cover of episode The Future of Offensive Pentesting with Mark Goodwin

The Future of Offensive Pentesting with Mark Goodwin

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Software Engineering Daily

Gregor Vand
Mark Goodwin
Mark Goodwin: 本人拥有四年半Bishop Fox工作经验和美国空军网络作战背景。Cosmos平台是攻击性渗透测试的未来,能够追踪新兴威胁并识别客户可能不知道的攻击面。Cosmos平台提供真实的积极结果(已验证漏洞)和消极结果(不存在漏洞),自动化处理低风险漏洞,将更复杂任务留给人工操作。Cosmos平台的演变过程是持续改进的过程,随着客户需求和经验积累,平台的功能和报告范围不断扩大。Cosmos平台利用AI和LLM技术提高漏洞识别和优先级排序效率,并持续关注新兴威胁,以保护客户安全。对于那些刚进入安全行业的人,建议要重视技术能力,并与优秀的团队成员合作。 Gregor Vand: 就大型企业客户的攻击面,Bishop Fox采用先广度后深度的策略,先识别所有子公司和关联公司,再深入研究其资产。Cosmos平台的自动化渗透测试与红队行动有所不同,Cosmos的目标是让客户发现漏洞,而红队行动则注重隐蔽性。紫队是红队和蓝队合作的一种方法,旨在识别攻击模式并改进防御措施。SOC 2合规性促使Bishop Fox改进其流程和实践,客户通常会关注漏洞对数据安全的影响,而不是SOC 2合规性。Cosmos平台未来的发展方向是增强客户自助服务功能,并扩展其服务范围,利用AI和LLM技术提高效率。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Mark Goodwin join Bishop Fox?

Mark joined Bishop Fox in March 2020 to work on the Cosmos platform, which focuses on continuous offensive security at scale, aligning with his interest in staying ahead of nation-state actors and emerging threats.

What is the primary goal of Bishop Fox's Cosmos platform?

The Cosmos platform aims to provide continuous offensive security testing at scale, helping customers identify and address vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.

How does Bishop Fox differentiate between red teaming and continuous external pen testing?

Red teaming involves high-stakes, stealthy operations where the goal is to avoid detection, while continuous external pen testing aims to be detected as a positive sign of effective security measures.

What are some key features of the Cosmos platform?

Cosmos includes automated attack surface discovery, continuous web application pen testing, and prioritization of vulnerabilities, with plans to expand into internal pen testing.

Why is subdomain takeover a critical focus for Cosmos?

Subdomain takeover vulnerabilities can lead to phishing attacks, credential harvesting, and damage to customer trust, making them a high-priority issue for Cosmos to address.

How does Cosmos handle large enterprise attack surfaces?

Cosmos uses a breadth-first approach to identify subsidiaries and domains, leveraging tools and open-source intelligence to build a comprehensive attack surface before conducting depth-first vulnerability assessments.

What role does AI and LLMs play in Cosmos's future?

AI and LLMs are being explored to enhance attack surface discovery, improve vulnerability prioritization, and streamline processes like parsing SEC filings and other data sources for faster, more accurate insights.

How does Cosmos balance automation with human expertise?

Cosmos automates low-level, repetitive tasks like identifying directory listings or subdomain takeovers, while reserving more complex, creative exploits for human operators to ensure validated, high-quality findings.

What challenges does Cosmos face in managing continuous security testing?

The main challenges include prioritizing vulnerabilities across large attack surfaces, ensuring continuous scanning without overwhelming customers, and staying ahead of emerging threats to maintain high signal-to-noise ratios.

How has SOC 2 compliance impacted Bishop Fox?

SOC 2 compliance has helped Bishop Fox ensure internal processes align with best practices, but it hasn't directly driven new business. Customers typically handle SOC 2 compliance internally based on findings provided by Bishop Fox.

Shownotes Transcript

Offensive penetration testing, or offensive pentesting, involves actively probing a system, network, or application to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, mimicking the tactics of real-world attackers. The goal is to assess security weaknesses and provide actionable insights to strengthen defenses before malicious actors can exploit them.

Bishop Fox) is a private professional services firm focused on offensive security testing. Mark Goodwin) is the Director of Operations at Bishop Fox and he was previously an officer in the U.S. Air Force where he did cyberspace operations. Mark joins the podcast with Gregor Vand to talk about Bishop Fox and the future of offensive pentesting.

)Gregor Vand is a security-focused technologist, and is the founder and CTO of Mailpass. Previously, Gregor was a CTO across cybersecurity, cyber insurance and general software engineering companies. He has been based in Asia Pacific for almost a decade and can be found via his profile at


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