旁白:本案讲述了一对来自加纳的夫妇在美国遭遇不幸,被发现双双遇害。案情扑朔迷离,涉及到巫毒仪式、经济纠纷和复杂的感情纠葛。警方抽丝剥茧,最终揭开了这起令人震惊的谋杀案的真相。 塞斯的表弟:塞斯和尤尼斯失联,报警后警方发现两人遇害。塞斯与前妻谢丽尔存在经济纠纷,但表弟不确定这是否与谋杀案有关。 谢丽尔:谢丽尔是塞斯的妻子,两人已分居并办理离婚手续。谢丽尔声称她弟弟案发时不在马里兰州,并否认自己与谋杀案有关。但警方调查发现她持有的通行证被用于进入案发现场,且她与德福德的关系密切。 谢丽尔的弟弟:谢丽尔的弟弟承认参与了谋杀案,并供述了案发经过。他表示德福德是主要凶手,自己只是从犯。 德福德:德福德是谢丽尔的男友,警方在其储物单元中发现了写有诅咒字样的蜡烛,以及与案发现场鞋印相符的靴子。在塞斯的指甲下发现了德福德的DNA,最终被判犯有谋杀罪。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did police suspect voodoo rituals were involved in the murders of Seth Adu and Eunice Ba?

Police found a pillar candle with the inscription 'Die, die, die, die, die, set the doom' in a storage unit, suggesting a possible voodoo ritual connection.

How did detectives determine that Seth Adu was the primary target in the murders?

Seth was stabbed over 40 times, indicating a personal and violent attack, while Eunice was shot once in the head, suggesting she was collateral damage.

What significant financial motive did Sheila Adu have for the murders of her ex-husband Seth Adu and his fiancée Eunice Ba?

Sheila was the beneficiary of a million-dollar life insurance policy on Seth, which would have expired if their divorce was finalized before his death.

How did Samuel Cully's confession help solve the murders of Seth Adu and Eunice Ba?

Samuel admitted to his involvement and revealed details about the attack, including the use of a transponder and garage door opener to enter the victims' home.

What evidence ultimately linked Sheila Adu to the conspiracy of the murders?

Handwriting analysis confirmed that Sheila inscribed the voodoo candle found in the storage unit, implicating her in the ritualistic aspect of the crime.

How did the community of Oak Creek react to the murders of Seth Adu and Eunice Ba?

The community was shocked and disturbed, given the high level of security and gated nature of the neighborhood where the murders occurred.

What was the significance of the transponder in the investigation of the murders?

The transponder was used to gain access to the gated community and the victims' home, and its use was captured on surveillance footage, leading to suspects.

How did Sheila Adu's alibi for the night of the murders hold up?

Her daycare workers provided an alibi, stating she was at home and could not have been at the crime scene during the murders.

What was the motive behind the violent nature of Seth Adu's murder?

The extreme violence, including over 40 stab wounds, suggests a personal vendetta or deep-seated anger towards Seth, likely stemming from his relationship with Sheila and his new life with Eunice.

How did the discovery of Eunice Ba's car impact the investigation?

The car was found with keys and personal belongings inside, suggesting it was not a robbery, as no valuables were taken, and the car was not driven far.

The chapter details the discovery of the brutal murders of Seth Adu and Eunice Ba, highlighting the violent nature of the crime and the initial investigation.
  • Seth Adu was stabbed multiple times, and Eunice Ba was shot in the head.
  • The crime scene indicated a violent struggle with significant blood evidence.
  • The absence of weapons at the scene suggests they were taken by the killers.

Shownotes Transcript

Police look at voodoo rituals when two Ghanian immigrants are murdered in their Maryland home.

Season 30 Episode 26

Originally aired: April 10, 2022

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