本周播客的高光是tips of the week:Zane与大家分享了间歇性断食这一席卷健身圈的饮食方式,而Rita则为常感到疲惫的朋友们介绍了休息的七种正确方式。我们也通过讨论美剧中描绘的高中生活比较了中美高中生活的不同,聊了聊租房与独居的那些事儿。还记得我们上周立的flag吗?Zane过了充实的一周,Rita也完成了一周运动4次的小目标。希望大家的一周也在充实中度过,制定的小目标顺利达成。
Highlight of the week is out tips of the week: Zane has shared her journey of experimenting with intermittent diet, while Rita brought in the novel concept of 7 types of rest. This week we discussed the different high school lives in the U.S. and China and the pros and cons of living alone. Share your week with us as well!