外向者的快乐是兴奋和热情。她还强调,内向者并非不善社交,只是在社交后需要时间独处来恢复精力。她鼓励内向者接纳自己的性格,并利用自身的优势为社会做出贡献。她还分享了一些策略,帮助内向者更好地应对社交场合。

Deep Dive

While often seen as productivity killers, interruptions in the workplace can foster a sense of belonging and increase job satisfaction, according to a new study. This is because humans are social beings with an inherent need for interaction, and interruptions can provide that social connection.
  • Interruptions can be beneficial
  • Interruptions can increase job satisfaction

Shownotes Transcript

When you are focused on a task, interruptions can be annoying and maddening. Yet, there may be a positive side to interruptions that balance out the negative. This episode begins with some surprising research the suggests there is a silver lining to being interrupted.

What determines whether you are an introvert or extrovert? Is one better than the other? Can you change which one you are? Are all introverts shy? These are just a few of the questions I tackle in my conversation with Holley Gerth. Holly hosts the podcast More Than Small Talk ( and she is also author of the book The Powerful Purpose of Introverts ( Whether you consider yourself an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in the middle, you should hear what she has to say. Holly’s website is

Have you noticed how certain smells and odors can instantly transport you back to a time or place in your past? Why do you like some smells but hate others? Is there any smell that people universally love or hate? Your sense of smell is unlike any other sense you have. And here to help you understand how it works is Ann-Sophie Barwich. She is a cognitive scientist, an empirical philosopher as well as an assistant professor at Indiana University Bloomington. She is also author of the book. Smellosophy: What the Nose Tells the Mind (

Do you know what MAYDAY or SOS really mean? Of course, they are universally known distress signals but is SOS an acronym for something? What does MAYDAY refer to? Unless you know the answer, you will never guess. Listen as I explain the surprising story.

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