cover of episode Taking That Leap Into Your One Wild & Precious Life with Guest Wendy Valentine

Taking That Leap Into Your One Wild & Precious Life with Guest Wendy Valentine

logo of podcast Solo Travel Adventures: Safe Travel for Women, Preparing for a Trip, Overcoming Fear, Travel Tips

Solo Travel Adventures: Safe Travel for Women, Preparing for a Trip, Overcoming Fear, Travel Tips

Shownotes Transcript

Guest Interview with Wendy Valentine of The Midlife Makeover ShowWendy Valentine, writer, motivational speaker, master coach, and host of The Midlife Makeover Show, ranked in the top 1.5% in the world out of 3 million podcasts and #1 in midlife on iTunes and Spotify, is a champion for midlifers. Since Wendy’s own midlife revolution, she’s been helping people all over the world navigate challenges over 50 to create their best second half of life. Wendy has taken RV trips across the US with tales of not knowing what she was doing to becoming an accomplished RV owner. Her life advice has often in ways correlated with her travel adventures and lessons along the way.Nuggets of Truth:1) The craziest and wildest ideas are often the best ideas. Don't talk yourself out of it.2) When you know your "WHY", you will find your way.3) FEAR- is simply False Evidence Appearing Real. Ask yourself, is this fear real?4) The greatest lesson Wendy learned during her first RV travels was, she needed to get out of her own way.5) "Leap and the net will appear" by John Burroughs6) Build up your bottle of COURAGE by doing things again and again-take action and leap.7) Travel makes you more resilent.8) Life is like a buffet-sample different things.9) You can always pivot-live without regrets-DO IT!"What will you do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

https://wendyvalentine.comhttp://midlifemakeoveryoutube.comhttp://themidlifemakeovershow.comInstagram @wendy_valentine

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