Solo – The Single Person’s Guide to a Remarkable Life

“Solo - The Single Person's Guide to a Remarkable Life” by Dr. Peter McGraw, seeks to celebrate and


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Stephanie McHugh a Denver-based comedian, returns as a guest co-host to join Peter McGraw in convers

Peter McGraw speaks to Diana Adams, the founder of the Chosen Family Law Center, Inc. and boutique L

Book Club: 4,000 Weeks


Peter McGraw welcomes Laura Grant and Amy Gahran into the Solo Studio for the second Solo book club.

In this episode, Peter McGraw speaks to Steve Ainslie, a remarkable Solo, about how Steve put his li

Enjoy Your Solo


Peter McGraw speaks to Mary Delia Allen about her book Enjoy Your Solo.Love the show? Subscribe

A Rich Remarkable Life


Peter McGraw speaks to Dr. Erin Westgate about her research on living a psychologically rich life.Lo

Peter McGraw welcomes Laura Grant and Amy Gahran into the Solo Studio for the first ever Solo book c

Singles Only Meets Solo


Paul Farahvar, the host of the Singles Only podcast, and Julie Nirvelli, a frequent co-host of Solo,

Peter McGraw welcomes back Monique Murad (Freedom in Community) to play "Truth or Truth." It's a fun

Sexual Fasting


In Solo Episode 150: Looking Forward, Backward, and Inward, Peter McGraw talks about how he is exper

Kym Terribile and Peter McGraw discuss Peter's contract with Diversion Books to publish Solo in Janu

Paul Shirley


Peter McGraw invites Paul Shirley, a writer, entrepreneur, and retired professional basketball playe

Becoming Bisexual


Peter McGraw invites two friends into the Solo Studio to discuss what appears to be an emerging shif

Are You Thriving Or Coping?


Compared to research on married people, there is little being done to investigate the well-being of

How To Turn Down A Date


In the last episode, Jill Cohen, Stephanie McHugh, and Peter McGraw talked about how many solos are

How To Not Go On A Date


You may remember a previous episode, “How to go on a date.” This is a long overdue follow-up for non

Contemporary Spinsterhood


The Solo movement is growing. Lucy Meggeson has a wonderful new podcast for single childless women:

Emotional Intelligence


In the third installment in a series on the invention of marriage and cooperation, Peter McGraw spea

The Social Leap


How can something so complex and far-reaching as marriage could be invented and so widely adopted? T

The All-or-Nothing Marriage


To understand single living, you need to understand non-single-living – especially the 800-pound gor