Sofia with an F

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Total: 273

It’s been awhile since I’ve fully let you in Sloots, and for that I’m apologizing. But I’m also apol

We all know Sofia is not a doctor, but she does have a degree in Googling. In today's seminar, Sofia

Today's guest needs no introduction - nor does she need Americas approval. Today Sofia is joined by

On this week’s SOS, Sofia talks about playing the "I have a boyfriend" card, how to use the luck of

In New York, there’s a lot of bad apples, but she’s the baddest of the bunch - and we’re just trying

Drugs are one hell of a drug. Sofia considers growing out her armpit hair on her journey to solving

Being single isn’t that bad—trust us. Just ask today’s guest, Matthew Hussey, who realized he was le

Does life ever get easier? Does 15 years of friendship even mean anything anymore? To cheat or not t

I don’t want another pretty face, I don’t want just - you guys know how the song goes. Today we welc

Sofia gives tips on how to make the most out of your solo vacation while recounting everything that

Feeling trapped, living on the edge of fear, and trying to resolve and live with trauma are all phas

Are you hot or are you ‘chill’ hot? Are you dating a narcissistic man? Are you struggling to find a

Unfortunately, you won’t be getting any homemade Cheez-It’s around here but you WILL be gossiping ab

A little CBD with a side of THC is a sure fire way to get Sofia into the hospital. And can we PLEASE

Imagine losing your makeup bag on day one and your phone on the last day—classic me, right? But hey,

Sofia answers the Sloots’ questions, stories and advice of the week. WRITE TO SOFIA HERE: https://do

When they're not dodging earthquakes, they’re crashing political rallies and spilling tea on everyth

Up in the gym just working on my fitness.Follow Sofia on: Instagram -

Meet Sara Jane Ho, the etiquette queen who's turning stuffy manners upside down and inside out - she

 Sofia answers the Sloots’ questions, stories and advice of the week.WRITE TO SOFIA HERE: https://do